[Chicago, IL] anyone out here play?

My family should be fine guys, don't worry about us. Next time we hang out I do have some stuff I want to tell you guys about regarding how long I might be around in Chicago. On money I was never given an actual number how much money you guys WANT, like for me to give you, for doing all this with the tournament and putting up with me.

lol results aren't that important to me, I'm just not that driven a player. I just want to get good games while having fun and meeting people. It'd be cool to do well but really not the end all be all.

I guess...I dunno. I'm just a competitive person. I enjoy things a thousand times more if there's somebody (especially someone better than me) to do them with and/or get better with. I say results matter because it's the payoff of your time and dedication, whether it be getting top 8 or taking a whole tournament.

As for money, I'm not too sure. I'm paying for the rental and Donte's paying for the hotel. We should have to gas up about 4 times in all (there and back) and there'll be you, Damien, and Nirf...but you have to also factor in the unknown. No one's going to let you starve, so yeah.
I guess...I dunno. I'm just a competitive person. I enjoy things a thousand times more if there's somebody (especially someone better than me) to do them with and/or get better with. I say results matter because it's the payoff of your time and dedication, whether it be getting top 8 or taking a whole tournament.

As for money, I'm not too sure. I'm paying for the rental and Donte's paying for the hotel. We should have to gas up about 4 times in all (there and back) and there'll be you, Damien, and Nirf...but you have to also factor in the unknown. No one's going to let you starve, so yeah.

Well I'll chip in for food to help feed you guys just as a my treat thing(if you guys would be up to it I would pay for a dinner out one night). I'll also help throw in for gas like $25 every stop. All in all I should have around $140+ ish after I pay for my admission possibly more. I'll probably have to buy Nirf a whoper too, so factoring that in.
I like to see how I stack up, but winning isn't that big a deal to me which is really what I meant. I'd enjoy to get better and do well but I wouldn't be too bummed out if I got like last place.
I'm going to be pretty busy until just about Monday (when school starts) actually. Guess we'll just grind it out at the hotel! There are just some online habits I want you to get rid of so that you scuff Nirf's ass up overtime!
Hey there! Is there anything about any tournaments or meet-ups planned this year?
If not, I guess I could stay here and talk to you people, get to know you better and maybe hang out somewhere!
Hey there! Is there anything about any tournaments or meet-ups planned this year?
If not, I guess I could stay here and talk to you people, get to know you better and maybe hang out somewhere!

We play all the time (well, not as much/everyone comes all the time since school started). Just PM me if you're interested, PM me.
Hey there! Is there anything about any tournaments or meet-ups planned this year?
If not, I guess I could stay here and talk to you people, get to know you better and maybe hang out somewhere!

R u even from chicago? If so, what part of town?
sometimes. more recently though since orders just increased. i work 10 hour days 5 days a week and an occasional 8 hour saturday. it...sucks...but it pays the bills.
Yes I am. I'm from Bensenville, Illinois, a small town which is kind of close by Chicago. It just takes 30 minutes to get there, so it's not that far. http://www.mapquest.com/#df88866878118c29b0f4778f <-- (Not giving away my address, but here's the town I'm from.)

You don't have to give your address. You don't even have to come play if you don't want to; just letting you know that we're here if you want to play with some peeps. Just, FYI, if you do come play, don't get downtrodden if you don't do as well as you believe you should. We've had lots of peeps come once and never come again...but it should be realized that we are...at least above average at the game.