Chose the styles for a reboot.

Yes... but I found that the ass-bomb made her style unusable by a dude.

If there was an option to swap between the ass-bomb and something like a jumping shield punch for dudes...
I used to love creating a male CaS in SC4 and watch him do Cassandra's ultimate butt move. It filled my heart with such delight :3
So, something to consider (or something to ruin your fantasizing):

Taking the styles from "specific games" (SC3 Sig, SC4 Mitsu) is completely fucking pointless. Why? Core engine changes render it moot. You simply cannot copy/paste things like that into a new engine. There are always new subsystems, new mechanics, new properties, etc.
Couldn't they adapt? Take the core of the style do the necessary changes, see all happy ^^
Besides, I didn't realize it my intention with this thread was to see he most popular styles in SC story. =)
Couldn't they adapt? Take the core of the style do the necessary changes, see all happy ^^
Besides, I didn't realize it my intention with this thread was to see he most popular styles in SC story. =)

It's not even that close to simple. They don't change styles every game just to piss off fans or for no reason, they do it to fit them in with the new engine. Key example: SC4 Zas would be HORRIFICALLY BROKEN in SC5 if we did a cut and paste job, because of his ability to control space and zoning, because there is no step-g in SC5. That is just ONE change. One very "minor" (sic) change.

Edit: and once you alter the style to fit in with the new engine it isn't "SC4 Zas" anymore. The important part about SC4 Zas is the "SC4" part, not the Zas part.

I don't like these kinds of threads because it implies that there is a way to make a one-true-game, and that "it's easy, just put this and this and this in! I'm a genius! PS you are stupid!"
It's not even that close to simple. They don't change styles every game just to piss off fans or for no reason, they do it to fit them in with the new engine. Key example: SC4 Zas would be HORRIFICALLY BROKEN in SC5 if we did a cut and paste job, because of his ability to control space and zoning, because there is no step-g in SC5. That is just ONE change. One very "minor" (sic) change.
Hmm, I didn't meant copy and paste, I mean how they done from SC 2 to SC 3 to SC 4, characters wise were the same, the game play as you pointed changed drastically over the time, I mean do a real game, work in it do the things it should done, fix characters, put them at the same "Rhythm", never just cope and paste, I' not so innocent. =)
So if what you want is "natural progression", then there is no point in requesting SC3 Sig, for example. He would have to progress and would be SC6 Sig, not SC2/3/4/5 Sig.
So if what you want is "natural progression", then there is no point in requesting SC3 Sig, for example. He would have to progress and would be SC6 Sig, not SC2/3/4/5 Sig.
This was more to be something based, like Ivy in SC 4 style based would be better (I guess so) than Ivy style based on SC V, Tira SC V style based would be way better than Tira SC 4 based.
(I guess we are still on topic)
That is what I'm trying to tell you.

Styles only work in the games they are made for, because they way they are designed take into account the way the engine of that particular game works.
It's very easy. Just re-release SC4 (which had all the characters we wanted), with a balance patch to nerf the top tiers and buff the low tiers (cutting completely out the doom combo BS), with the customization from 5, as well as all the classic outfits, and with a playable netcode. Also add a story mode, but hire real writers, not the dogs who dog wrote the dog SCV dog story, and make dog sure it actually gets finished. Then everyone will be happy! In one post I have saved the whole SC franchise!

PS your stupid.

I just realized what a dog strange word dog is when you repeat it so many dog times. Dogdogdogdogdogdogdogdogdogdogdogdog.
But Soul Calibur V was already basically a reboot... And most people weren't happy with that... You want another one!? Lol

All in all, I love SC V, but I would love to see them reign in a little bit, get back to some more classic concepts and designs. Not just the older characters, (though I would like to see a few return), I'm mostly reffering to unmetered GI, etc... And Just Guard can GTFO. Of course, I do want them to continue to look for new ideas, and I do genuinely like some of the new mechanics and characters, but I also feel like they took out too much of what SC was. Maybe a better balance between old and new is what's needed. And not another reboot. Just my thoughts.
It's very easy. Just re-release SC4 (which had all the characters we wanted), with a balance patch to nerf the top tiers and buff the low tiers (cutting completely out the doom combo BS), with the customization from 5, as well as all the classic outfits, and with a playable netcode. Also add a story mode, but hire real writers, not the dogs who dog wrote the dog SCV dog story, and make dog sure it actually gets finished. Then everyone will be happy! In one post I have saved the whole SC franchise!

PS your stupid.

I just realized what a dog strange word dog is when you repeat it so many dog times. Dogdogdogdogdogdogdogdogdogdogdogdog.
Actually, SCIV has been re-released.

Somehow, I doubt they're going to release the game a third time. Besides, I'd rather them just focus on the game they have now/future projects than worry about a game released about 3-4 years ago.
You all should go to Lavender Town and listen too the BGM for an hour XD ( Joking don't go there you guys)
Hmm, I understand no one wants a reboot, just for fun at least tell me the favorite styles to you guys.
Even you BT.....tsc tsc XD
For CAS instead of taking movesets from the original SC cast they can earn a moveset or a couple from a library of the game's pre-defined movesets. But of course it's based on something.

I don't want to go into details, but the way I imagine my true version of what CAS is is that they go through a series of trials and discover their own playstyle (Turtle, Rush-down etc.) in which the game helps them progress throughout.
You all should go to Lavender Town and listen too the BGM for an hour XD ( Joking don't go there you guys)
Hmm, I understand no one wants a reboot, just for fun at least tell me the favorite styles to you guys.
Even you BT.....tsc tsc XD
XIANGHUA STYLE FTW. Since her graceful sword dance cuts down low-tier enemies.
The only way they can possibly make the series worse is by rebooting back to the way it was before, imo. Don't be Tekken. Don't make Tekken 5.
While I liked Tekken 4 and wish they would have continued on that track, regarding SC I disagree. When you're doing a multipart math problem and you realize you made a mistake in one part, blindly pushing on ahead with your incorrect sum isn't going to help you get the right answer. You'd be most progressive to go back to the last correct step you did and build on that, forgetting the mistake you made.
Taking the styles from "specific games" (SC3 Sig, SC4 Mitsu) is completely fucking pointless. Why? Core engine changes render it moot. You simply cannot copy/paste things like that into a new engine. There are always new subsystems, new mechanics, new properties, etc.

At best what you are asking for are skins/familiar character archetypes over semi-familiar movelists; which is all a character is when you divorce them from the ecosystem that they live in, aka, "the game".

That's more what I thought was implied... Obviously, there are elements of each character's style that changes between games. It's what keeps each game fresh and interesting. Some of these elements are good (Kilik/Mi-Na style divergance), and some aren't (Relic stance removal). The point is that there is a core principle to each character that should remain between games. I bothered to indicate the games by the names because that is what I felt the character should retain more visually, both artistically and in their moveset. Of course you have to tweak the properties/moves for a new game, but there were things missing between titles that felt... unneccessary. Sieg could've been a bit faster, Mitsu could've kept Relic and had his SC5 2KB moved to it, Cervantes could've remained a zombie, etc. It's entirely possible that there'd be some imbalance... but it's a fighting game. There's never proper system balance outside of a mirror match.