Amy's Press B B repeatedly during amraylis help

No, just mash B, if you have any binds which include B - eg. A+B, B+K, B+G. Mash those to.
Mods close thread now?
The full version is only to maximize damage during combos, but if you use it as a poke I'd stick to just AS B and not finish it for safety reasons... 6BB~AS B is a frame trap on grd, keep in mind it can be stepped... AS BB, 2K is a combo I believe and 6:6B is a tech trap... Some players specifically look for the last hit on AS BB just to punish it for surefire damage so use it at your own risk, the mashed input isn't needed...
It's a great way to keep the opponent guessing though, which leads straight into a 2B+K mixup, so the reward justifies it's lack of safety, not to mention fear advantage.
Nope, I meant to say the fear advantage is what keeps AS B safe on grd, however on hit is a different story, it can be hard to hit confirm and go into the mashed version for more damage (maybe impossible), so with AS B you're left with -6 on hit and CH, you can only apply her 6BB, her 3A, or A+B*B+K parries as a following light mixup, while maybe not the most effective it can keep her offense going at least...
You can punish it on reaction whether they do the second B or not. Has nothin to do with fear advantage. Which is a new term to me lol.
You can punish it on reaction whether they do the second B or not. Has nothin to do with fear advantage. Which is a new term to me lol.

Fear advantage is the idea that fear of a follow up makes a move more "safe" since it causes hesitation which eats a few frames off their chance to punish.

As for the topic I have B+G, B+K, and A+B on my controller for the shoulder buttons. I just press B then pretend I'm doing Cervantes' FC A+BBBBBB and I get the 60 every time. Then again I rarely use amy. I just started so I might know what to expect when I play that guy^ I'm guessing it won't help.
I meant in a 6BB 236 situation - AS B gives fear advantage to prevent interruption, giving you an opening for mixup. Nobody would risk 60 damage without agi cover or unless they're sure you won't AS B, that's all I meant.
He shut pond up lol.....

@JTAG- Dude it's really simple just customize L2 as B+G and in the instance you perform Amraylis Spin press L2 and Triangle at the same time.
Nah the other guy said it's safe on guard, which makes no sense cuz once u block it there's fear of nothing. Plus you should just step during the spin, then it don't matter if she does it or not.
I should've said "safe-er"... I know what I'm talking about, didn't mean to confuse anybody, I think Seph has the "fear-advantage" term down, it can make moves safer or allow followups even though a move would be negative (some on hit, some on grd)... It's still hard to react to unless you're a bug or something, then I could understand...
Nah the other guy said it's safe on guard, which makes no sense cuz once u block it there's fear of nothing. Plus you should just step during the spin, then it don't matter if she does it or not.
True but then she has her mixup options following an empty AS, ASB is just insurance to avoid being interrupted in the spin IMO, though I confess my experience of good offline Amy is somewhat limited =S
Fear advantage is uber nice - it makes people eat whole straight lines of combos/juggles simply because they fear to do a move which could be too slow :)