League of Legends

Omg Sion doesn't look derpy anymore. Finally. Maybe someone will actually play him now though probably not

I'm interested to see what kind of builds people think up for the new Soraka. I feel like a movespeed build could work? Could be fun to try at least.
Soraka's passive gives her bonus movement speed towards low HP allies anyway, I imagine it will be about building as much HP and Armor/MR as possible since her passive also converts something like 20% of her bonus MR and Armor into AP.
since her passive also converts something like 20% of her bonus MR and Armor into AP.
That part of her passive was dropped during testing. Don't be disappointed though because it actually reduced your armor and MR rather than just giving AP for free. It was put there originally because they were afraid she'd be broken if allowed to get too tanky, which turned out not to be the case.
That part of her passive was dropped during testing. Don't be disappointed though because it actually reduced your armor and MR rather than just giving AP for free. It was put there originally because they were afraid she'd be broken if allowed to get too tanky, which turned out not to be the case.
Ah I didn't know that it was dropped but I knew it actually deducted that 20% armor and MR.
I'm going to miss the way Soraka is now. Was just starting to get comfortable with her. Seems the trend is that they want to make as many abilities as they can contingent on one thing or another rather than always working the same way.
I dislike the new raka, but I hate the general idea of a healer lol. The infuse healer was a great idea; has a lot risk but its a bit too much imo. She can just be focused in a team fight and panic ult before she dies. She has better escape tools but again she use 10% max health per heal and in long skirmishes its poor

might as well complain to them. A 40 -50 range increase on the W would be great
They don't want to pay for the rights to make these skins... it would probably cost them quite a bit of money. Same for Darth Vader Kassadin lol
I like the new Sion, really, is awesome both in appearance and skills but is not Sion at all, is some kind of orc from mordor.

LoL has no original characters. Kassadin is already Darth Vader, Naut is already big daddy.

Not to mention "totally not poison ivy" "totally not joker" "totally not Harley quinn" and of course the "totally not bane skin"
I dislike the new raka, but I hate the general idea of a healer lol. The infuse healer was a great idea; has a lot risk but its a bit too much imo. She can just be focused in a team fight and panic ult before she dies. She has better escape tools but again she use 10% max health per heal and in long skirmishes its poor

might as well complain to them. A 40 -50 range increase on the W would be great
okay so this soraka is ass. i thought i'd give her a try with different builds and strats for a day. the thing is she sucks. Soraka is not the only healer that can't heal herself with her basic heal move. that's dumb since she's supposed to be the poster "healer support".

her Q is meh at best but the sheer amount of mana to output to recover from using W's is an uneven ratio. not to mention pretty easy to dodge at longer ranges since it's delayed.

her W range is stupid for what it is. it's almost point blank and i constantly found myself getting immediately focused when i came in to heal. problem is I can't do anything about unless i get a peel. but by the time that happens i'm already dead because i'm already low from healing team mates and i'm in range for anyone but long range casters and adcs to get me. and since i can't heal myself i die pretty much instantly before my team can react.

Soraka's E bad unless either synergized with another cc or unless you get crystal scepter. it's too unreliable to use in any situation but a team fight or to keep people from chasing. if it had a slow field like Karma's ulted Q then it'd be fine but i still think it's the best of her changed moves.

her passive is meh as well. it's range is similar to cait's ult range. but i found it to only be useful if a team mate was running away. it's a good passive though and provides roaming from bot to mid to counter a jungler gank easy.

i definitely liked the old soraka better. even without the slows or the snare potential. she had range which is needed on squishy supports. now she has the smallest support range in the game for the squishy folks. i get it that you can spam heal and should try to determine whether or not it's safe to do so but it was already evened out when it cost 10% hp to do it every time. now i gotta be killing myself AND be on the mid to front line? riot mind as well make soraka a tank now because that's the only way i can see her surviving fights.

Yeah a range increase on W and maybe a projectile speed increase on Q. Maybe a an HP/LV increase too.

I really hate her passive too but remember healers are really boring. It makes sense to have a passive to make it easier to position yourself and heal accordingly but there are so many holes in her gameplay regardless

All I hope for is a range increase on W and extra early game tankiness

maybe in a year or so they will revamp her ........

I can see future tankiness and a range increase on W though in a few weeks

and an 8% Max health cost too lol. Hell they they can juts add a current health cost and make it like a scaling % of the health cost go to the extra health healed.....

Ex: Soraka (480 HP) Heals fro current 10% (48); 50% of which goes to ally (24).

it would encourage tankier builds via health while not flaunting the passive armor/mr conversion.

So: Soraka (2000 HP) Heals for current 10% (200); 60% (Rank 3 W) of which goes to ally (120) plus the ap ratio and I believe 200 base heal.

also I wanted wish to have an armor increase for 3-4 S or a dmg reduction based on % health of allies

ZOMG problem solve

thanks riot
aram is kinda meh. it's fun when playing with purely friends. but just facing randoms, i won't play it. oh, and my sucky Soraka is getting some good items coming up. so i'm glad for that.
I quit playing ARAM after everybody started making ARAM smurfs and only buying champs that were OP for the mode. Gets old playing against the same 10 or so poke heavy champs every game, especially if you are playing on a regular account and get Garen or whoever half the time.
whew. i got demoted today cause my team kept getting caught out and our top fed pretty badly. every time i go into ranked i seem to always get disappointed with how low my mmr seems to be. and i get last pick a lot so guess what role i get? really hard to carry as support since my roaming potential is almost non-existent. meh, i don't really want victorious morg anyway.
So, I'm still an LoL noob but I'm having some success in PVP with mages, marksmen, and assassins. Melee characters who can't just zip in and do lots of burst damage are still a huge blind spot for me, however. A perfect example of the kind of characters I'm totally sucking with right now is Shyvana. It seems like in order for me to get in and do any damage the enemy team has to be hopelessly disorganized, or the rest of my team has to play so well and shut the other team down so well that it's like they don't need my help anyway. Otherwise, it's so easy for opponents to shut me down with stuns and slows and kill me in a few seconds before turning their attention to the back lines of my team - or just avoid me altogether if they can't do that. Sure, I could easily take 1 or even 2 of them down in an extended slugfest, but unless it's one of those IP farming bots they're not going to just stand there and let that happen.
you don't use her ult to get in? when you dive in your team should immediately back you up and have free pickings most of the time since people will target you first because you're in their face. but if your team doesn't know you're going in or are passive (i hate playing with passive teams) then they won't react in time to help you. that's why melee champs that don't have dashes or anything build tanky. cause they will take damage going in and that's also why you have to rely on another team mate to land a cc or slow for you to go in. i see that happen all the time with teams with an Udyr. if an ahri lands a charm or thresh lands a hook THEN udyr will charge in most likely if the situation is favorable.