Demons souls


Any one getting this? I just saw a trailer for this game and almost shat myself this game looks fucking sick.
Prepare to get owned... the American version is HARDER than the Asian version.
From the game play footage it looks weird what game is it like game play wise? I'm thinking oblivion but it seems smoother than that.
The game looks pretty sick if i get that then odds are SC will be on the back burner.
I hope it's not like Oblivion, because that game is utter trash.

I may just kill you -_-

But I guess you can think what you want. I honestly loved Oblivion. It was challenging, there was a lot of customization options and the quests were involving.

But this game DOES look cool =]
I may just kill you -_-

But I guess you can think what you want. I honestly loved Oblivion. It was challenging, there was a lot of customization options and the quests were involving.

But this game DOES look cool =]

Not to start a flame war, but you've obviously never played any of the other Elder Scrolls games. Oblivion is MIND-NUMBINGLY easy. The combat, spellcasting, equipment, customization, navigation, hell pretty much everything about it has been dumbed down from Morrowind. The quests all felt horribly boring except the Dark Brotherhood quests, which really weren't that much better. The only real saving grace about Oblivion is that you can mod the hell out of it to make it Morrowind with nice graphics and improved AI. Too bad they can never re-create the best game in the series; Daggerfall.

EDIT: Lol, this doesn't have anything to do with Demons Souls. Everyone but Codemaster disregard this post.
I played oblivion and morrowind.

EDIT! I thought Morrowind was easier than Oblivion, honestly. I knew how to get the glass armor, and once you were able to trade with the imp, you could get tons of money easy, getting almost everything you needed. And once you got Azura's star, the game became just about summoning golden saints and killing 'em. I liked oblivion better due to it's vast size and a slightly nostalgic feel it gave me.
I played oblivion and morrowind.

EDIT! I thought Morrowind was easier than Oblivion, honestly. I knew how to get the glass armor, and once you were able to trade with the imp, you could get tons of money easy, getting almost everything you needed. And once you got Azura's star, the game became just about summoning golden saints and killing 'em. I liked oblivion better due to it's vast size and a slightly nostalgic feel it gave me.

You must've had one hell of a sense of direction, then. I got lost all the time in Morrowind. I also had a hard time with the combat what with the whole, swing 50 times hit once thing.
I was more of a spellcaster; I am in all RPG's I play. Yeah, I had a decent sense of direction. I normally explore most of a map before I do anything in those kind of games, then I begin to do quests and whatnot.
Morrowind was better than Oblivion... but Oblivion was still good, if you ignored the Main Quest.
I've been playing this since about 5pm EST. It's been alot of fun, and also very difficult. The game is confusing. You apply attributes like you would for weapons in God Of War. You collect souls, and use souls to purchase an extra point in Stamina for example. You also use souls for currency. So far I haven't found someone that buys items, so it seems like you keep everything you get. I'm actually stuck on this boss right now, and I needed a break. If you die, you go back to the begining, and all of the mobs respawn. It gets tiresome because there's really no way around dying.

There's alot more to dying than I'm going to say. I think it would give some people the wrong idea. So far it's been pretty fun and pretty frustrating. Just how games of this genre should be.
Yes, Enk, you can't sell anything back. But you use older items to upgrade your newer items and to create other items; so make sure you dont get rid of anything. The game is balanced around being beaten by DEAD PEOPLE. So if you are alive, it should be a lot easier. Of course, this is how it was in the Asian version; since the American version is harder, who knows...

I ordered mine online, because I wanted the Deluxe Edition... supposedly it comes with a Strategy Guide that is the size of the PS3 Slim box. Unfortunately, it wont come in until Thursday.
I can confirm that the Deluxe box's strategy guide dimensions are about the size of the PS3 game case, just a tad thicker. It is in full color and looks legit though.
I got the delux edition. It comes with a strat guide that's the same size as game case. It does have it's uses. Trying to kill this boss is a pain. I decided to build up my character before trying again.

Jaxel, I really don't think there's much way around beating the game while dead. I haven't quite figured out the best way to ressurect. There is an item that does it, and it seems if you help someone complete an objective it will res you, and also when I beat the first boss I ran into, I got my life back too. I haven't quite figured out if it's better to be alive yet. I think you just get extra health. It's going to give me a headache.
Enkindu... if you are alive... you can summon 2 other friends to help you... however, people can also invade your game.
By summon friends do you mean people on your Psn friends list or people that are just playing the game that are in that area?