Soul Calibur 6 Discussion

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Talim was a, if insecure, strong willed holy warrior (She is a priestess after all), who would often do her task, then the wind started to eat up her personality, she became much more sweet and most of her interactions showed a lot of worry about her capabilities. I don't dislike or like her as a character, but her fighting style was always interesting and I hope if she is back that team soul will try to make her a bit better.
The reason I’ve always loved Talim is because she is kind — not interested in killing anyone, taking revenge, or hurting anyone. She even revives Algol’s son in SCIV (although a belief in Filipino culture is also that you see your loved ones before death so it’s worth mentioning that).
I never even thought about Talim wearing tube tops and stuff and being underage tbh that never even occurred to me but that’s a good point.
But her play style reminded me of an up close and quick Siegfried with have so many stances and being able to switch between them all. Very quick and fun to play.
I think that they did a disservice to Talim by having her story revolve around Yun-Seong and Seong-Mina because they were “low tier characters” they weren’t worked on in SCV to completion, and Project Soul never really attempted to main stream their story.
Talim’s a unique character, in that, her personality revolves around helping everyone. She’s down to earth and doesn’t seem to want to fight even apologizing for striking much like Pyrrha, minus the evil shards and the intimacy with her family members.
You know what I was thinking about? Remember the Chronicles of the Swords characters from SC3? You know, Luna, Chester, Strife, Girardot, Demuth, Aurelia and Abelia? I wonder if any of them would be included in SC6 as a part of the main canon if @Vergeben 's information about the story being completely new is true.
wow she does sound like Lisa Simpson

*listens to clip*

It's... true


Her design comes down to being and banking on being pure and cute, and people probably liking the novelty of a kid fighting grown ass characters and characters like Astaroth and Nightmare for instance.

Good points you brought up. Don't let him put you on the defensive.

What I want to bring up is the contrast in popularity between Talim vs Leixia.

Both fit into the tiny 15 year old asian girl subtrope, but is their personalities the reason why there is such a difference ? I make no comment on the movesets and want to focus on their outward appearances/personalities. I personally can't stand Talim, but if other people like her it gives me motivation to crush her in a match so it is all good.

Talim's motives and personality are closest to Sophitia (without consideration to her children). In fact, before we knew when SC6 would take place,prior to SC1 I was going to assume Talim in SC6 (if it chronologically goes after SC5) to be more like Sophitia.

Leixia seems more like SB seong mina in terms of motives and of course like her mother in terms of bubbly personality.

What I disagree with you (and I won't be an asshole to go around accusing you of being asinine just because we have different opinions) is you're inferring there is some less-than-moral. reason why men would like something "innocent/pure/cute".

I like puppy dogs, and I don't think that makes me a monster.

Obviously there are some that can be questionable "Uncle Paul" types, so I hope when her armor gets broken her clothes doesn't explode off her revealing just panties and a training bra,
wow she does sound like Lisa Simpson
Talim's English VA is actually Teen Titans/Teen Titans Go's Starfire, Princess Bubblegum (Adventure Time), and Nia from Gurren Lagann's voice actress.
I've seen people egregiously list or think (because they fail to decipher voices on a basic level) that Talim was voiced on Soul Calibur III and IV by Kate Higgins. No. No she was not. She was voiced by Hynden Walch.
Had they actually listed English voices and not unlisted them in the credits for those games for some reason, it wouldn't even be a discussion or "debate," even though there's nothing to debate. That's Hynden Walch.
*Le sigh* Okay kids didn't think I'd have to do this but enough with the nipples, dicks, asses, and titty talk. I know there's not much to talk about with no new information but things are getting a bit racy so I'm going to ask nicely that if you are bringing up the aesthetic aspect of the game you don't turn the point into some skeevy sexual thing. Also I know most of you don't know the difference but there are a lot of other things that you can take from the videos we've seen involving new moves, old moves returning, etc. I encourage those that can recognize the differences to speak up and maybe start discussing those things. Either way I'm sure we'll get some new content/news in the next coming month and we'll all have some different things to talk/get excited about.
Okay, I noticed Sophie got a lot of moves that look like strings, which were most common in SE, anyone think they are going to bring a more string heavy gameplay after SC IV and V lacking an emphasis on them?
What I disagree with you (and I won't be an asshole to go around accusing you of being asinine just because we have different opinions) is you're inferring there is some less-than-moral. reason why men would like something "innocent/pure/cute".

I like puppy dogs, and I don't think that makes me a monster.
Truth. Sure, I do like her designs, (most of them anyway), but the thing I like most about Talim is her playstyle. The idea that you can pull off a string of moves and spins and jumps, so that, in theory, you can force your turn on your opponent. And of course, look stylish doing it, lol.

I also really appreciate the fact that she's a breath of fresh air for the cast. While everyones favorites are all "Die, Begone, Scatter, The End", she's a far more realistic representation of someone who pushes on despite being "in over her head" so to speak.
I think that they did a disservice to Talim by having her story revolve around Yun-Seong and Seong-Mina because they were “low tier characters”
Most of whatever Talim does has always been very obscured because of this and her lack of an objective, personal motivation to her character which I think can be a bit of a weakness if people want more than just the 'goodie-two-shoes' character she kind of is, but being a child/prodigy as Raphael refers to her being a "little one needing a nap" I could see her naivety being her appeal. Though I she should have just gotten with Yun-Seoung and had a kid in SCV just to wrap up that "will they or won't they" thing they had in SCIII.

Talim’s a unique character, in that, her personality revolves around helping everyone. She’s down to earth and doesn’t seem to want to fight even apologizing for striking much like Pyrrha, minus the evil shards and the intimacy with her family members.
Talim and Pyrrha could have fit the same archetype but what they tried to do with Pyrrha is what Talim avoided. Talim is more of a genuine character (though I prefer her in SCII), while Pyrrha ended up being gratingly whiny and moe. I get Talim's gimmick is being cute and innocent but, I do miss her assertive, wiser characterization in SCII. Though which do Talim fans really prefer?

Talim's English VA is actually Teen Titans/Teen Titans Go's Starfire, Princess Bubblegum (Adventure Time), and Nia from Gurren Lagann's voice actress.
I've seen people egregiously list or think (because they fail to decipher voices on a basic level) that Talim was voiced on Soul Calibur III and IV by Kate Higgins. No. No she was not. She was voiced by Hynden Walch.
Had they actually listed English voices and not unlisted them in the credits for those games for some reason, it wouldn't even be a discussion or "debate," even though there's nothing to debate. That's Hynden Walch.
I could have sworn every website source said that Kate Higgins did the voice, so its not that people are just guessing that. Though Scheherazade in SCIV is credited to Stephanie Sheh, even though the voice sounds nothing like her.
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I hate to address an elephant in the room, but.... Talim is underage and wears mid-rift clothing and a tube top in her first appearance on SCII. See through pants later on SCIV. I don't want to group why she has a big fanbase or who they entail strictly down to one reason, but you can draw your own conclusions pretty easily why some do like her, which has to do with her being a lolibait type character.
Debatable. I mean Talim's character in SCII was different than it was in SCIII. The moe thing that Talim has now was really her shift in SCIII, as opposed to her more generic but passable character in SCII. Still, her marketing on just being the innocent character is still more self-supported than it being an innuendo most of the time. Amy on the other hand, is much more overtly sexualized for some reason by PS, looking at how PS advertised her in LS with those hentai outfits and Seoung Mi-na's P2 outfit, plus the fact she is treated more like a CAS character than any other official character is. Talim is at least taken more seriously by PS than Amy is.

IGrown men liking her as adamantly as they do always made me raise an eyebrow. I know she's very popular with female fans. Which you can deduce is because she's a cute, spunky kind of character and female gamers are statically drawn to characters like that. But I'd be lying if I didn't say her fanbase of guys kind of always gave me some bad vibes at times because I didn't know which side of the fence they sat on as to why they like her, so to speak. lol
There are female Talim fans that are more open about Talim's return and people talking about her being the only Filipino character, etc but it is hard to argue as a grown man your demand for Talim on the character traits she has (cute, naive, spunky) lol. Thats considered quality woman traits in Japan but in the west, I can't argue that without specific context, its hard to demand her for just that or even using that as your argument. Then again, what could possibly be said about Amy's character that wouldn't be creepy? Amy is (Cute, Quiet, Docile, Shy, Condescending) etc. You just can't do it. lol.
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