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  • I am? Well even though I'm docile with chatting about.
    But I really don't like flame wars.
    They are like diseases that spread if left unchecked.
    I'll admit, I don't like cocky people.
    But, I got to get along with them.
    And hopefully, they'll shed their ego lol.
    If not, oh well. They are human.
    LOL, as they say, if eric holds it at the same place im down to be there... Making real money is soooo nice.. lol
    LOl well if im not working that weekend, ill be there... And another hotel room with the booze!
    hey... NEc was c ool but it was missing something.. i dont know what but it was... Other then that, its wasnt too bad... i didnt yell much because the SF4 crew had way too many people for me to be able to yell... I mean I was able to but it hurt alot to get over that many people at once... You guy on the west coast should have came... it would have made things alot more fun but i know why you all couldnt.. So its all good.. But next time you all better show up!!! LOL
    Hey watsup... I was referred 2 u, for a couple of questions i needed answered...1st- How do i add more den jus 1 pic 2 my photo album, n 2nd- How do i start my own group? Jus answer dem wen u can n thx for ur time.
    Sorry i know i got your hopes high. I apologize i was hoping i could just use the code twice. I really think it was stupid for thm to do that and it's completely unfair to alot of player i mean i traded my orginal SC4 in to get the LE edition and then still paid like 38 dollars.
    Lol i would be i used it and im not sure if you can pu the download on a usb and upload for download on like megaupload or something.
    Damn that video was awesome, I love that song! Here's hoping for even better times in January!
    January??!! Damnit woman, that's too far away from now! Ah well it's cool....maybe that will give us enough time to convince Cedric to get hammered too when we go out. U got hella friends, guess that's what happens when you're a hot mexican chick who plays video games. Sadly most of them haven't even heard that sexy accent of yours. Whoa, Cedric might kill me for this post, lol.
    You have a good memory! Yeah it's the Sony Cybershot. I'm gonna bring it along when we all hit up the bar lol.
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