CAS : create the real one Devil Jin

Is there supposed to be a picture? I can't see anything... S:

Edit: I can see the video now lol, was my browser being shit, good work.
Too bad people can't just accept something like this as the "standard" for DJ and let him into tournaments... I'm new to Soul Calibur, and I really like Devil Jin, but the fact that people are all butthurt over there not being a standard and not letting him in tournaments is a huge turn-off to the whole tournament scene. Even if I got better with a different character, the idea that he would still be banned makes me thing tourney players take the game out of the fun zone and into the overly serious zone.

Anyway, now that the obligated "Devil Jin will never be allowed antics," this is pretty awesome.
I only have a couple problems with the video, it doesn't show how he does the flame on the right leg, and the the chain on the right arm doesn't stay on his arm during battle.
Tiger Lily Gauntlets I use. I also made him a bit beefier and made his skin a little pale. My friend said my Devil Jin looked better than the one he made from this video :P