1up.com having a podcast tomorrow at 5:pm PST


[10] Knight
Once again they're calling me into their offices, there's an extremely good chance that Soul Calibur: Broken Destiny will be featured -- the big question they ask of you guys : what would you like to see?

Now unfortunately they can't show anything of Kratos, Namco's not willing to divulge much about 'em just yet ~ Also bear in mind the average viewer doesn't even have an idea what the notations are, so we won't be able to elaborate too deeply on fine changes in the system ~ On the flip side, unlike last time there's no NDA regarding any characters aside from Kratos ~ This means I can tell you guys everything I found out as soon as I get home =)

I know every character's move-lists pretty well ~ But anyone have requests or questions on specific things to look for?

Stream will be active tomorrow (8/18) at 5pm.

Otherwise, wish me luck ~

Everyone's been asking how is Hilde this time around, but I'm more curious about how different the other top characters are (Algol, Amy, Voldo, Kilik). Like, is Algol's bubble spam as annoying as it used to be? What about Amy's 6BB mixups? Is Voldo still retarded? And can Kilik still Asura through your entire moveset?

Dampierre tryouts would be great too, I want to know what he feels like.
Try and experiment with a few of Voldo's stances as well as his more useful attacks, like 6:6B and 2A+B 236 mix-ups. Hell, see if you can even DO 6:6B on the PSP's analog nub.

-Does the A+K/[A+K] aGI do more damage? It does 10 now.
-Does JS 44K still gave a chance for headache?
-JS B+K. Please tell me this trash is gone or works properly now.
-GS B+K - Does it have good range on impact and still recover HP?
-Do some moves still cause HP loss on whiff, hit, and block? Especially the BF moves. BF= 44444 and 66666 moves in GS
-What's the damage on BF 44K and BF 66B?


-Does he seem safer?
-Any new moves in Crane?


-Can the Nergal JFs be done on NH?
-Does he feel safer?
-Changes to pimphand (B+K)?
I'm interested in the new CF system. Any new information on how it works, or on how useful the GB CF moves are on their own would be pretty cool.

I'm also interested in Zas's B+K Pimphand.
I'm also curious as to what they did to Algol and Amy. And of course, anything you can gather on Asta would be great.
I'm interested in finding out what changes were made to Cass and Sophie.

I'm also interested the CAS mode in BD. How much armor is now in the game? Are the 1P costumes now customizable/swappable with other characters? Are there any new weapons in the game?

Also if you can go into how it feels to play the game on a handheld i.e. movement, move execution.

If possible, find out if there are any plans on a console version.
All these requests seem so specific... that must be a pain for you.

I'd say just check out the general stuff 'cause you cant forget about the casual fans too. Stuff like changes with the Critical Finish system and those new guard breaks and maybe changes in SG damage... looks like they've dramatized the Gauge damage in BD. Also, who, from a glance and neutral standpoint is just plain better or worse than SCIV, but I guess all that's a given.

Guys I dont think Manta's gonna bring like a 10 page list of all the things he needs to check, really. The games out in what? Less than two weeks anyway.

But if you were to take a list, maybe check out characters that havent been shown in gameplay videos yet like Amy, Zas, etc.

EDIT: Oh yeah will there be a way to access the podcast after it finishes streaming? ... 5pm; I dont even know when that is in Australia.
The most important thing!

Will we ever see a console version.


I'll stress this on the stream for sure. Jelly also speaks the truth that I'll not be able to honor everyone's requests in the 5 hours I've got, but I'll definitely do what I can =)

Cool stuff. I don't have anything specific to want to see, but I look forward to whatever changes you manage to find out about.

Especially if Lizardman breathes fire.
Check if Lizardman breathes fire. That is all.

lol wow..

Just tell me how bad did they destroy/nerf the sisters.. If they nerfed hilde. It would be great news if they nerfed kilik and algol. Oh i would like to hear some good news about talim.

Dark angel~