[Apr 21, 2012] Xanadu Games Monthly: Prelude to Civil War (Arbutus, MD)


[08] Mercenary
Xanadu Games, the premiere gaming center for the greater Baltimore area will be holding its monthly Soul Calibur 5 tournament! It will follow the Playstation 3 standard set down by the Evolution Championship series. Participants are expected to arrive promptly, at least one hour before the official starting time for registration purposes. All late comers are expected to contact the tournament organizers directly (contact information below).
1PM: Signups
2PM: Prompt Start Time
Xanadu Games Monthly SC5 Rules:
- $10 venue fee, $10 entry fee for SC5.
- 60/30/10 split.
- Double elimination, Winner/Loser Finals 3/5, Grand Finals 3/5
- Players will run a test match for button check purposes when they sit down to play their matches. Needing to pause the game for any purpose once the set has begun will cause that player to automatically forfeit that particular round in the match unless otherwise is agreed upon by the players.
- Wireless Playstation 3 controllers must be properly turned off and put away when not being used. As with any major tournament, interrupting the tournament carries the harsh penalty of automatic disqualification.
- The loser of a match can request a change of character or a new random stage. The winner of a match must stay with their character.
- Devil Jin CAS banned, Dampierre ALLOWED.
Xanadu Games: 410-501-5040
If you have any questions, feel free to send me a message, or post your questions on the FGC page listed below.

Facebook: www.facebook.com/XanaduGamesFGC
Twitter: @Xanadu_Games