Dead Space 2


[12] Conqueror
i am highly anticipating this game, the first one was great and so my expectations are high for 2. the main problem i know will be is multiplayer. the thing is, DS2 doesn't need it like Bioshock 2 or AC: Brotherhood. with the addition of MP to a SP game definitely takes away from the single player experience, especially if the multiplayer is suckish. (see for more on the MP addition discussion. don't really want that madness here even though it's true.)

Anyways, i was wondering what you guys think. what do you want in the game (new kinds of necromorph or guns or whatever) personally, i wan't to see how the flytrap (see image) works. it sound interesting. i really want to see the stalker (see image) does, sounds like it'd add an even more element of eeriness to the game.


stalker skull

images courtesy of