Corrupt Data


[14] Master
I turned on my 360 this morning and put in SCIV. When I tried to load my save file it said the data was corrupt and it had to be deleted. Is there any way to salvage my data cuz I had all the create-a-character items unlocked and there is no way in h3ll I'm going through that all again.
wow, I had the same fuckin problem. I had over 100 hours logged in and that same shit happened. I tried a few things but I was not able to bring anything back up. I had to start all over again!! I was PISSED!!! Thankfully when you log back into xbl, all your online fights, ranking and achievments will come back, so some of the items you have aquired will return, but not all of it.

I would be interested in knowing if anyone has figured out why this happens so as to prevent it in the future!!
At least Ill get some of my stuff but I really dont care about my online rank I just want all my costume parts back. Oh well.
Great, you get your achievments still, but it doesn't give you the honors in the game so I don't even get those items.


Honestly, it would be like "corrupt data? Damn! I guess I have to play this fucking amazing fighting game some more! *sigh* What a chore. It'll be so...wait, goddamnit, an excuse to play more SC4? I really don't need it but...lets do it!" Even if you only get achievements for online play, I literally got enough honors to unlock all the costume parts on my own in the first few days of play.

If you can't even GET THEM BACK again...that's just fucking ridiculous. PATCH ASAP.
you will get the honors that you have aquired via online fighting. it took a few days of playing for them to start popping up again. your achivements will never go away. as you aquire those honors again, you will get your stuff back.
This happened to me the other day on ps3, lost all my self made characters and equipment and selectable characters unlocked by beating story mode.
Oh well, I deleted it and started over. Had enough parts from unlocking all the characters and the downloaded packs I was able to make a few characters at the start.