A tale of souls and swords, eternally retold (SC6 edition)

Why thx :) You wanna know my favourite then ? Libellule...idk how i brought her to life, it's like a fairy whispered the design to my ears...she's the whimsyCAS perfection (at least to me)

Lol yeah, i like fairy and i really love her design... she looks so beautiful and colorful. I don’t mind if she visits me in my dream :D

Well, other than Libullule... i think my other favorites are the Grand Visir, Hellboy (both form), Cthulhu, Davyjones, Chessvalier, PandaShao (both version), Marsupilami, 2B Gaia, and... the fish brothers.

So yeah, those are my top 10 favorites. It was pretty hard to choose, since they’re all awesome. But those 10 are the best ones for me.
Cool je suis flatte ! tu peux poster qqs photos ici si tu veux je suis curieux de voir ta version :)
Salut voici la version que j'ai fait de Ventrilock et une update d'Osiris que j'avais fait.
Tu me diras ce que tu en penses .
J'essaierai de faire Grand Vizir et Pompadour
Mais je pense que je vais m'amuser car c'est du lourd :)



Très belle recréation de ventriloque ! bravo ! Pas grand chose a redire, j'espère que tu arriveras à reproduire les secrets du grand vizir et de Pompadour (n'oublies pas la colombe :)
Very nice recreation of Ventriloque ! Well done ! Nothing to fault here, i hope you'll manage to unlock the secrets of Grand vizir and Pompadour (don't forget the dove :)

Et ton Osiris fait vraiment egyptien maintenant, superbe, les épaulettes font plus maya (cf mon Tupakan) qu'Egyptien, mais où sont les équipements DLC et gratos promis avec le patch 1.11 (quelqu'un sait ?) !
And Your Osiris screams egyptian now, superb ! The pauldrons do look more maya (cf my Tupakan) than egyptian maybe, but where are the DCL and free Eq promised along patch 1.11 (anybody ?)
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I have done 2P for the whole cast now, with this one. Yoshi is always a challenge, so i used the new DLC mask that makes him look like a cyborg of sorts.
What, DLC isn't out yet, so what the heck is he wearing ? :)
Went all in to try and make him cooler than 1P, what do you think ?


shiki soku zekuuuuu...
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I have done 2P for the whole cast now, with this one. Yoshi is always a challenge, so i used the new DLC mask that makes him look like a cyborg of sorts.
What, DLC isn't out yet, so what the heck is he wearing ? :)
Went all in to try and make him cooler than 1P, what do you think ?

View attachment 58202

shiki soku zekuuuuu...
View attachment 58203
Excellent travail.
Bravo. J'attends les futurs dlc par namco.
"Excellent work. Bravo. I wait futures dlc by namco."
Impressive headpiece.

Thank you both...i realized the face (intended to be some kind of cyborg) reminds me of something else i might use for an even more colorful alt.
The face is composed of a face mask + two different "tenu" face stickers (normal + vertically flipped) + 2 zipper stickers (normal + vertically flipped, projection + rotation mode)
Remember the face mask has insance duplication properties you can use to create brand new stickers :)
I missed SO much, I'm terribly sorry Vil, life and studies got in the way. Missed your thread and your stuff mon ami :D

I forgot a couple of shots of SEUNG WITCHNA

i know, it's your heart GOES boom, my typologies to you :)
That little bat is something else, I LOVE IT!!! And Witch-na looks so darn cool, the makeup and dress especially are top-notch! :D

Here comes the fierce PANDASHAO, where is the PO-LIIIIICE ! :)
View attachment 57590

Design notes : i know the ears might seem a bit too big for a panda and should be closer to the upper middle part of the cranium, but first prio was to hide the cat ears, so i made them as small as possible.
Quiz : what the head composed of ?
Ready for more CAS PO-etry ?

kept the turtle shell untouched because there are turtles in the KF movie, at least one, right :) Let's say he borrowed it from master Oogway
after his passing...sob

View attachment 57645

Yes, i am not mincing words, i pick them carefully (eg. overdone) puns and CAS alike are the meat of my posts :)
The amount of puns is strong with this one, they're overdone, just how I like them!!! :D I legit was in shock when I saw Panda-shao, I thought "how did he do it?". I want to find words to describe this awesomeness but I can't, I can't do it. I can't put it in words, I'm sorry, I got caught off-guard. It's one of those times when you just can't, it's difficult to write something in a post than say it in person. What I can say though, is that he's my most favorite, No1 CAS of yours!! :D

I have done 2P for the whole cast now, with this one. Yoshi is always a challenge, so i used the new DLC mask that makes him look like a cyborg of sorts.
What, DLC isn't out yet, so what the heck is he wearing ? :)
Went all in to try and make him cooler than 1P, what do you think ?

View attachment 58202

shiki soku zekuuuuu...
View attachment 58203
Mon dieu, KumoYoshi est c'est très manifique, il a l'air très bien!!! :D
Wanted to do a little exercise, hope I didn't do any grammar mistakes haha :P
He looks as if he was a pre-made design from the developers!! Loving that small ExEq spider on his head, those eerily purple eyes and that mask, they all look rad with his blue-ish hair :) The thing that attracts me the most is his torso though, 'tis a genius work. I like how you applied the zipper on his right side to make it look like...mechanical or skeletal is the right one to use? Anyways, looks awesome. And, I notice a tiger for the bones and two figures for the lungs, which are flipped in a way to make the ropes tied on their hands look like intestines.
I don't consider the above a review, I'd be shamed if I did. Let's hope that I'll respond with a proper one for some of your latest work soon. Take care philos :)
I got like 20+ alerts, as much as i dislike bare likes, the way they made "likes" customizable with lol, love etc. Kinda cute chibi emoticons too.
Nice touch 8wayrun techs and admins :)

I missed SO much, I'm terribly sorry Vil, life and studies got in the way. Missed your thread and your stuff mon ami :D
No problem whatsoever, your real life has priority over your social and gaming life, i am glad you are mature enough to know that, and i bet you are a very serious (and probably brilliant) student...of course i am always happy when you drop comments or reviews (btw, i am wondering where brucege is, last time we talked he said reviews incoming, then i haven't heard from him since, miss him too, he's like you, generous and genuine :)

That little bat is something else, I LOVE IT!!! And Witch-na looks so darn cool, the makeup and dress especially are top-notch! :D
After the slideshow compil, I am working on a video where you can get more hands-on with my stuff, it's taking a lot of time, but i hope you guys will like it when i upload it.

The amount of puns is strong with this one, they're overdone, just how I like them!!! :D I legit was in shock when I saw Panda-shao, I thought "how did he do it?". I want to find words to describe this awesomeness but I can't, I can't do it. I can't put it in words, I'm sorry, I got caught off-guard. It's one of those times when you just can't, it's difficult to write something in a post than say it in person. What I can say though, is that he's my most favorite, No1 CAS of yours!! :D
I am extremely happy you name him as your favorite, definite my son's favorite too :)
At the end of this post, I am gonna show you and reveal his secrets as a little gift to give you a boost of energy for your studies, it should be enough for you to recreate him when you get your hands on the game (more fun than downloading him, see my french pals who have managed to recreate such complex CAS like Ventriloque, amazing work !)

Mon dieu, KumoYoshi est c'est très manifique, il a l'air très bien!!! :D
Wanted to do a little exercise, hope I didn't do any grammar mistakes haha :P
8/10 : you should say, Mon dieu, KY est magnifique (est c'est très just doesn't work philos :)

He looks as if he was a pre-made design from the developers!! Loving that small ExEq spider on his head, those eerily purple eyes and that mask, they all look rad with his blue-ish hair :) The thing that attracts me the most is his torso though, 'tis a genius work. I like how you applied the zipper on his right side to make it look like...mechanical or skeletal is the right one to use? Anyways, looks awesome. And, I notice a tiger for the bones and two figures for the lungs, which are flipped in a way to make the ropes tied on their hands look like intestines.
I don't consider the above a review, I'd be shamed if I did. Let's hope that I'll respond with a proper one for some of your latest work soon. Take care philos :)
I sure will be looking for your reviews, no rush, your post was a joy to read.
Now onto Pandashao, the key to the CAS is the chin & mouth section, that's where the emil's head comes into play to remove any trace of a cat (along with the mahcine head for the ears). The only thing i couldn't do is make the ears smaller and closer to the center/top of the head as with Po's design, because i needed to hide cat ears, but i was po-sitively surprised by the result :)
I wanted the clothes to be part like a fur, using the same colors as a panda's, plus bonus stickers.

Before Pandassembly :


The trickiest part : chin / teeth position (off screen parameters unchanged / at 0)

Equipment choice is im-PO-rtant, i kept it simple and asian, the chinese character means Kung Fu (Wu)

The sticker placement is pretty obvious, but mind the eye patches & 2 moons for a wide panda nose + a panda chibi for the back :)

The settings for the two ears to make it easy for those who want to recreate or upgrade :)

Left ear :)

Visual cues for the patterns and colors (nothing fancy here, experiment), the important detail is the pattern on the chin tho,
to make it belnd nicely with the furry texture on the meow head, minimum size, find the right color visually (do not
take the same color as the head, it's always better to feel the colors than try to take the same values, because it depends
on the material and piece of Eq you apply the color on, but geez, you guys know that)

Very important on this screenshot it the use of the gray / black dot pattern to do the eyes, use a color that is dark
enough for the eye balls since same color applies to the nose strangely.
Max pattern size and proper angle to center the pupil, you can also make him look down if you find it funny, easy peasy :)

If you have followed the steps, you should get this pandorable CAS, repeat his battlecry after me :

Now if you recreate, upgrade, make it your own, feel free to post your version here if you are so inclined, let's grow the
endangered Pandapopulation, because they are not exPANDAble !

This post is sponsored by punlimited, a subsidiary of Vilarious Visions...
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I figured as much for the head, it looked difficult to make at first. But thanks to your formula, it can be done. Many thanks for providing it! :D
Also, something cool I noticed. The "this is sponsored by punlimited, a subsidiary of Vilarious Visions", is the last one a play on Vicarious Visions, devs of Crash? If so, I'm glad I'm nerdy enough to've seen that :)
A blend of Vil and Vicarious Visions, yes, in all im-pun-ity :) ! Man you never cease to amaze and get a 11/10 for noticing that one, bravo mon ami, it's the kind of pointless easter egg i left specifically for you to find ! Indeed VV is the dev of Crash Bandicoot Insane Trilogy remaster, i loved the game, but it got too frustratingly difficult for me at one point and i didn't complete all the games and sold it because it was no longer fun to me (and i ain't a platforming noob but i just got stuck at a stupid 2D sidescrolling level). I prefer Spyro in the same platforming genre, because Spyro is more open-world and fairer and has more precise gameplay (at least for me).
There are several easter eggs in the video, some hidden, other hiding in plain sight :) thx for your nice comment in pm superdurand, won't copy paste because it was in pm...and in french, although some peeps here parlent un peu francais oui oui ! :) I have a secret CAS in store for a proper review of what took me (too) many hours to edit...showed it 2 my sons and they was vewy happy with le show ohlala ah oui :)
A quick Talim 2P, nothing overly "in your face" fancy and probably not a keeper, just some R&D on a few techniques (likes fake sticker hair :) and a CAS revolving around the familiar and the blindness theme, a very personal one to me.

I don't know what went on in my mind : "Bird also helps her defeat opponents" is what i wanted to type :)

Professor Hair-bert Von Moustachio

Let's be sexy :)

I am a wee bit disappointed the video went more or less unnoticed here, but the board has been very quiet, guess most peeps are waiting for the new DLC to land, soon after the patch they said :(

Do not retweet this post :)
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