Crazy Youtube Thread! Ver. 1

Haha, why didn't I ever notice this thread before? =D

My favorite politician of all time.

[youtube=Toyama Koichi at the 2007 Tokyo Governor Election]pOuumGX-6uc[/youtube]

[youtube=Toyama Koichi at the 2008 United States Presidential Election]uGZqOkeYbB0[/youtube]

And also something awesome.

[youtube=The strength ZANGIEF]92sIReu4t98[/youtube]
I know Family Guy isn't really that good anymore, but I bought the newest DVD set and this song was never aired on T.V. I think it's my new favorite musical piece from Family Guy.

[youtube=Got them on the list]GJICNimu8SM[/youtube]
[youtube=Mario Kart]MytfhzcSF-Y[/youtube]

Note: the last sequence features a static traffic radar. Funny thing about those things is that you receive the picture along with the fine in the mail 1 week after ;) What a trophy that must be...
ha, ha, these vids r re**** but highly amusing, remi cart is ridiculous ha, ha, he got pull over by the police. :D
Dont think it really counts as crazy, but its kinda wierd and interesting (plus im bored. :p) Apparentlly, Japan gets "unique" flavors of certain "Americian snacks". These videos are of a guy taste testing them. If anyone can find a website that i can import any of the Kit Kats or Pringiles, please let me know. :D

Here's on with Kit Kats.
[youtube="Kit Kats"]cf4TUYNfuyw[/youtube]

[youtube="Kit Kats 2"]XtivLFIRQaE[/youtube]

Here's Doritos

Here's Pringiles

Here's 3 Doritos and 1 Pringle.