Soul Calibur VI: General discussion

Wow, Dead or Alive 6. What a joke.

I used to be a major fan, but they've done a lot to ruin the series. What kind of crack is TN smoking with that Season Pass anyways?
Wow, Dead or Alive 6. What a joke.

I used to be a major fan, but they've done a lot to ruin the series. What kind of crack is TN smoking with that Season Pass anyways?
I’d call that type of crack “Corporation Greed.” I hear the head honchos at companies like EA smoke it regularly.

Pretty sure everyone else will have a different term for it.
And the worst part is that people will still buy it, giving companies the impression it's a normal behaviour to have you pay big bucks.

With this mentality, companies will keep on doing this outrageous DLC policy... These players are the main reason we have games in kits.
An update to the Setsuka fanart concept:

Anyone else disappointed by how sporadic the DLC is? Particularly the CAS DLC, as we waited so long just get a pack that's almost completely recycled. Even SCV, for all of its faults, had regularly released DLC before Namco pulled the plug prematurely. Hell, even Lost Swords got regular content updates, and if I'm citing that game as a positive example, then the world's gone to shit.

I was really hoping we'd get content on a regular basis, and cool new content. For example, the upcoming Code Vein, published by Namco. Just think about how cool it'd be if we got stylish Code Vein gear. We'd get cool costume pieces, Code Vein gets promotion easily. A win-win.


Or if they released costume packs of past costumes, like a getting a Taki pack. That'd alleviate the absence of 2P costumes some.


Well, maybe when they announced S2 at EVO, that'll be the selling point. After all, there's going to be six characters based on the codenames, which would suggest it's bigger and better than the first.

I'd love to get regular content updated in a Cepheus Store, supported over time rather than in incremental bursts. If they did things based on "packs" in a steady stream, that'd be great.

If you want sexy clothes, buy the sexy pack.
If you want knight armor, buy the knight pack.
If you want masks, buy the mask pack.
If you want dresses, buy the dress pack.

and so on.

As it stands, waiting so long to get a bunch of randomly-selected equipment from past games dating as far back as SCIV was kind of a bummer. Notice how I said "random", because there was practically no rhyme or reason for why each one was selected. We get that awful Arcane Knight Armor, designed for LS by a hentai artist, that tries so hard to be sexy but looks gross and uncomfortable (this coming from a guy who loves sexiness in games), but we don't get any past costumes beside Tira's SCV 2P of all things. What was the thought process behind that? I'll never know.

I know this game has brought in plenty of money, from base game sales to season passes and general downloadable content, SCVI has already made millions which is enough for Namco to call it successful. Let's see that money applied to quality DLC!

Anyone else agree?
Anyone else disappointed by how sporadic the DLC is? Particularly the CAS DLC, as we waited so long just get a pack that's almost completely recycled. Even SCV, for all of its faults, had regularly released DLC before Namco pulled the plug prematurely. Hell, even Lost Swords got regular content updates, and if I'm citing that game as a positive example, then the world's gone to shit.

I was really hoping we'd get content on a regular basis, and cool new content. For example, the upcoming Code Vein, published by Namco. Just think about how cool it'd be if we got stylish Code Vein gear. We'd get cool costume pieces, Code Vein gets promotion easily. A win-win.


Or if they released costume packs of past costumes, like a getting a Taki pack. That'd alleviate the absence of 2P costumes some.


Well, maybe when they announced S2 at EVO, that'll be the selling point. After all, there's going to be six characters based on the codenames, which would suggest it's bigger and better than the first.

I'd love to get regular content updated in a Cepheus Store, supported over time rather than in incremental bursts. If they did things based on "packs" in a steady stream, that'd be great.

If you want sexy clothes, buy the sexy pack.
If you want knight armor, buy the knight pack.
If you want masks, buy the mask pack.
If you want dresses, buy the dress pack.

and so on.

As it stands, waiting so long to get a bunch of randomly-selected equipment from past games dating as far back as SCIV was kind of a bummer. Notice how I said "random", because there was practically no rhyme or reason for why each one was selected. We get that awful Arcane Knight Armor, designed for LS by a hentai artist, that tries so hard to be sexy but looks gross and uncomfortable (this coming from a guy who loves sexiness in games), but we don't get any past costumes beside Tira's SCV 2P of all things. What was the thought process behind that? I'll never know.

I know this game has brought in plenty of money, from base game sales to season passes and general downloadable content, SCVI has already made millions which is enough for Namco to call it successful. Let's see that money applied to quality DLC!

Anyone else agree?
I really like the idea of getting a "Taki Pack" or "Xianghua Pack". For characters with fewer costumes would they get someone with a similar costume style. Like a Rock/Asta pack for example?

I'd prefer to know what i was getting before hand. But if still like variety packs azwel. That'd be nice.
I would say it’s pretty universal to say it’s accepted that CaS has been a disappointment all around. The amount of parts in the base game being so low, hardly no unlockables, the lofty promise of DLC that’s slow and mysterious, yeah. The saving grace, for me at least, is that it seems as if, at least has been the case so far, is that we will get a parts pack, however small, with every DLC release, even if it is a character, and not a parts pack. Unless Amy breaks this trend, of course. Everyone would be far happier with more, and maybe having a Cepheus Store type deal might be nice, but CaS is one of the things that is definitely weaker in SoulCalibur VI.
Regarding the future of SC6 and Season 2 in general, SC6 really needs new secondary costumes for all the characters set on default as well as new stages on top of the new characters. It would give the game a fresh coat of paint like Street Fighter and Tekken have done with their different revisions.
Regarding the future of SC6 and Season 2 in general, SC6 really needs new secondary costumes for all the characters set on default as well as new stages on top of the new characters. It would give the game a fresh coat of paint like Street Fighter and Tekken have done with their different revisions.
I agree.there is the issue that they will have to redo all the on the basis of these costumes as well though which could be hit or miss. Also there is the small issue tgat many CaS use the 2p colour options. What I'd like is if they added a second player costume with a second colour option for the second costume too. It'd make the tournament scene more varied, give us more parts and hairstyles. I don't really see any reason not to. least has been the case so far, is that we will get a parts pack, however small, with every DLC release, even if it is a character, and not a parts pack. Unless Amy breaks this trend, of course.
Amy CaS parts are already listed and advertised:


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Amy CaS parts are already listed and advertised:
No, you misunderstand. I mean that we'll get another pack in addition to this, has been the trend so far, an extra free pack, on the side, released with the patch the day before the actual DLC comes out. Before 2B, we got the Japanese preorder items. Before the customization pack, we got the school outfits pack. Just a little something to string us along. Not as big as the official packs, but a few things free to entice folks who don't yet have the season pass.
No, you misunderstand. I mean that we'll get another pack in addition to this, has been the trend so far, an extra free pack, on the side, released with the patch the day before the actual DLC comes out. Before 2B, we got the Japanese preorder items. Before the customization pack, we got the school outfits pack. Just a little something to string us along. Not as big as the official packs, but a few things.
They're nothing big sure, but I like them enough. Can't complain. Extra parts is good.
They're nothing big sure, but I like them enough. Can't complain. Extra parts is good.
And I ninja edited before you quoted me, maybe you went back and read it, but I think the key part is that it's also a valid marketing strategy, to keep leaking small bits to non-season-pass-owners to possibly persuade them to pick up the season pass, while those of us who already have the season pass are just getting a nice little extra bonus.
What do you guys think the feedback forms have been for? Makes me wonder what it'll lead to.

Notable points I made:
  • CAS compatibility issues.
  • More CAS options.
  • Better online experiences. Global Colosseo, typing in Casual, ban customs from Ranked, actual room searching etc.
  • More stages, as right now we only have 12, one added post game, and that one never is in rotation.
  • Quality of Life improvements in general. Better menus, less input lag in certain areas, better UI and overall easier navigation and presentation.
  • More DLC, consistently released, and genuinely new. For example, I want new armor, new costumes, remade versions of past costumes and crossover pieces like that Code Vein DLC suggestion.
Maybe this is leading up to a "Soulcalibur VI: Arcade Edition" of sorts, that totally revamps the game in a massive while also being a second starting point for new players, getting another release. That'd be cool.
I'm just crossing fingers they'll release more of the character's old costumes for DLC :D would love to see Ivy's SC2 2P dress or this.
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Don't care for the modern garbage. >_<

A bit of a nitpick, but just so there's no confusion between you and anyone who responds, Ivy's 2P in SCII is the quasi-Napoleonic officer's outfit. From your description I think you may be thinking of her 3P from SCII?
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