Does anyone have any Final Fantasy character formulas?


[08] Mercenary
Specifically the characters from FF4, FF 6, FF 7, FF X, FF X-2. I'm already working on Rydia(FF 4), Rikku(FF 10-2), and Sephiroth (FF7), but I'm having a bit of trouble deciding what the right equipment to use. The skill sets aren't a problem, I already figured those out, it's just the equipment formulas. I'd appreciate any help. Thanks.
I really hate Sephiroth CAS. Merely because I fight many people who wield him a lot and suck.
Aside from that rant, the best formula is something like this:

Duelers jacket
Asura Tassets
Traveler Boots

I'll leave you to your imagination of how to make him from there.
If not, I'll post the disgusting annoying Sephiroth(No offense to you. Promise).
I have Yuna, Terra, Quistis, Rinoa, Celes, Selphie and Fang at the moment. I had Wakka, Tidus, Squall and Auron at one point too :) I could post pics if you want?

Sure, I'd love to add those to my collection. I wasn't crazy about FF 13, but I wouldn't mind having Fang either. At least she was one of the better characters in that game IMO.
Awesome opossum ;) I'll put the formula for my Jecht up here if anyone wants me to. Also, TS can you post a pic of your Rikku from X-2? I'm having trouble making her.

I don't have any way to post a pic at the moment, because I don't have any way of connecting my PS3 to my computer, And she isn't finished yet, but I used Talim's skill set. And the formula I have so far is:


Physique: -12
Masculinity -10
Hair: long: color Yellow 9.12,15
Eyebrow color: Yellow 9.12 15
Eye color: Green 9.22.20
Skin color I just left at default for the moment


Head: Kunochi Headband. color Blue 9.45.15 in all areas.
Neck: Muffler. Yellow 9.12.15
Gloves: Belle Gloves. Color White 9.1.01
I'm still working on the pants and the shoes. I can't seem to find the right equipment for that but for now I have on the Prayer Breeches: Color Green 2.20.21
And For the boots I have Shinobi Tabi boots. Color Blue 9.46.15

That's what I got so far for Rikku. Like I said, she's still a work in progress.

Edit: I forgot her undergarments. I just used the Sarashi for the top. Color Yellow 9.12.15
Here we go - This is Yuna and her formula but feel free of course to change anything you want to :)

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Fang - Was hard to make her but this is the best I came up with.

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And finally Quistis

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They're not perfect but it's the best I could recreate them :)

Dang!!! That's close enough. I'll see if I can make some improvements but that'll definitely help. I love your Celes Btw. FF6 was one of my favorite games.
I'm about to post a sephiroth formula so you can tinker it to your liking. Stay tuned. Aside from that, intriguing designs, Rose.

Edit: here's the meh sephiroth. It's not much, but I'll leave it in your hands.

I'm about to post a sephiroth formula so you can tinker it to your liking. Stay tuned. Aside from that, intriguing designs, Rose.

Edit: here's the meh sephiroth. It's not much, but I'll leave it in your hands.

View attachment 6197

Nice Sephiroth. I'm still working on Rydia from FF6 at the moment. I still have a few tweaks to make, but she's almost done. I'll post the formula for her when I'm finished.
Sorry guy's but I'm going to have to go incognito for a while, at least on posting any character formula's. My PS3 just fried. Probably going to have to take it to a shop and get it fixed. I can't get the frikin thing to turn on for some reason. I didn't get that Yellow light of death yet, so I guess I'm still good, but I'll have to wait and see what they say at the shop. I'll be back though. And thanks for all the pics by the way. There's some good ones.
I have a Yuffie from FF VII(AC)


-Kunoichi Headband
-Sheveless Shirt
-Arabesque Vest
-Prayer Breeches
-Shinobi Tabi
-Night Butterfly Boots
lets see.....ive got....

....i have a bit of a favoritism towards 10 and 10-2 :3

working on making a good lulu and remaking 10-2 Rikku

edit; also have snow from 13, forgot about him xD
I made Ultimecia in 3...
Not easy. She'd probably WAY easier to make in 5 because of the patterns and all you can put on.
I've also tried Edea, again, 3, not easy. XD
Hi my user name is Michaelhighwind and it's my first time here. Anyway in Soul Calibur 3 i did make Locke Cloud Squall Zidane and Tidus. Well Acturlly due to Terra then Locke and female main bad guys a confussion of the word Cloud i was doing a Dissidia: Final Fantasy in my own way and i got the formulas to Kefka, Sephiroth and Seifer but i have to unlock all features and beat all missions and stuff so i can copy on to another memory card so that the file won't curitp so i need the formulas for the main good guy Warrior of Light in name from FF1 Firion from FF2 Luneth (All Jobs) from FF3 Cecil (Dark Knight and Paladin) From FF4 and Bartz (All Jobs) from FF5 and for the Main bad guys Garland from FF1 The Empiy from FF2 one of the Dark Warriors Cerberus in human form From FF3 Golbez from FF4 X-Death from FF5 Kuja from FF9 and Jecht from FF10 and on Soul Calibur 4 i did Cecil as Dark Knight from FF4 Locke from FF6 Cloud from FF7 Squall from FF8 Tidus from FF10 and Sephiroth from FF7 so for the main good guys i need Warrior of Light in name from FF1 Firion from FF2 Luneth (All Jobs) from FF3 Cecil as Paladin from FF4 Bartz (All Jobs) from FF5 and Zidane from FF9 and for the main bad guys i need Garland from FF1 Empiy from FF2 The Cerberus dark Warrior in human form from FF3 Golbez from FF4 X-Death from FF5 Kefka from FF6 Seifer from FF8 Kuja from FF9 and Jecht from FF10 and about Broken Destiny i need Luneth (all jobs) from FF3 Bartz (all jobs) from FF5 Locke from FF6 Tidus from FF10 Garland from FF1 Empiy from FF2 Cerberus in human form from FF3 Golbez from FF4 X-Death from FF5 Seifer from FF8 and Kuja from FF9 and that's all i need so could you give them to me thank you
C'mon guys i'm sorry to double post but are you ignoreing me or this thread? or do you not have the those formulas at all? So c'mon help me.
Wall of text, dude. v_v

Anyway, it's quite a bit harder to make characters from other series in IV, but once I get it in a few days I'll see if I can help. There's quite a few FF characters in other threads though, you might want to give them a look. :D
Okay. But how much time do you need can you give me a number? Maybe not huh? Well I think you should play 1 through 10 Final Fantasies see what the lead male and rival boss look like and i suggest you play through it until you reach the end and if you need time to see if you can help, i understand. take your time and oh i also said SC 3 and broken destiny.