Dampierre Frame Data Discussion - Behold Le Bello's magnificant frames!


World Warrior
Originally I was planning to make this a closed thread with Dampierre's frame data archived in this post, and have a separate thread for frame data discussion. But then I realized that we don't need to do it that way because his frame data will be archived in the 8wayrun wiki anyways. So instead, this thread will be open for frame data discussion.

Feel free to post your findings, afterward I will review and double check them prior to transfering them to the wiki.

When SCBD first came out I did some of his frame data, but I never bothered to finish it. However just recently I spent quite a few hours uncovering his remaining frame data. Even though it's a different game I figure we can use it for comparison purposes. You can find his BD frame data here:

Dampierre - Frame Data - SC4 (BD)

I have all his frame data written down on paper but I'll transfer it all over as soon as I have a chance. *Edit: Transferred!

Happy frame hunting!

*Edit2: I just got word that during the first month of the game, the wiki will be closed. So I will keep this first post updated with any findings until we can transfer it to the wiki.