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  1. Aqua_Snake

    6A+B Punishment Thread "SCV Edition"

    For new players: 6A+B is a tech crouch that goes under highs, including high throws. Special notations for this thread only: Punish (P) = Interrupt in between or after string of attacks with 6A+B when blocked. Step Punish (SP) = When a move is in between its strings, do a quick step to...
  2. Aqua_Snake

    Setups For Opponents Who Roll On The Ground

    As with all the Maxi players here, I love when my opponents pop up immediately when they get knocked to the ground. It keeps my offense going. However, when I face opponents who always roll on the ground, it slows down my offense and I have to wait for them to get up for me to start again...
  3. Aqua_Snake

    6A+B Punishment Thread

    There is one started at caliburforum, bringing the information over here in hopes of getting Maxi players to go into their lab and experiment. Will update this posts with new discoveries. Thanks to howdoiplaythisgame for the first batch of info. If there are any errors, let us know. For...
  4. Aqua_Snake

    Maxi Critical Finish Setups/Discussion

    With a little testing, it is now known that you CAN do CF's during Maxi's stances. Is it a beacon of hope or is it too early to be celebrating? Whats your thoughts on Maxi's CF game? What moves/tools can Maxi use to get their Soul Gauge flashing? Discuss...