A Challenge for the CaS Community


[14] Master
With the advent of SCV's invigorated creation system, the CaS community has been stronger than ever. However, what I felt the forums could really use was some sort of shared project in addition to the random originals and emulations. My idea, inspired by a recent post by TheMightyMrPlow, is to periodically post detailed character archetypes for any interested viewer to create. The profiles will provide just enough information for a unified image but enough vagueness for artistic freedom. This project will also encourage the community to create characters more interesting than the uber 1337 demon boss shadow lord or the impetuous, idealistic hero in shining armor, let alone the Hulks and Freddy Kruegers. As I'm relatively inexperienced in CaS, I'm hoping that you viewers will contribute profiles or creations for us all to compare and discuss our different interpretations of a single sketch.

SHORT STORY: i rite, u make, all troll.
I'll start things off with this profile.

-A sadomasochistic prince with an insatiable appetite for the deviant as much as for the elegant.
-The kind of guy who oversees brutally magnificent public executions while drinking fine vintage wine and eating rare delicacies.
-Possesses a violent temper and orders executions everyday by the dozen, frequently doing the deed personally.
-Domineering and vengeful, but a coward at heart. Only fights when overwhelmingly advantaged, yet highly skilled from years of the best tutoring money can buy.
-Abuses his natural beauty and absolute authority to seduce both men and women, from rich foreign ambassadors to impoverished local peasants. Rumors of incest and bestiality abound.

-Exemplar: Nero, the "Emperor who fiddled while Rome burned," or really just the average medieval king.
Okay, fifteen minutes brought me this.


I went for the "regal" look as far as I could possibly go. With the way his splurging during executions is described, I found it only appropriate to make him look like he's blown a ridiculous amount of money on his outfit.


The headband was meant to simulate a small crown. The one available in-game is too huge for just a prince, I think.


I also kept his "natural beauty" in mind by choosing the most sickeningly bishounen face available. Combined with the long hair and some lightly coloured makeup, it went perfectly with the earrings.


The heels and thigh-high length of these boots went together well with the "seduction of both genders" detail, I believe. Regal-looking, and while meant for female characters, it worked well with him.


And now, for the "highly trained" part. Raphael was too obvious, so instead I gave him Mitsurugi's longsword weapon. The colours match the expensive look he holds in general. In addition, it more fits the "aggressive" side of his personality.
Amazing use of that pattern! Really tied in well with the profile too. He's totally rockin' those heels too lol. Here's rendition of the prince.



Clipping issues aside, I tried to express the prince's volatile and flamboyant personality through the use of gaudy colors and excessive layering. The swept back hair is supposed to express his aggressive and violent nature, and the elegant Setsuka weapon style expresses his love of beauty and form. Gloves, as they usually do, express a certain distance from the rest of humanity, a reluctance to make physical contact with others.
Hi guys, I just wanted to say these are two great CAS characters, they really helped me with some of my own designs; I hope that if we run into each other on line you don't mind that I borrowed some of the combinations here.. Look forward to maybe putting some of my own CASs in the forum here :) [Sorry to interupt the competition/challenge]
Well, here's my try. Reading the descriptions of brutality, sadism and yet a slavish devotion to an appearance of sophistication in the origin post the first thing which came to my mind were the Mandarin princes of China, so I went down an Eastern road with this, but I fear that the ultimate result may be more an orientalisation of Lord_Alondite's Prince above, which was not my intention. You be the judge, I can only apologise if that comes across too strongly.

Those pheasants were hell to line up, they're still not exactly square with each other.
This was one of the more efete poses I found with the discipline which made most sense (Leixia's), in keeping with the profile that the prince is a bit foppish as well as a sociopath; and also for the descriptor that the Prince has some skill at swordplay, as I'd imagine tai chi and so on is difficult to master.
The chinese princes of the old dynasties seemed to wear a lot of yellow and also, thinking back I should've given him the claw gloves as the Mandarin beaurocrats used to wear special nail cases to show they didn't have to work with their hands, and that may have worked. Not sure if the scroll does...


Gave him some 'pretty-boy' looks and the silk shirt. But not sure how else, apart from Fopishness, he fits with the description, couldn't show psychotic-ness very well...
I hope that's okay, as I say, I didn't mean to rip off the first submission so much as it now appears to me that I did. :/


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A challenge hmm? Well let me give it a shot. I present to you...

Lord Mal!

Lord Mal is as cruel as anyone can get. He rarely listens to any plight given to him by the citizens of his kingdom, he throws the people who don't agree with him or his rules in the dungeon to await daily torture procedures. And should someone anger him enough then he will personally kill them with his blade.


As you can see Mal has an affinity for the colors gold, black, and white. Some of the more common colors for royalty yes but he believes that he pulls it off better than any other prince.


The mask he wears..


Has sort of a dual purpose.

He didn't start wearing the mask until he was thirteen, after a standard sparring procedure with his tutor. Mal had constantly mocked his tutor after he over powered him and won the sparring match. However his tutor didn't quite like Mal's tone and surprised him with a slash to the young prince's face. No sooner had he done that the guards rushed in and threw him in the dungeon awaiting punishment for harming the prince.

The attack had left Mal with a horrendous scar that had marred his once flawless face. Mal took great offense to this and to hide his shame he dawned the mask you see before you. Later that month he personally escorted his former tutor out into the city, where he publicly executed him by stabbing him all across the body, aiming for the more sensitive areas, then proceeded to break his limbs, and to finish him off he severed his spinal cord.

The sun and the moon on the mask represent his dual personalities. The sun represents his more calm-headed refined ruler personality. While this personality is cruel it also shows a great amount of Mal's ruler status.

The moon represents Mal's more psychotic, brash, and crude personality. This personality tends to come out of hiding during battle and acts very un-prince like. He becomes vulgar and he absolutely revels in the blood he spills.


Mal's preferred weapon of a choice is a rapier that he himself designed. While he normally let's his guards do the fighting for him, should he get angry and/or excited enough he will jump into battle himself.

Like I stated before his more psychotic personality tends to take over during battle. He also has a habit of aiming for parts of the body that are more sensitive then others, always wanting his opponents scream out in excruciating pain when he hits them.

So tell me. So you think this guy is psychotic prince worthy or not?
Brilliant ideas everywhere. Great study material for my own future creations.

Nice touch on the fat physique. He certainly looks the part of the spoiled coward. Props for thinking outside of box and making an original Chinese prince. The emperors of China primarily wore golden silk, so your color choice was quite fitting. Perhaps a bit more decoration on his royal robe wouldn't hurt.

Das some sexy shit. Excellent expansion to the story and powerful symbolism (props on the sun and moon stuff.) And I could not believe that you actually got the fugly Baihu coat to look good. Damn. While yours is certainly the most aesthetically pleasing, he's bit more hardcore than I imagined him initially.
I've thinked something different, since you havn't sepcified the age/ambientation, I've imagined a "son of the sun god" prince; so, I've opted for an aztec style.



Seriously, nothing allow you to be more arrogant and superior like beliving to be a god amongst mere mortals ^ ^.
He refer to hiself as "beautiful as the sun", "stronger as the sun", ecc..., always make his servents to do the "dirty" work cause he feel too superior and don't want to let his body to be contaminated by mortals blood. He loves beautiful things, expecially gold.
Thanks Brucege! I think you were right, so I've added some of the branch motifs to the chest of his robe.
Furako; great Aztec Priest-King-style prince :D

- BTW, I've only been here a day, but I think the idea of a regular creation challenge of this nature is a great idea!
Whoops! Guess I went overboard on the psychotic part didn't I. *Laughs Nervously* When my mind creates something like this it feels the need to go over top with it. But thanks any way I also have to give kudos to your prince as well.

Dude major props on the Chinese Prince. I can totally see where you were going with it too. Although I wouldn't worry to much about him not looking to psychotic. He still looks like the type to send his most trusted guards after you if you angered him.

Well I can already see who has the award for the most original "Psychotic Prince". Seriously... the son of a Sun God with an ancient Aztec look? Genius! Absolutely genius! Sir I tip my hat to you.
Good lord, that's amazing. I can smell the ego emanating from him. I'll get back with more profiles of emotionally-broken, schizofrenic, maniacs soon.
Oh wow. Your prince practically radiates with flamboyancy. The hair, the outfit, and even the weapon show that this guy is a pretty boy spoiled prince who would execute someone just for amusement. An excellent job in my opinion. Well done!
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