Ezio Combo Discussion

Hi there, been working on an Ezio guide and here is the deal with 6K2:

It is very nice to tack on to the end of a combo, or to punish someone with as they attempt to roll away and escape. However, the recovery is HUGE, allowing no follow ups and giving your opponent a massive advantage if it whiffs or is blocked.

That being said...6K2 is a match winning move. Imo, save it for the last moment of a fight that you NEED one more hit to win. It is also perfect for several resets that I have developed (which I will have in my guide). But yah, it is perfect move for scoring that last cheap shot you need to win. It is what I use it for, and it succeeds very often in this use.
Ebo: Not to state the obvious (and no offense intended), but that could be said of all "surprise" lows.

Anyhow, what I'm saying is that the ground stun from 6K2 on a grounded opponent seems to yield some kind of advantage that hasn't been completely looked into. It could lead to a strong ground game. Since 6K2 can be guaranteed from certain combos, the risk of missing or having it blocked is moot.
You can end most combos that end in 6K2 with A+B for same damage (sometimes +1) and closer wake up. Also some things I noticed just checking Haori's post. CH 44K > CE does more at 108(and possibility of clean hit to 120) above doing > 1BBB > CE for 98 (clean hit 103). Also A+B 44B only does 69 without a clean hit.

Some more combos that might be worth mentioning

  • 6B 44
  • 6K2 46
  • A+B 47
  • 44B 55
  • 2K 32
  • 1BBB 44
    • 3B 75
  • CE 108
CH 44A
  • 44B 55
  • CE 101
  • 2K 36
  • 3B 87
  • 66BB 85
    • BE 106
Run K
  • 66B 42
Glad you posted those, Suirad. I discovered it, but failed to post. Leaving out the 1BBB garners a hell of a lot more damage on CE combos.

Ezio is starting to feel like a character that needs to build meter and then abuse the hell out of his BEs. Especially 6B BE.
I'm stuck at work - does 66A+B work reliably from GI/Guard Burst? I can't remember the numbers off the top of my head, but that damage looks close to or higher then 44K combos, which is what I've been using in those situations. Any excuse to use more 66a+b...
No a lot of breaking moves have been tested and 66A+B seems to be limited post break by either speed, hit-box or other reasons. It might be useful to test everything and see if there was a move that breaks with good enough recovery to land it though, since the pay-off would be worth while.

Ezio is starting to feel like a character that needs to build meter and then abuse the hell out of his BEs. Especially 6B BE.

I agree, his ability to punish with gauge is solid, but without it's terrible. Ditto for reward on anti-step and NC launch. 44B builds the most gauge out of all his combo enders in addition to tending to do the most gauge less damage, so I feel like its generally go to be the go to combo piece.
1k 4AB is so amazing and CAN'T be AC'd I was testing it out last night and I had the computer try to AC every direction and I would still hit it regardless of where it moved. Awesome note is that if they AC back you can RO from pretty much the middle of the ring.
anyone notice how ezio's ws K randomly wall splats on normal hit? are there two version of this move?

i've been doing ws K, 4k, 1k, 6b BE... like over 80 damage for quick ass poke near the wall lol?
There are some moves that can cause wallsplat despite not causing a launch or knockdown(usually ones that cause opponent to stumble backwards or causes their feet to momentarily leave the ground). 4K is a good example. I think WR K just doesn't move them very far so it only wallsplats if you get them really close to the wall. Hilde's 66K was like that in IV.
Some more wall things.

22K ~ W!
  • 4K ~ W! ~ 1BBB ~ 3B - 95 damage
  • 1BBB ~ 4K ~ W! ~ 3B - 97 damage
  • 1BBB ~ 4K ~ W! ~ 44B -
  • 4K ~ W! ~ 44K ~ 1BBB ~ 3B - 104 damage
  • 44K ~ 1BBB ~ 4K ~ W! ~ 3B - 110 damage
  • 44K ~ 1BBB ~ 4K ~ W! ~ A+B ~ 44B - 115 damage
  • 44K ~ 1BBB ~ 4K ~ W! ~ BB(BE) ~ 118 damage / .5 bar
  • 44K ~ 1BBB ~ 4K ~ W! ~ 1K ~ 6B(BE) - 128 damage / .5 bar (must be aligned PERFECTLY with the wall at a 90 degree angle)
  • 44K ~ 1BBB ~ 4K ~ W! ~ CE - 133 damage / 1 bar
  • 44K ~ 1BBB ~ 4K ~ W! ~ A+B ~ CE - 144 damage / 1 bar (again, alignment needs to be perfect)
So yeah, Ezio is kind of a monster at wall combos. It's just a matter of getting them off of 22K, and making sure your alignment is good for the 4K re-splat. My advice is that if you start to see them slipping away from the wall mid-combo, and you think that you're too far away for 4K to re-splat, just go ahead and end the combo with 3B. 4K will move them parallel to the wall if it does start to mis-align them, and it's easy to tell when it won't work once you've practiced these combos a few times when something won't work and when it will.

Also note that the damage values on most of the longer combos have variable damage values just because of your hits being counted either as side hits or front hits, with side hits obviously yielding more damage. In general, though, side hits will lead to your opponent turning parallel to the wall, ending your combos prematurely - try to aim to be as perpendicular to the wall as possible for consistent results.

Vittoria agli Assassini.
Sorry if this is known already:
3B nh 66B tech catch right, back, hits otg.
3B nh delay BB tech catch left
If you have meter they're in trouble.
If they tech side or stay otg you can also 9G for BT mixups. if they tech right your throws will be BT throws.

He is not monster for wallcombos lol. One rarely used move that will never give splats in real game even if it hits, followups will randomly wiff etc. Nvm the fact I can hardly think of a move that gives wallplat reliably.
Also ~100 dmg with the wall is quite common.
Just seen that 3K wall splat on NH

3K -> w! -> 4K -> w!

put him in standing stun,but he's turned on the back side,example you can do

3K -> w! -> 4K -> w! -> A+G/B+G (wich result in back throw) = 73 dmg, 82 if back throw get the random special effect

Note,the dmg is low, but because is all heavy dmg scaled after 3K -> w! -> 4K -> w!

3K -> w! -> 4K -> w! -> CE

Give only 78 dmg

Using meter

3K -> w! -> 4K -> w! -> 1BBB -> CE = 105 dmg (100% meter)
3K -> w! -> 4K -> w! -> 1BBB -> BB(BE) = 88 dmg (50% meter)
3K -> w! -> 4K -> w! -> 1K -> 6B(BE) = 81 dmg (50% meter)

But honestly i just go with the back throw option or the first (the CE) one, in others case (the two BE) that lil additional dmg cost too much imho
Updated Combo List can be found here: http://8wayrun.com/threads/ezio-combo-list.12344/

Of note, I screwed around with 3K ~ W! ~ 4K ~ Behind A+G*B+G combos, and found some interesting things - they're character specific. The list itself is in the last post on the thread, but thankfully there are more characters that yield back grabs than side grabs - 15 give back and 9 give side, with the exception to mimics who give whatever they're mimicking, and Tira, who the combo just doesn't work on at all. Note that the wall splat range for 3K is still pitifully short - they pretty much have to be touching the wall.

I also tried to figure out why WR K is the worst wall splat in the history of wall splats - essentially, if your opponent is using a character that has a wide stance - that is, one leg leads the other leg by a sizable gap - the wall splat will happen only if they're walking back into the wall while you run into them and quickly do iWR K. It's probably not worth the trouble to try and wall splat with it, especially with its problems on wall splatting certain characters. These problems apply to WR K, not CH WR K, by the way - CH WR K gives a more consistent wall splat against more of the roster, but it's CH...

Bottom line: Ezio has a better wall combo starter in 22K.
I haven't seen anything listed but 6B wall splats on CH. The splat is kinda fast so you can only get 1BBB combos off it for the most part.

Another good thing is you can start a combo with a wrA CH and go into 6B for the wall splat.

CH wrA, 6B, 1BBB, 3B - 89 damage
CH wrA, 6B, 1BBB, BB BE - 103 damage
CH wrA, 6B, 1BBB, CE - 107 damage
I realized that there doesn't appear to be some combos for hitting the opponent after a GI and a Guard Burst.

Since after a GI, you have 27-28 frames to hit hit your opponent for free (unless they reGI) I have come up with some useful combos for hitting them depending on meter. The following combos begin with the mentioned meter after a successful GI. Here it goes:


A+G/B+G - 50/55 Damage (guaranteed damage if the opponent does not break the grab properly)

A+B ~ 44B - 69 Damage (you have to be fast with this combo at the start because it felt weird doing this combo)

11_77A ~ 1BBB ~ 3B - 77 Damage (or 44B for more damage (83) and meter gain but it fails on some characters)

1 Brave Edge:
66BB BE - 76 Damage (You can use this for speed in case they are expecting a delayed attack, but nothing else)

11_77A ~ 1BBB ~ BB BE - 84 Damage (Almost every time you can add a 2k after the BE for about 92 Damage)

1K ~ 6B BE - 86 Damage (easier to do and it is slightly quicker than the 11A starter so you can confuse your opponent and you get a chance for a Clean Hit for about 94 Damage)

1 Meter:
CE - 90 Damage (You get a chance at a Clean Hit and this is 100% GUARANTEED! Excellent for sealing the round)

11_77A ~ CE - 105 Damage (Solid damage, you take a risk for getting more damage, potentially to finish a round but are vulnerable of getting reGI'ed, also if you're on the verge of getting the meter and do a 1BBB before the CE, you get 95 Damage instead)

A+B ~ CE - 115 Damage (You get the most damage, but again, you risk getting GI'ed by your opponent, save this for when you made a successful GI and you're opponent doesn't have squat of meter left, oh and don't forget, you get Clean Hit opportunities with the CE)

I'll post the Guard Burst combos later!

Vittoria Agli Assassini!
11_77A : This does not work post GI or Guard Break
44K: This does work and was not listed.

11_77A works, it comes out in 26 frames (meaning you have a 1 frame time frame to input it) and GI gives you 27 frames, the trick here is to buffer in the 11_77A once you press 4A+B+K, so as soon as you GI, Ezio will do 11A. This is the same as Algol with his 44B string (but it's a tighter link because his 44B is an i27 move, so you have to buffer it).

I did not post the Guard Burst combos yet, but yes 11_77A kinda doesn't work much post Guard Burst because of the distance between Ezio and the enemy. 44K is the alternative for both more meter-gain and more damage, but it doesn't work after a GI because it gives the opponent the wrong type of stun to combo into 1BBB, except on Counter Hit. The Guard Burst properties are similar to GI except in two things, YOU HAVE 30 Frames and NOT 27 from GI and the FIRST HIT gains CH properties, not damage.

Also I noted that I will post the Guard Burst combos LATER
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