Pretty Birdy of Death

Wait really? I thought Decopon supposedly was on the development team for Tira this time around?

It was the Day 1 Build with out Tira (Disc Locked Content to hype up the Season Pass).

Yea, she seems bottom tier right now. I will still play her because shes fun and her mood swings are pretty cool even if sometimes they screw me over. Im primarily a Tekken player and this mechanic is completely fresh to me.
She really does need better frames - 12f A in JS; 1B in JS should give +3/+4 on hit, same with 1K in GS. That would make her close range pressure and poking a lot more reliable and threatening. Right now, faster chars(which is most of the roster) can challenge her even after getting hit.

You don't understand Tira. Jolly is Weak, but Gloomy is Strong. Tira is fine.
just because you can work around it with considerably more effort doesn't mean almost everyone else isn't just plain stronger than her. it's just facts. of course you can make her work, just as much as you can make Talim or Taki work, but even those two have some weird op gimmicks that are quite simple and safer to execute.

even if you try to rapidly switch between JS and GS there is a high chance you will be punished with a headache, which, unless your opponent is brain dead, will cost you half of your health or the entire match. you also have to pay for these with your health regardless of the outcome.
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Oh yea, some other stupid shit that Tira players have to deal with:
1) self dmg with lots of Gloomy moves(and 4K in both stances) - shes nowhere near strong enough to justify this kind of crap. Not to mention when the round goes to the last points of HP she literally cant use most of her Gloomy moves because she will stun herself....
2) RNG self stun from B+K when shes goes "Owie!" - remove it completely.
3) Lethal Hits - oh boy, if she wasnt bad enough.... Those LH triggers are so stupid, its like nobody tested this shit in real matches. Other chars get at least few practical LHs, fucking Voldo Lethal Hits you in Mantis Crawl just for Stand Guarding!

Aris just checked her movelist recently, his impression can be summarized by - "She sucks!"
If anyone's interested
Bye lol


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She takes a lot more effort and doesn't always pay off. B+K and the B+K aGI's headaches need to be removed, and the headbutt from self-damage that would've killed you should be DRASTICALLY reduced.
Even just a change like that could turn her around quite a bit.
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Personally I don't think it's necessary to remove them, as they are probably considered her signature moves by now, just give them the pay off they need. If you gonna trade health every time you use that, at least make it a more reliable switch option and reduce the damage. Getting a self stun after landing a successful GI from B+K doesn't make sense at all, but I'm not sure if that always happens or just if you're too low on health? It feels like going to a store, paying for something and having only a small chance of getting what you paid for and sometimes you get slapped by the cashier xD

they want to make her into a high risk high reward character, but the reward... is just not there. It's more high risk hard work and you get that Hulk pose after JS CE ko as a reward sometimes. Tira smash!
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About the self dmg, I would prefer if she just killed herself like in SC5, usually 1 headache on low health = delayed death anyway, but additionally you have to suffer through the animation and the "ughuuegh"

I won some fights on zero health, but I would prefer it to be over quickly if I make a mistake.
yoooo. does she not get mood changes at the end of the round when she taunts? ive been doing it for a WHILE now and seen not one. she had it in SC5.
did tira movelist for guard dmg, the number indicate the amount needed to reach 99/100%
+ the information of which moves actually breaks the guard
note that SC GS AKA is the only horizontal move that breaks the guard

A 60
AA 30
AAA 17
(A) 16
6A 40
6AA 24
6AB 15
3A 60
3AB 30
2A 60
1A 24
4A 60
j.A 60
FC A 60
WS A 60
66A 60
66AA 30
22A 24
44A 60
44AA 30
44AB 30

B 34
BB 22
BB(B) 4
6B 34
6BB 11 breaks 2nd hit only
6BK 11 breaks 2nd hit only
3B 12 breaks
2B 34
1B 30
4B 34
4BA 16
4BAB 13
4BAK 12 breaks 3rd hit only
4BB 22
4BBB 16
4BBK 14 breaks 3rd hit only
j.B 11 breaks
FC B 34
WS B 34
66B 12 breaks
22B 24
44B 12 breaks
44BA 10 breaks 1st hit only

K 60
6K 12 breaks
3K 34
2K 34
1K 24
4K 34
j.K 12 breaks
FC K 34
WS K 34
66K 24
22K 60
44K 24

A+B 7 breaks
2A+B 27 breaks
4A+B 34
66A+B 24
44A+B 30
44A+BA 20
44A+BAA 17
4B+K 12 breaks
4B+KB 7 breaks both hits
4B+K(B) 5 breaks both hits

UD A 60
UD B 7 breaks
UD K 12 breaks
GM A 60
GM B 24
RE 7
(RE) 5
CE 10 breaks

Soul Charge
6ABB 10 breaks 3rd hit only
66AAA 16
66BB 7 breaks both hits
236K 11 breaks

A 60
AA 30
AK 30
6A 24
6A 24
6AB 8
3A 60
3AA 20
3AA+B 12
2A 60
1A 24
4A 24
j.A 60
FC A 60
WS A 60
66A 24
66AK 9
22A 24
44A 24

B 34
BB 22
BBB 8 breaks 3rd hit only
6B 13 breaks
3B 12 breaks
2B 34
1B 34
4B 34
4BB 22
4BBB 12 breaks 3rd hit only
j.B 11 breaks
FC B 34
WS B 34
66B 12 breaks
22B 7 breaks
44B 19
44(B) 8 breaks last hit only

K 60
6K 12 breaks
3K 34
2K 34
1K 60
4K 34
j.K 12 breaks
FC K 34
WS K 34
66K 12
22K 60
44K 24

A+B 7 breaks
2A+B 8 breaks
4A+B 24
66A+B 8 breaks last hit only
4B+K 12 breaks
4B+KB 7 breaks
4B+K(B) 5 breaks

UD A 60
UD B 7 breaks
UD K 12 breaks
GM A 60
GM B 24
RE 7
(RE) 5
CE 10 breaks

Soul Charge
AKA 12 breaks 3rd hit only
3AA+B 12
BBBB 5 breaks 3rd 4th hits only
6ABB 5 breaks 2nd 3rd hits
6BB 6 breaks both hits
3BB 7 breaks both hits
1BB 7 breaks 2nd hit only
66A+B 6 breaks last hit only
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The only time a persona change is allowed after death is from a JS CE. That gloomy change still happens, but all other changes are disabled.
Hi guys, just looked through the last 2 pages or so of the thread and seen people have started noticing tiras problems.

I Know she has always had problems but with every character in 6 atleast seeming strong enough to compete now it seems tira Deffo falls short, and I'm glad I can see I'm not the only 1 thinking it.

Was starting to think I was just crap lol, and I'm used to 4 tira who I got really good with, so I was really thinking it was just me been bad.

From what I can see despite a lot of her jolly side been unsafe, her moves as such don't seem to be the main problem, I feel like her moves are good enough with some tweaks like stupid stuff that needs removing like the headache if you hit with her b+K aGI.

I feel like the problem is that she is OK, but she doesn't work with the game, what I mean by this is the whole guard break buff in sc6 beating re gi's and gi's and reversal edge in general and the meter mechanics.

Because the way they've made the mechanics work with her means she is gimped by the main mechanics of the game and no other character is.

. She gets hit out of gloomy for getting smacked with a guard break attack - this makes using GI, RE and re GI more risky than using them with any other character.

. She kinda needs meter more than other characters, from what I can see mainly in jolly to get some pressure on if you get stuck in jolly and so you have a decent chance of changing to gloomy.

. However she hardly gets any meter for using gloomy side, so if you try stay in gloomy a lot and just say screw it to gloomy coda (gloomy +) you tend to not have the meter needed for jolly soul charge or CE from combo to put pressure on / get out of jolly.

. So she gets hampered by the games main systems because of the way they have made her work, and tira is hard enough to use without these issues that no other character has to put up with, and these are problems she has with core mechanics of the game aswell as that just make her seem unfairly gimped imo.

It's like I got used to 4 tira and actually won with her quite a lot, she had her issues Deffo but she didn't have mechanics in her playstyle that means she was gimped by core mechanics of the game like now.

. Now she is gimped by - meter gain + using GI, RE and re GI because of her getting hit into jolly by guard breaks, no one else gets an additional punishment for getting hit by guard breaks.
And Obvs she also has to fear guard breaks more even out of using GI, RE or re GI too because of it, and it just doesn't seem right.

Sorry for the long post!
Please tell me what you guys think, these are just my thoughts

P. S I miss been able to shake off her 4k or aGI headache and combo out of it on a jolly side hit like in 4, it actually gave jolly side Dmg without relying on gloomy plus it was damn cool and made you feel OP lol.
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SCIV is probably my favorite Tira hahaha

I do feel like most match ups with Tira are kind of uphill battles and it seems there's a lot stacked against her, but I think she's mad fun to play as and it takes a while to figure out how to use her
She has her share of problems, sure, but I still think she’s very solid. It’s just a matter of adjusting to her nuanced gameplay. Once you’ve gotten better control of that, she can become very scary.