Best of PSN (PSN matchfinder)

Best of PSN #6 wtf happened to 5?

Ok. I'm not on any of these lists. I beat about 95% of the people I've played FT10. Now I'm pissed.

I'll be online this week to stomp all of you. I think people forgot about the best Cervy on PSN, including you, which hurts my feelings. How quickly people forget haha. I'm going to beat you all so bad you that you will regret me coming back to practice for this game.

Yo my list only applies to people that actually play online with some frequency...not semi retired Brett Favre comeback retire comeback retire players.

Yo shinji, if Freaky plays this game then he's on automatic, but I see him on Tekken frequent so I pay him no mind.

And that list is of my opinion, I don't give an ass care about what others think about it or say. I have played those people and I was impressed by their knowledge, decision making, styles, and application of strategy.

Wins don't impress me, anyone can win online it's how you win that determines your worth at least from an offline player's(me) standpoint. On this list, I am only interested in how your game translates offline nothing more nothing less, and my analysis has always been on point.
Best of PSN #6 wtf happened to 5?

Yo my list only applies to people that actually play online with some frequency...not semi retired Brett Favre comeback retire comeback retire players.

On this list, I am only interested in how your game translates offline nothing more nothing less, and my analysis has always been on point.
I don't know about "always" on point, but it's alright, I'll do what I always do and just keep beating on people. Then you'll smack yourself for doubting me even though the last time you saw me, I won a tournament;)
Best of PSN #6 wtf happened to 5?

Lot of Nut Riding here.....

You guys all suck. Nori your Cervy isn't even that good. I dont think you can handle online right now, things have changed, lag-tactics are accepted.

Seriously, IF you think you're good play me. I fight with honour and style and kick some ass in the process.

Best of PSN #6 wtf happened to 5?

S'cool, Shinji...

I dunno who ever told you i main, go easy on was proly a mere assumption if anything no worries, and thanks for the props,..anytime offline though with any X player, i block 2k/parry and interrupt/block or parry her b+k on reaction and and her A,k string i always side step out of range/ parry or gi the second part but, i'm sure you could tell through my attitude while playing that i don't like playing online too much if any at all...

And for obvious reason being.. it wont happen for me online too well at all(especially anything lower than a 5 bar connect), it was g0ofus' room so anything goes with that (i'm safely guessing), anyways..your online game is simple yet effective for sir., and if your ever in the NE area i would gladly get some offline games in wit ya anytime you drop in :)..our local venue is being re-born in a sense, so you could always drop in on one of those tourney's or something like that

also gg's to everyone else i got to play over the past few days...please forgive me as i cant do anything strategic/basics(punishment comes to mind) online where as i can offline.

Edit: Shinji about amy's don't need to get anyone's games down to spam that unforgiven move..which is pretty much her safety net when everything else starts to fail.

Really? Do you have any vids up of you vs an Xia user? I would love to see you parry her 2K I don't recall seeing it done offline at least...

and im sorry I don't usually sound this slow but NE as in? Im thinking North Eastern area? I rarely travel nowadays because im still attending college in Kentucky so im mostly back and forth here and ATL (my home town). I am going to GAMME in June if you plan on going there then matches offline is a fa'sho.

Well... I get scared sometimes especially against voldo players I do not want to fuck up I hate voldo and his stun combos, so I have to study my opponent carefully (If it is a challenging opponent of course)... 2B+K doesn't work vs D.I.N.O since he knows Amy very well so someone like him I watch how I use it
Best of PSN #6 wtf happened to 5?

ya, and that's a bad thing, I told you that before, use that shit.

And since when did Amy HAVE to respect frames? She doesn't need to half the time, she's hard to predict cause she can attack after about anything...offline.

LOL no...... amy is really easy to step, attacking @ - frames just makes it easier
Best of PSN #6 wtf happened to 5?

Go ahead and flex g0of, yeah I'll admit you CF'd my Xia props to you on that however you failed to mention the 8-4 record I had prior to leaving the room with you and justkill still there... uhh huh top voldo what you got to say now?

I didn't say it but ill say it now... Those matches were GGs but I had more trouble with you g0of it took me a match and half to figure you out, your style confused the shit out of me because it reminded me so much of sorrybaskets but your no baskets just close. Very tricky voldo and good JF combos you gave me a run for my money but once I got you down you ate Amy's AGI all day and I pulled a 3-0 with soph from just mainly defense and catching you on whiff. You had me going because you were exploiting my main weakness the first couple of matches but then you stopped and boy was I glad but of course im not gonna tell you what it is.... (Hopes Shattered)....


haha where do i start? remember when i broke 5 out of 6 first round throws from you? yuup. 8-4 lol, lets do a FT10 and im pretty sure ill win 10-3, maybe 10-4. lets start there.

ill bet i can beat you in a FT10 with your own character, Amy. (hope restored)

GTFO internet scrub
Best of PSN #6 wtf happened to 5?

Doing a FT10 against a voldo player = very tough. I have no deep experience fighting voldo too confusing he takes dam near all your health wit a couple hits from his crawl stance.
Best of PSN #6 wtf happened to 5?

Lot of Nut Riding here.....

You guys all suck. Nori your Cervy isn't even that good. I dont think you can handle online right now, things have changed, lag-tactics are accepted.

Seriously, IF you think you're good play me. I fight with honour and style and kick some ass in the process.

Interesting. Last time I played you I showed you respect. I beat you in a FT10 with no lag tactics. I don't fight w/lag tactics either, and you know that. And neither do you from what I remember, so why you think my Cervantes isn't that good is kind of puzzling.

Oh and OOF thought my Cervantes was pretty good when I played him at Nationals.

Yeah, I'm going to go ahead and disagree, my Cervantes is pretty damn good
2B+K doesn't work vs D.I.N.O since he knows Amy very well so someone like him I watch how I use it
2B+K works on everybody. You can't see the move offline so for sure you can't see it online. If he's blocking all of yours it means you are being super predictable. There is no universal way to stop 2B+K, you have to guess everytime.
Best of PSN #6 wtf happened to 5?

^Yeah, it is a nasty Cervantes.
But it seems like you prefer the top tiers and not the fun tiers.
*sigh* I guess Pocky Yoshi is alone in this tier lol.
Best of PSN #6 wtf happened to 5?

ok, i don't feel like quoting but let me address...

2A is very good cause it's better against step than most moves and it's recovery on block is superb so you can continue attacking at less advantage as opposed to doing something like 66B or 3A.

you DO have to learn your opponent before you start throwing out alot of B+K cause you can get destroyed for using B+K otherwise.

Amy is NOT easier to step when she attacks at disadvantage, she's easiest to step at neutral or positive, because it's easier to predict an attack coming. If she doesn't attack (or auto-GI) at disadvantage and you step thinking she will she could just run up and grab or somethin like that.
Best of PSN #6 wtf happened to 5?

^Yeah, it is a nasty Cervantes.
But it seems like you prefer the top tiers and not the fun tiers.
*sigh* I guess Pocky Yoshi is alone in this tier lol.
I like playing everybody my man. I just don't like people who purposely use lag tactics to win cause they aren't good enough to figure out the opponent, that's all.
Best of PSN #6 wtf happened to 5?

The people in PSN vids posted from gemini knight and/or X-box live heroes.
Or if you're those types that prefers to treat online and/or offline as a fun playground.
It really doesn't take much to be in fun tiers. =D
Best of PSN #6 wtf happened to 5?

Lol Nori its mindblowing how you became so cocky just because you managed 3-4 times to get Top 5 in tourneys with maximum 20 people, 75% no names....:) Every post of you is about how pro you are, you gotta relax, man! Chill, its just a game, lol.

Seriously 20 People, thats not a tournament. And everytime Link shows up he beats your asses like you guys just started playing SC a week ago.

No offense intented, i dont know you're real skill level but its funny to read your posts. Even S-U is super humble in comparison to you....:P

Of course its your decision, but with words like you gotta place fucking Top in the next REAL Tournament!
Best of PSN #6 wtf happened to 5?

Where do you get your information from doc?

1st at Mashfest, 22 people
5th at Houston Regionals, 32 people
2nd at September Gamelot Monthly, 25 people

The rest of the tourneys were 20 people or less, sure. And Link usually beats EVERYBODYs ass, cause he's a great player. And I can't help it if people don't show up to tourneys. Plus you are saying "75% no names" and these guys are known throughout TX and the south. Just because you don't keep up w/the good TX players, doesn't mean they are no names. That's like me saying you are the only good player in your country, that's silly.

I'm not mad and I know it's just a game. Dino said something that wasn't accurate and I corrected him, it's no big deal. I feel I've accomplished enough to talk. Nearly everybody who played me at Nationals complimented me and Hates saying they have never seen Cervantes players pull off the stuff we did. I didn't go around asking people what they thought, so them going out of their way says something.

Yeah, I've earned the right to talk, and I back it up also. That's why people like reading my posts: I say I'm going to beat somebody and I usually do. If I lose, I say GG and show respect. I don't disrespect anybody that doesn't deserve it, I'm just very confident in my abilities and anybody who has played me remembers.
Best of PSN #6 wtf happened to 5?

Ok, 22 and 25 :P

Im just sayin, you gotta be really really good at the next tournament :) Its just not a line i would play, beeing quite and then kicking somebodys ass (just how i did with SU after his "you are not on my level i'll beat you with rock" trashtalking ) is a lot more satisfying :)

Nevertheless of course good luck at your next tourney,see my post with a sense of humour please.... i support Cervy-Players....You're going to Gamme this year?
Best of PSN #6 wtf happened to 5?

Ok, 22 and 25 :P

Im just sayin, you gotta be really really good at the next tournament :) Its just not a line i would play, beeing quite and then kicking somebodys ass (just how i did with SU after his "you are not on my level i'll beat you with rock" trashtalking ) is a lot more satisfying :)

Nevertheless of course good luck at your next tourney,see my post with a sense of humour please.... i support Cervy-Players....You're going to Gamme this year?
I'm pretty sure nobody takes my trash talk on a personal level. If they do.....well then that's sad. Yeah, I'm the opposite in Tekken. I don't say a word in T6 cause I don't know that game like I do this one. And yeah, that was hilarious between you and SU. SU is pretty solid though, so props for beating him.

And you'll see the next tournament April 24th. Last TX Major I believe for SC4. We have about 20 signed up and expect around 30. 35 at the max, I'll be shocked if it's more. If I don't get top 3 I'll probably punch an infant.
Best of PSN #6 wtf happened to 5?

Really? Do you have any vids up of you vs an Xia user? I would love to see you parry her 2K I don't recall seeing it done offline at least...

and im sorry I don't usually sound this slow but NE as in? Im thinking North Eastern area?

well Shinji, most skilled players know that this isn't something you start out of the gate with her(2k) like you were using with her online numerous times along with the aforementioned moves i also listed in my last post, i'm going to be benign with you and give some insight to boot, NE as in "New England" located in the EC(East Coast, where you also originally reside) south of New Hampshire and North of Connecticut...

More..about 2k, do you REALLY need to see a vid of ANY skilled player doing either block or parry?..jeez most of them are side walkable..shit even jump a 2k..well fyi, if you play that way against me offline, yuuup, better believe i will do 1 of those 3 options..what really makes me happy is you don't wanna take my word for it?!! ..and well if YOUR not seeing it done offline that tells me something about you and how YOU perceive this game...

I was trying to be nice with my original post quoting you on/about myself/g0ofus..and from what i gather now is from you...sounds like you just don't know son!!!!

oh and in regards to "respecting frames"..pshh, you spammed so much 2k/b+k/a,k..and got away with it you msta felt real pro like huh?..offline you will get laughed at and trampled on by a skilled player that knows to cap on that shit but, stuff that was most def punishable offline that you proly got a boner from using those silly tactic(s) online shows that YOU don't respect frames, and more so for the game, that also shows that you DON'T have respect for a player like me(or any) and what at least what I'm capable of doing to ANY player i've play(ed) offline.. i've been here for years playing fighters and MOST pro players already know who i am(well the ones that i've played more than 1 time ever at least which is a decent chunk of them)...but if you wish..i can add you to the JustKill "hit list" if you like? :)
Best of PSN #6 wtf happened to 5?

you can't really step X's 2k that easily. Sure, it is possible, but its not very reliable, her 2K tracks like crazy. Best 2K in the game. And i don't really get it, are you saying you can jump/block 2K on reaction? Cause thats just rediculous.
Best of PSN #6 wtf happened to 5?

Uber..her 2k ISN'T as fast and as good as it used to be, but who ever you are you must play a lot of online SC4 and not enough RLP(real life play) offline to respond in question format like that, sorry no offense or anything man, but i take offense to questions like that..actually i don't think i need to explain myself anymore than i have..done.