α Patroklos General Discussion/ Q&A

I do, sir. You're pretty nifty. I really only use Alpha when I'm facing super nubs. I can't reliably get his justs online so I avoid him most of the time.. Most of my damage comes from B+K, which is good, but slow, etc.
Since picking up aPat my skills with Viola have declined and my win% has dropped at least five points in a month. LOL! A six month average tanked by one month of sucktacularness! But actually, the frustration has made it a lot more interesting.

As far as timing with aPat, I count like when learning music. To me, a lot of his moves start on a half beat so I count "and 1 - 2". For the Twister I count 2143 as the "and" then a~B as the "1". 2143B:B is "and 1,2". But I count 1B:B::B as "1 and 2, 3". Things started to work better for me this way.
I've played you online before, but I don't think I've used aPat against you, and also the connection was terrible if I recall correctly, lol.
Sounds about right. I don't even notice it anymore. Makes the people whining sound crazy. :b
You think everyone's connection is terrible. Lol
My connection is legitly bad, though I'm getting better interwebs on Friday, so we'll see.

With my luck, it'll get worse.
Since picking up aPat my skills with Viola have declined and my win% has dropped at least five points in a month. LOL! A six month average tanked by one month of sucktacularness! But actually, the frustration has made it a lot more interesting.

As far as timing with aPat, I count like when learning music. To me, a lot of his moves start on a half beat so I count "and 1 - 2". For the Twister I count 2143 as the "and" then a~B as the "1". 2143B:B is "and 1,2". But I count 1B:B::B as "1 and 2, 3". Things started to work better for me this way.
Been there! I get bored of playing with one character so I learn someone new. And I'm sure if I actually tried practicing, the justs would be cake... but I don't. He's boring in practice.
As far as timing with aPat, I count like when learning music.

The problem is when you do a move from buffer, say FC 3B:B after 11A. You want it to come out as soon as possible, so you have to buffer 3B, but then the :B timing will be different.
The problem is when you do a move from buffer, say FC 3B:B after 11A. You want it to come out as soon as possible, so you have to buffer 3B, but then the :B timing will be different.
That's why it's important to learn how to visually recognize the timings to do his JFs, and why playing online with him is such a pain. Of course, it's better to just learn the timing from neutral, and then visually recognize when the recovery window after moves is over. A good example of what I mean is 1B:B into another 1B:B. It's much easier if you recognize the correct time to input the second 1B:B, since then you only need to know the one timing for 1B:B.
Does anyone else desperately want the second horizontal hit to the sakura twister back? I haven't played much of setsuka but I main alpha, I loved using that for pressuring.
^The last two "likes" were for the helpful, useful advice. But now I watch the screen so close my eyes water. :) Gotta time my blinks.
Okay. It's been 14 days since my last post so...I think the statute of limitations has run out on the double post rule.

You can time 9A+BA to punish characters with longer range. It works in between NM and Sieg's AA's. Then, BT B+K:B A:A:A. I've gotten it off a couple of times. Worthwhile?
You can time 9A+BA to punish characters with longer range. It works in between NM and Sieg's AA's. Then, BT B+K:B A:A:A. I've gotten it off a couple of times. Worthwhile?
It can be risky. If you do it too much, they can start ducking and WR (B)/FC 3B punishing it when it whiffs. As for the BT B+K:B afterwards, also risky because anyone who knows the matchup will step the second hit for a free lawnchair. 8A+BA on hit into throw/BT B+K:B can be a really strong mixup though because it leaves you at +11.

2363B spam is probably the best way to get in against Siegfried and Nightmare, though. Or against any character.
^ Cool. Just making sure. If 8A+BA connects it spins the enemy and gives you BT B+K:B. From there I didn't really know what to do but A:A:A connects. I guess I'll work on 2363B. Gotta get a twitchy thumb to use aPat.
I don' know if ag:B can fit in after BT B+K:B, and I've tried repeatedly. 11B, ag:B is a tight timing, but I can make that work pretty consistently. It always comes out too late against opponents launched with BT B+K:B, though. Can anyone confirm this is possible, and perhaps provide evidence?
Just checked, it's not in the combo list so it probably doesn't work. BT B+K:B → 2A BE → JFT does, though. Apologies for the misinformation.
Just checked, it's not in the combo list so it probably doesn't work. BT B+K:B → 2A BE → JFT does, though. Apologies for the misinformation.
Yep, that's the standard I use as well. 1A: A: A would be useful (i.e. actually practical) for right angle wallsplats, though.
Does anyone have any thoughts on WS A's tech step properties? I noticed last night that they are freakish in that it doesn't actually appear to step at all, but clearly does.


Mitsu settings in Training ->
Action One - Guard All
Action Two - BB

Do 2A (blocked), WS A. WS A will beat the BB every time and give you a free CH WS A into CE. Any other WS/FC move will get stuffed. However, in scenario number two...:

Mitsu settings in Training ->
Action One - Guard All
Action Two - 3B
2A (block) WS A gets tagged by CH 3B.
This is really specfic, but I'd love to get some testing going to see what else this tech step can be used for. Obscure string punishes or something....
I've been raving about how good 214a/ws a is for a long time lol. I use it mainly for TC purposes or step kill but I'll do some testing to see how good the TS is. As for CE I hardly ever use in combo unless it will end the round. I find it much more useful as a stand alone 8 frame move to interrupt or punish.