Use for A+K?

I'm more interested in the parry since it gives a good advantage on IMP...
On Nightmares 3AA, it parry's the second A on grd...
On Sig's 3 it parry's SCH A and parry's the second hit of SCH A on grd (if you can see it coming in time)...
I think it's good on Vader's 1BA but I'm not 100% sure if it works...
you can use a+k when kilik does hes 44aa you can ether impact the first hit or catch him in the middle( if hes close)
mmm... Looks like it hasn´t been posted, tough it´s on my two videos... A+k kills sophi´s 11aa_[a], no matter if the first hit land u, a+k will stop the second one.
And the other really useful thing, is against lm ws kkk... It will interrupt the second one giving u a free earslicer and 66b.

nice dude nice
A+K stuffs all wakeup off the ground moves.

You run up to someone on the ground and they do ANYTHING but stand and guard - it will stuff whatever they were doing.
fighting a siegfried today, i CH 3B'd and then went for a:B+K but accidently ended up dashing forward and A+K'ing and it connected :s i was able to a:B+K afterwards too. i haven't been able to reproduce this in practice.
Unfortunately, hitting A+K does allow the opponent some AC. I tested this a couple months back with 1K, back dash, A+K. It either whiffs or hits and gives them AC. The recovery is so long, there really isn't too much you can do after. =(
If your fighting an opponent who "checks" with 2A this is an alright way to throw out the A+K auto~GI...
I also did a bit of tinkering with this move, it seems like it can CSTN opponents in the middle of their "body attack" and give Yoshi some options... I used A+K against an Algol's aB and a Nightmare's 66K yesterday, I'll say it equalled reward...
It's also useful against Asta's 3KA and Voldo's 4BA...
Before I switched to BB I found that I can get A+K ALOT just by running up to people and using it periodically. I'm not kidding. I actually used it and found it to be a pretty useful and underated move.

66k is ultimately slower than of A+K speed which in fact is eons faster in comparison, though the recover is horrid(A+K) but it's opening frames acts as an anti-tech trap wake up move, and catches extremely well if an opponent is eager to attack upon this time(knowing they can tech and not get caught in any actual tech trap(s)) WHEN they are tech rolling into an non tech trap situation hence(anti-tech trap wake up) other words..this stops 'em in there tracks my friend. =) ...mind yourself that of course adding your character knowledge moves etc.
Interesting. Can you give more specific examples of what moves an opponent would tech after when A+K would be an optimal choice as opposed to some other move?

My issues with it still are crap recovery (as you mentioned above) and crap damage (as I mentioned above). Lolo uses it against Sophie's 11AA (blocked first hit), which is one of the few situations where I can see it being handy.
well for insight sake, say..scenario goes,

Yoshi(player does A:B+K)..opponent at instead of doing say 66B/1B finishers with Yoshi you can get to them fast enough to stuff whatever they would try here where they would normal tech/roll etc(when you go for 1B/66B time and they go for a guess to escape it..) and hit an effective A+K if say the opponent is Sophie, so same scenario as mentioned 1st..reversing the mix up on her, but she(the Sophie player) techs quickly to do TAS B/ it stops very fast things like this and very good close quarter Yoshi game..even to a simple WS+A/B even lows that are slow enough at this point in close quarters , but learning the *range is key..*this move is very important to his game* this way, and also in situations the opponent doesn't tech roll but they decide to roll back or towards trying to space him(Yoshi) out and get something it stops them and works well here too.

..then you can just for the heck of it say.. your maxed out a bit more from close quarters and this happens you can simply step her TAS B/B:4 attempt all together allowing him more or less with OTG game better and more positive results offensively for Yoshi but this is an example for say how it would work against Sophie, so you can expand that to other characters too and learn how to apply it to them as well....i hope teh example was ok:)

Edit:..when i i explain the opening post the A:BK post attack is based after any launcher based situation, and then follow as planned with variation in this scenario for i guess optimal advantage more or less so this should help to answer where it gets the maximum advantage/ potential area it is highly effective...and give an idea of where his range is for it too which is a plus, it definitely not a move to be lazy with, a sharp eye helps :)
I see. To each his own with juggles then (which has always been the case with Yoshi). I'd rather just take my 1B / 66B. In my experience, the opponent will either tech correctly or not. I haven't encountered someone smart enough to adjust their tech to avoid 66B and then 1B when it comes out. And there are several ways to close distance after 66B / 1B.

I still don't see the benefit of A+K over several others attacks that also put out more damage potential and still stuff the opponents attempts to get up attacking. Furthermore, if the opponent gets up and does nothing and you're doing A+K, that's a potential free hit for the opponent. If the opponent gets up and does something, then why not use something more meaty that can potentially put out more damage with equal or less risk?
I think after a:B+K juggle 33A+B~G nets a reliable mix up if you want to skip 1B of course.

Ok, i think your seeing me the opposite perspective but i meant A+K in general, but i used an example point where you can active/activate the goodness of the move, not to ever replace already juggle damage/and or other potential damage, its usually better taking the time to see places were you would think with Yoshi to use this move or to be , I'll say improvise for now..and you can add lib it into his game kinda way, there are so many spots with him that you might think A+K has a part and it can/does...but yeah does no damage though, but if you worked a bit already on the SG it becomes a very powerful tool to use and get the Auto-GI too(and towards the SG a bit itself)..think Kilik and him using FOTD/Auto-GI moves type situations..kinda like that..

Edit/..hehe.. yeah upon random test as of less 2 min ago, it A+K also has strong use against Cassie 23:6B or 236:B move even at its peak range..but careful!, too slow and really maxed ranged out it clashes instead from further testing it out in range capabilities/abilities.
Belial: 66A+Bg_33A+Bg can serve the same function after connecting finishing with a:B+K, 66B. Doing so can force the opponent to attempt to step and possibly punish. Yeah, you'd have to forego the 1B if the opponent is / can tech the 66B, though.

JustKill: Unfortunately I did some tests a while back and A+K doesn't really work the opponent's SG. I'd have to go back and test again to confirm, but when I did my earlier tests Yoshi's SG was getting damaged still and the training dummy's gauge was hardly affected.
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