8wayrun.com Now Running The Xenforo Beta!

  • Admin
You may already notice... 8WayRun.Com has been updated and completely overhauled! I think we can all agree that the upgrade to vBulletin4 a few months back was a mistake; it should never have been done and it did nothing but hurt this community. Thankfully, some new software has just entered it's beta stages, and it's already so polished that I'm taking the risk and upgrading our community to it.

With any new software, there are of course some changes you will have to get used to. The biggest change you will notice that when you click on a thread name, instead of it bringing you to the beginning of the thread, it will bring you to the most recent unread post (as far back as 28 days). It will take a bit to get used to this, but before you know it... you'll be browsing other forums and wondering why the feature is missing! There are other small changes that you will figure out in time.

The chatroom has been temporarily replaced with Mibbit IRC until Addonchat brings up support for XenForo. The Wiki is also relatively empty as I will be working for the next few days in converting our data to the new format. The Events RSVP system has also been completely overhauled... in which case, all existing event information and RSVPs has been lost. If you have an upcoming event, just make a new event thread, then send me a message and I will merge the old thread with your new one.

You may also notice that "premium" membership has been disabled. I'm working on ideas for the new premium membership system that will give higher incentives for people to join... things like physical goods and prizes, as well as true motivators. If you are a current premium membership and wish to get a refund for overpaid months, message me. Of course, I ask if you would instead kindly chalk it up as a donation for 8WayRun.Com and let it go.

Jason Axelrod

Jason Axelrod

Owner and Operator of 8WAYRUN
This is an example of our new SPOILER tag!
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut pulvinar luctus ligula vitae aliquet. Quisque malesuada eleifend aliquam. Nam velit tellus, venenatis ultricies porttitor ac, vulputate hendrerit mauris. Nullam sodales volutpat dolor in aliquam. Vivamus velit massa, tincidunt at bibendum in, volutpat nec turpis. Pellentesque in felis urna. Donec ornare, tortor quis semper congue, sapien sapien lacinia augue, non cursus sem massa ac risus. Duis quis neque dolor. Nunc eget nulla quam. Aenean consequat nibh sit amet eros tempor tempor. Mauris aliquet consectetur orci, ut facilisis augue mollis ut.

Suspendisse luctus quam sit amet neque consequat lacinia. Nulla commodo magna nec quam dictum id auctor arcu blandit. Vestibulum cursus lectus eu eros aliquam luctus. Pellentesque condimentum eleifend volutpat. Duis vitae imperdiet tellus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Quisque eget eros tortor, a tincidunt dui. Duis sed purus non ante pretium accumsan. Duis et velit non arcu consectetur dignissim eget accumsan sapien. In egestas mollis sapien sit amet porta. Donec ullamcorper porta quam, et iaculis risus tempor nec. Maecenas enim lacus, laoreet sit amet pharetra sed, lobortis rutrum massa. Nulla malesuada lectus vel nibh blandit et ornare arcu tincidunt. Duis nec massa enim, non adipiscing orci. Sed convallis, eros eget ultrices mollis, nulla leo ultricies sem, in bibendum massa nisl ut ligula. Morbi ut sapien aliquet diam dignissim fermentum. Fusce eget velit turpis.

Integer fermentum, erat vitae cursus tristique, nulla nunc venenatis leo, nec semper nisi tellus at sem. Aliquam justo sapien, egestas eget molestie vitae, elementum et mauris. Cras tortor turpis, molestie eu porttitor vitae, aliquam a urna. Proin nisi urna, mattis vel fermentum a, commodo eget orci. Pellentesque dapibus diam eu enim cursus semper. Integer ac lectus at lacus sodales lobortis. Integer eget neque erat, id rutrum est. Morbi tincidunt tortor molestie quam accumsan eleifend. Etiam pulvinar convallis diam eget cursus. Phasellus convallis ligula tortor. Mauris malesuada adipiscing commodo. Suspendisse lacus enim, pretium sit amet tincidunt at, molestie nec urna. Nullam malesuada sagittis lacinia.

Vestibulum non ipsum lacus, ac pellentesque risus. Donec id pharetra libero. Etiam ut neque accumsan nulla dapibus aliquam eget eu tellus. Cras quis lectus tortor, quis tincidunt augue. Donec vitae sollicitudin ligula. Maecenas non auctor odio. Sed rutrum vehicula justo, condimentum mattis leo rhoncus vitae. Ut ac risus id lorem mollis tristique quis a tellus. Donec in pellentesque purus. Duis ut lorem quam, quis accumsan justo. Curabitur pharetra condimentum ante sed pulvinar. In eleifend consequat faucibus. Pellentesque malesuada facilisis elit at congue. Maecenas mi ipsum, rutrum vitae pretium a, venenatis vel diam. Proin vel turpis id orci facilisis sodales. Mauris eget accumsan nisi.

Aenean volutpat lectus quis magna rhoncus pulvinar. Nunc venenatis nibh at leo pharetra tincidunt. Proin felis dolor, vehicula non tincidunt ac, semper ac mauris. Proin sollicitudin odio vitae urna blandit vitae posuere leo porta. Donec et magna neque. Nullam bibendum arcu vel tellus tincidunt interdum varius urna aliquam. Integer porta sem nec lacus sollicitudin gravida. Aenean in laoreet metus. Nam mollis pretium imperdiet. Integer vitae mauris vitae tortor sagittis luctus. Nunc rhoncus varius aliquam. Donec mollis mauris a libero hendrerit hendrerit. Donec risus quam, ullamcorper non sodales adipiscing, luctus ut nisl. Nulla ut malesuada velit.
third spoiler tag
A problem that I have is when I go back and try to edit a post that included an embedded YouTube video, the video covers the edit post lightbox, so I can't edit the post unless I can somehow click on the More Options button so that it shows me my post without the video embed.

If something could be done about that, that would be cool.
Should have an icon for the XBL/PSN tags on our posts, now people have to go to our profile page to see/find them.

Oh, and hi Maxi!
I saw for a split second the other day that it had the date of which a member first became a member here. can we get that to stick as well?

other than that I love the new feature



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