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  • Stream is up. Please come join me and watch some most excellent play.
    Put the wrong PSN - it’s Zanak3n. Anyone can feel free to add me - right now I play Raph and Tira.
    Crash X
    Crash X
    Wouldn’t it have been easier to just edit your previous post?
    Just grabbed the old Xbox from my sister's place. Will be online for about 2-3 days if anyone is interested.
    Those were some fun battles with you. i played raph a lot recently and my punishment and mixups worked quite well. On the other hand i missed some combos and dpn't know all his wall combos yet. You could also give me some feedback what do you think i should focus on.
    Raph vs Viola also teaches you the harsh reality behind Prep.

    You normally get only one option from Prep that will be successful, so Viola teaches you to pick quickly - and pick right. If you are dropping Prep, you did it wrong.
    I will repeat what i said at the end of our matches though - talk is cheap. Just keep playing me and you'll come out on top.

    I might not be the best, but I am a great practice dummy to learn how to get around mind-games and interrupts.
    Vice Hannyabal
    Vice Hannyabal
    I'll remember your words. I can play again next weekend so we hopefully meet again for some mirror matches (or against viola)!
    Hey, you can post something if you want.
    I know :)

    I just don't want to anymore. I still check the site, so no worries... Well, except the Raph SA - which is a ghost-town now.
    Silent Joel
    Silent Joel
    I ended his bs post spree. You can thank me with money if you like Reptile
    Hi there! Just dropping in to remind/pester you about voting and supporting SCV in the Fall Classic poll by oneframelink! Simply retweet this message and you're done! If you do not have a twitter please take five minutes of your day to make one! You don't even need to bother with the account again afterwards! If you have already voted, then thank you!!
    u kicked me D:!
    I joined one saying: 1vs1 me
    Lol and u kicked me lol at least give me a chance im not a fool xD haha.
    It's ok ñ_ñ, I figured that.
    By all means, I will duel you next time I'm online. Just be on top form. Unlike shooting games and the like, I can't improve on SC5 unless my opponent is as good - or better - than me.
    Yeah thats my logic, too. Thanks.I'll try to do my best. I main Asta as u can see ;D
    If anyone is interested, I am not banned, but I wont be posting anymore. I understand that my posts are not well received, and that's fine.
    im sorry to hear that. im reading through your post history now to figure out why, and while its true that nothing is black and white, it s still unfortunate what happened, and at least from what i've read so far, i dont think you deserved something as severe as a ban. but thats just my opinion.

    in anycase you have my condolences.
    I hope things just work out better for you in the future.
    I can't be bothered to read up your message history, but I can guess. You used your British charm and some mod couldn't handle it. Happens. WB mate.
    So it turns out I am an unbeatable god at this game - Anyone in NW EU feel like putting me in my place? XBL cos I like dem teenage boys o_0
    I'll be done with work tonight at 8. Oh wait I don't know what that make your time. Just be on in 4 hours so we can play. I hope that's not you on the picture.
    My good friend Gary got me the part, he was in it too. The guy is a really good actor.
    dafuq? that came outta nowhere. I won't be able to play before next week then. Got a fishing weekend.
    If you log on during your mornings you might catch me. I usually play sets for about 3 hours whilst watching stuff on my other screen - so finding me wont be too hard.

    My net is pretty sexual so most Canadians on the East side get a playable 3 bars.
    So, it turns out combos and mix-ups are cheap and unfair... I can't believe no one told me this till now. Thanks, random on ranked!
    Hey played u last night ^^ hi :)
    Hi, dude, sorry I missed your post. I loved our matches - Hit me up again any time :D
    are you up to some vs? :)
    Always - My details are below - Hit me up if you see me online. Just keep in mind I am not a fan of beating up on people clearly worse than me, so bring thy A game!
    Online Ranked - Because sometimes, punching yourself in the nuts just isn't ENOUGH...
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