Do not go see the SF movie


[09] Warrior
Just don't. Don't ask questions, don't try to defend it, just forget it exists. We'll all be better for it. You must trust me.
Currently 6.3/10 on imdb though. I'm sure it will go down. But again, it won't be as ridiculously awful as the Van Damme version.
I think the old SF movie looks more enjoyable. At least it's truer to the roots and has campy appeal. This movie is a bad action flick that borrowed a franchise name to be marketable. Or at least one would hope. In actuality the guy wrote this POS cause his kids liked the game...not him.

Make a story about Ryu and's not fucking hard to get a good plot out of that!
F*CK me. I saw it, this movie mad the DoA movie look 4 stars......i have NEVER walked out of a movie before, EVER, and I saw Dragon Wars in theater. I have never wanted to leave so badly in my life. EVERYTHING was bad, all of it, nothing redeeming at all. The OP fight scene ALMOST gave me hope for it......and then it flat lined and then went negative.

Bad fighting, bad wire fu (ya Spinning Bird kick both LOOKED stupid and didn't hit ANYONE who was knocked out by it), bad music, AWFUL acting by Nash, bad acting by everyone else but Michael Clark Duncan. Bad casting in general, bad costume design, terrible narration, bad story telling, hell most of it non-informative anyway with no real explanation of what just happened, flashbacks to things 20 seconds ago are always bad. Even REALLY noticeable little things, like laying on FOOD on the ground next to someone who just woke up and then telling them to follow and they just leave it, all in 15 seconds, or jumping in to save someone from being shot, but the bullet only skims your arm and at that moment that person would've been hit anyway.........all of it was annoying.

(Liu Kang was in this movie as GEN, and it didn't help really as all i did was laugh when he said things like Nightwolf from mortal Kombat to help)

This movie sucks, i want my Kylie Minogue back
At least the first SF movie was trying to be authentic to the game. What audience is this new version trying to appeal to? Real SF fans can tell it's garbage, and the general public don't care about some video game adaptation. I guess successful movies like Sin City, 300, and soon to be Watchmen still haven't convinced studio execs that sticking to a quality source material will give you a good product that people will enjoy without having to dumb it down.

Whoever saw this movie, are both Chun Li's parents in the story Asian? If so then the filmmakers have some explaining to do.
Sure it can.

I havent seen it yet, but anybody who has gone or isnt going to see this movie for the sole purpose of seeing how bad it is should be shot.

It should have been blatently obvious that this movie was going to blow, but I cant believe some people are trying to go in there like it wont be one of "The worst things you've ever seen."

I guarentee I've seen fatal car wrecks that are better than what this movie is going to be.
Didnt see the movie, but heard it was total garbage. AND that they left the ending open for a possible sequel???????? seriously????????
F*CK me. I saw it, this movie mad the DoA movie look 4 stars......i have NEVER walked out of a movie before, EVER, and I saw Dragon Wars in theater. I have never wanted to leave so badly in my life. EVERYTHING was bad, all of it, nothing redeeming at all. The OP fight scene ALMOST gave me hope for it......and then it flat lined and then went negative.

Bad fighting, bad wire fu (ya Spinning Bird kick both LOOKED stupid and didn't hit ANYONE who was knocked out by it), bad music, AWFUL acting by Nash, bad acting by everyone else but Michael Clark Duncan. Bad casting in general, bad costume design, terrible narration, bad story telling, hell most of it non-informative anyway with no real explanation of what just happened, flashbacks to things 20 seconds ago are always bad. Even REALLY noticeable little things, like laying on FOOD on the ground next to someone who just woke up and then telling them to follow and they just leave it, all in 15 seconds, or jumping in to save someone from being shot, but the bullet only skims your arm and at that moment that person would've been hit anyway.........all of it was annoying.

(Liu Kang was in this movie as GEN, and it didn't help really as all i did was laugh when he said things like Nightwolf from mortal Kombat to help)

This movie sucks, i want my Kylie Minogue back

I fully agree with all of this, especially the part about the horrendous spinning bird kick, and the ridiculously bad acting of the guy who played Nash. I mean wow, I think I chuckled every time this guy talked. And no Hudathan, both of her parents were not Asian, only her father.

The Van Damme Street Fighter movie was so much better than this, and that's saying alot seeing as how horrible that movie was.

And wtf was the lame roaring sound every time they showed Bison?
Lol Mortal Kombat II was a great movie in comparison to this.

and yes the left it open for a search for Street Fighters for the tournament.
The next one is gonna be "Bad Gandhi: The tale of Dhalsim" And after that "The Gremlin from the Kremlin: The Zangief STory" and then they'll do a 10 minute short called "Beastiality?: The Blanka saga" (porno). Not to mention the gay porno "Why I like my face and other random Vega facts"

So open up your calendars for 6/66 cuz this shit is coming to a theater near you when hell freezes over (one can hope..)
oh man chris klein did reeeaaaallly good acting in this one. not.
i watched it online free for the fun of it. its crazy to me this shit gets funded.
and the ridiculously bad acting of the guy who played Nash. I mean wow, I think I chuckled every time this guy talked.

I was high when I saw that movie but I couldn't miss that. It's barely believable how that guy is BAAAAAAAAD !!!

By the way have you heard of that guy "Ryu" something from Japan ? He's pretty good...