Cool new Zas finds...


[09] Warrior
As I say these are cool, not greatly useful though, so keep that in mind when reading this. I just thought id share considering how these may work and how cool they look.

CH 4B B just, K, 4A+B. This move can catch an opponent mid-air sometimes and must be air escaped with a direction to the back (Which chances are they probably will try, but ive done it quite often now.) I don't understand fully why even on a non ACing computer this move randomly whiffs, but I do understand that it does only about 4 extra damage than BT [B+K]. Even though it looks so much cooler.

If an opponent is pinned in the corner of a stage (Such as the egyptian cage stage) you can sometimes get this odd combo that is non AC'able (Though i really have a hard time fathoming as to when you can even have an opponent in a situation truly like this)

66B+K, (Afterwords, you are for a split second behind them, allowing you a BT B+K. However, your first strike will move them in front of you, allowing your second hit to hit them in front of you extremely high.)

So again, with that said, the combo is this.

66B+K, BT B+K slight charge, 4A+B.
Sticky please

Ch 4B:B BT K 4A+B
Is a combo that was first listed on this site by me. It should be known.

Awesome find
Corner 66B+K BT B+K 4A+B seems to be possible but inconsitant.

I am going to add this info about

WC 3B 66A+B4 BT B+K
This combo pretty much works on anybody on CH.

On Normal hit it

Doesn't work on


All females Characters
Bonus characters(All females BTW)

But this is a funny, it works on Ivy.
According to Zasalamel Ivy is a man.

This combo works best on NORMAL HIT up close...the closer the better.
cool stuff. I'm starting to play as Zasalamel and I have a question. Are his JF attack throws (like 6B+K:B) harder to do mid combo? I can do them if they're on the first hit, but after most stuns I can never do it. Any knowledge about them I should know?
Any indicator as to when you should JF 4BB? I don't know the indicators, and mashing doesn't seem to work all too well for me. Same goes for 4AB. Also, by slight charge, how long do you suggest? I'm having trouble pulling it off in practice. Sorry if these questions are a bit annoying.
The JF throw windows are always the same. JF throws can be done durring CH 66BB, A+K, and 6A+B stuns, but not after CH 6A and 1BBA stuns.

More cool stuff in case you didn't know:

-CH 4A/44A, 2_8A receive an extra 8 damage for a side-hit.

-6AB and 66BB are delayable. (Though not nearly as much as they should be).

-66K -> 3AB catches ALL tech. (Thanks to mikosu)

-For characters that are too small to be hit by normal 3B4 -> 4A+B, you can use 6A+B, for a little damage and a guard crush/big damage depending on what they do on the ground. Yes, it is ACable, but its extremely difficult for most characters to do so and impossible near a wall.

Reverse BT Glitch:

This was discussed in another thread, but I thought I would consolidate the information here.

After ending a combo with 4A+B, there is a small glitched buffer window. Pressing a button during this window will cause Zas to do the BT equivalent of whatever you pressed (i.e. A,B,2K,B+K) however he will do the move in the opposite direction, as if the opponent were behind him which, in turn, causes him to turn around. This is technically a way to manually enter BT, but its usefulness is limited by the small window, distance from your opponent after 4A+B, and the time lost doing the BT move. Reverse BT A can turn him around quickly, but it still isn't very useful. It sure is fun to play around with though :D. Reverse BT B+K makes them go FAR.

-After 4A+B slams them to the ground, press the button JUST after he lifts his scythe out of their body. The timing is not strict once you're used to it.
Try 33B4 followed by another 33B4 and it will keep catching ur opponent except if they tech right(not sure) catches lots of people sometimes they wont know how to escape it
Sorry. I didn't realize someone already posted CH 4BB K 4A+B. Thanks for adding more generally unknkown Zas stuff too. Much appreciated n_n
Here's a couple useful new tech traps:

2[B+k] -> 66B+K -> 4A+B, for a cool 90ish damage. Opponent can right-tech or lay on the ground to escape the 66B+K, but 2[B+K] -> 66A+B will hit right techs and ground for all characters (even ones which 2[b+k] -> 66A+B normally whiffs against, like Amy), so there is always risk for big damage.

Also, CH 4B -> 3B4_3B is a tech trap, but ONLY if 4B is performed on a stunned opponent. Bizzare, but true. So you can either get it off of a shakeable stun, 22_88KK or, most likely, a wall splat. Suggested use: (splat) -> 6BA -> B+K (splat) -> 4B -> 3B tech trap into resplat. I think it resets the hit counter, so you can just restart your wall combo at this point, ha ha.
^ I already actually posted the 2[B+K] 66B+K tech trap. If you want a guaranteed trap after that, I recommend you go for 66A with a little bit of time between the input so no buffering is really neccesary.
Oh, I missed it in the hubbub about the 66A+B4 relaunch. It's a very powerful trap, and relatively easy to pull off in a match, especially when you can punish right-tech with 66A+B.
I don't know if this is known yet, but it seems that you can always get the fully charged BT B+K off of any of his combos that include it. Even if you get a normal hit 4B+K, if you time your B+K just when they hit the ground, they make an odd noise and are relaunched slightly higher than normal, allowing you to get the fully charged BT B+K with an additional 9 points of damage.
For what it's worth, a delayed 66A should catch all tech after 33B4. As far as I know, it works on every character, and the timing doesn't seem strict at all.
Yeah it's been known for a while, but pretty much useless as his unblockable is useless post-patch.
Yeah I generally cancel his unblockable and snatch them with 6AB or 4A JFB, somtimes a 66A+B. And, if they are expecting that and choose not to move, then I just let loose with the full unblockable. His is really usefull considering the cancels lead to some decent damage.
Nobody does it but me but I always take the less damage route for air combos and 6B+K to pull them behind me for Bt B+K pressure. Its useful.

Nobody does it but me but I always take the less damage route for air combos and 6B+K to pull them behind me for Bt B+K pressure. Its useful.


What do you does after it ? Mixup BT B+K / BT 2K ? Are you close enought for BT 2K ?
Nobody does it but me but I always take the less damage route for air combos and 6B+K to pull them behind me for Bt B+K pressure. Its useful.


I use to do this a long time ago, before i came to 8wayrun... Interesting now that I know about advantage and stuff.
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