Dear Legendary Souls mode:

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[09] Warrior
Fuck you. For every absolutely amazing part of the rest of this game, you were included just to make sure we weren't too happy. Cheating, input-reading AI. The hard AI in the other modes? Excellent. Uses setups, baits, and competitive-play-viable combos. This mode? A demon possesses the AI. One that thinks human rage tastes quite nice, thank you very much.

Rant aside, I finished this this morning at something like 7:00AM. Game stopped counting at 99'59'99 and I figure it was something like two hours. To be fair, actual game time that involved me not staring open-mouthed in shock and horror as I was picked apart by Edgemaster rocking Alpha Patroklos' style was probably about an hour and a half. I actually stopped playing a few times. The day I see a human player rock that kind of speed, precision, and accuracy will be the day competitive Soul Calibur has its Michael Jordan. It's unreal.

Anybody else finish it? Thoughts? I used Alpha Patroklos myself, so that may have contributed to my terrible time with it (never used Setsuka even once before and kind of learned as I went).

UPDATE: Use the following anti-Legendary Souls spam tactic for great justice! Pick Natsu and spam 6B+K, B, B, B like a madman. Laugh hysterically as the AI is repeatedly destroyed. You're welcome.
LIke we all know, the AI on this game is very excellent, i will see many players still getting beaten by the AI themselves instead of other people
I couldnt get past him either, finally had to go to bed. My main problem is that They took out my yun and I'm not very good with anyone else, I'm trying to pick up xiba, but I have no idea how to use him and I still cant figure out just guarding, I'm spending all night in training today so that I can go back and whoop his ass...
Lol, I created a perfect replica for Virgil and since I'm already a Sets player he fits me PERFECTLY! Legendary Souls I haven't played it yet I'm trying to test some more setups for aPat before I move into anything.
I finished it in 45 minutes with Pyrrha Ω. It was a nuisance to complete, but what really irritated me was Edge Master with Setsuka's style. Difficult. Elysium with Sword & Shield. Made me sad and even more difficult. Algol. Easy. Life moves in mysterious ways.
I just finished it with Siegfried at around 50 minutes. Kind of difficult with Siegfried's moveset changed so much... Guess I'll need to go into Practice mode. Note that you do not need to beat Kilik in Legendary to unlock him, you can unlock him by beating him in Arcade. I can assume there's a way to fight Algol as well somewhere in Arcade, because I am almost certain 90% of the people who pick this game will get too frustrated with Legendary.

I've stuck the list of opponents below.

Round 1 - Kilik (Xiba Style)
Round 2 - Nightmare (SC4 Skin)
Round 3 - Siegfried (SC4 Skin)
Round 4 - Cervantes (Inferno Skin)
Round 5 - Edge Master (Alpha Style)
Round 6 - Elysium (Omega Style + Arch/Abyss CE)
Round 7 - Algol
Yeah, going through Legendary Souls with Patsuka is... not impossible, but Edgemaster will completely destroy you unless you cheap it out.

JFs on reaction to a button press is not cool. :(
Just finsihed this with Tira still playing sc4 style and yes, Edgemaster was a BITCH!!!
I think the final count on my timer was 62 minutes. The one I had the most problems with? Fucking Siegfried. I've never been good against Sieg for some reason...probably because I use him the least.

But yeah, running through it can be taxing. I ran it with Natsu right after I finished the story mode. I think the hardest part was remembering all the changes that have been made to the game. Namely step changes. Everytime I found myself getting frustrated I realized that I wasn't using quick step and I wasn't dodging properly because I was still in SC4 mode. Also, I ate it a couple times because I tried to GI the old way and got hammered. lol

I love Legendary Souls. I think it'll be a good gauge of my improvement. I'll probably go back once a month and try to beat my time.
I've come to realize that Elysium actually has a unique CE when you play as her. I thought it was simply the CE associated with the boss encounter.

So you could say Elysium is... semi-unique...
SCREW YOU NIGHTMARE... maybe I suck, but I just kept losing to him with only a sliver of life remaining on his health bar. Over and over and over and over and over. It’s like once he got in danger of actually losing, he’d freak out and become unstoppable. [Edit: or, more likely, I choked. -__-. LOL]
My first play through took me about one hour. After that it took me about 30 minutes. It's not as bad as it seems. It's a fun challenge actually :D
Was watching Floe play this mode yesterday, looks unforgiving. I'm interested to see how I fare come Friday.
Legendary Souls? More like Legendary Scrubs OLOLOL!!!!

Like every AI, you can cheese this one pretty bad. As MarkMan has, mine took me an hour first time and second time is 31'49"23, both using regular Pyrrha.

If you wanna cheese the AI, don't look for 100% success rate but get at least 80%. AI here is so much like MK9's Challenge Tower 300, though MK's was a bit harder.

What's worse is that beating these kinds of modes doesn't make you good. It probably does the opposite because if you employed the same tactics on a real human opponent, you're probably gonna get bodied real quickly.
Lawl, after losing about seven consecutive times to Kilik I was just like "fuck this shit! *slams controller*" and left. Thankfully I was able to complete my roster by unlocking Algol in quick battle pretty easily.
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