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  • Hey girl, I know you haven't been on recently. It's okay though, we don't need 8wayrun to make sweet lovin.
    Wow blossom you have someone who admires you either A, post Mariah Carrie why u so obsessed with me song or B, MSG Alex back
    • Like
    Reactions: Alex.J
    Definitely option B.
    BlueNapkin, plz talk some more sense into her.
    Alex..J walks into a bar and the bartender says, "how can I help you". Alex.J replies by saying, "Getting in Blossom's ass".
    Blossom, lets get married., get 4 kids, a nice 2 story house, 2 dogs, some underpaid gardeners, and let me give you D every night. You'll never be cold at night with me around ;)
    I would combat in the ancient coliseums of rome just to get one kiss from you.
    I'm like the greatest roller coaster on Earth, because I would be the best ride in your life ;)
    The way I see it, I am Mario, IRM is Bowser, and you are the princess. I am going to hop my way to the castle, bop IRM, and Mario the fuck out of you.
    And similar to Mario, we both know a thing or two about plumbing ;-)
    You are my desire
    You light my fire
    I wanna pinch your boobs,
    With some pliers.
    Your love is so important to me, I would rip a narwhal's head off and a stab a bear with it. Just to keep your love.
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