Fat Princess: Get your cake on


[10] Knight
Yo not only is this game easy and fun, ITS AMAZINGLY GREAT ON MULTIPLAYER.

Combination of CTF, Castle Crashers and Warcraft (you can apply many similiarities to a lot of fun games amalgamated into one, but i digress). The game play is simplistic, smooth and intuitive.

This game is simply a MUST OWN for ps3 owners.

It's fast paced, easy to learn, challenging and requires teamwork! I love this type of shit!

Let's all discuss what is good in all phases of the game, what classes you like and any strats/exploits you have seen that work.

Right now I am rockin the Priest/Dark Priest class- I usually try to get my team to upgrde priest first, because they offer such good support on offense. I can go out as dark priest first to drop a life loss bomb on a cluster, then switch to priest and heal my crew that rolls out with me.

Ice mage is my second favorite, they fucking destroy uncommunicative enemies that always cluster in hotspots and on outposts, the AOE ice freeze is the bomb.

THERE ARE SO MANY TACTICS TO EMPLOY, even workers can do crazy shit!

Other than that, I havent had a chance to really get into every class, but certainly will before this weekend is through!

cya on psn!

cha cha
anyone up for forming an 8wr brigade to execute some sweet like 4-5 man castle raids inside a game? You really need a small group who knows what they are doing to make the catapult useful.

My preliminary group idea for a cata launch into base:

-2 Warriors for their HP and run speed alone (one carrying a chicken potion to throw at the first response)
-1 Priest for emergency heals (priest must be good at targeting)
-1 Ice mage who will charge an ice burst while catapulting, and will not release until the team is swarmed while carrying princess (meaning the ice mage only follows till the burst goes off)
-1 of any utility class, a bomb worker might be good for the knockback, or another warrior who can block other wars trying to nab the priest or mage.

The team would need to become adept at carrying and detaching from the princess at many points, as the group must micro quick movement and making their skills useful to the getaway.

Any suggestions are welcome. This is day 1 tactics here. I am sure many things can evolve, but it all starts with forming a team that can operate in a game together.

cha cha
Im thinking of playing it as well but i think the lag would be too great to play it with you guys.
Some of the things you say when taunting are great (not just what they say, but HOW they say it)...

"I'm gonna leave you in bits, like the Ice Truck Killer" (Dexter)
"I am teh pwnerer, bitches" (Jeremy, Pure Pwnage)
"BOOM! HEADSHOT!" (Doug, Pure Pwnage)
"The day is mine!" (Celebrity Jeopardy)
"Frakking Toaster" (Battlestar Galactica"
"I'll bite your legs off" (Monty Python and the Quest for the Holy Grail)
"You tattering crap dragon!" (no idea!)
"You'll rue the day!" (Real Genius)
"Don't make me slap you!" (South Park)
"I got a present for ya!" (Command and Conquer)
"Its a good day to die" (Star Trek 2: the Wrath of Khan)
"Whats up? No saving roll?" (random D&D thing)
"HAHA!" (Nelson from the Simpsons)
You really wouldn't think that a game called "FAT PRINCESS" would be as deep as freaking Rainbow Six extraction missions... but it is... kind of... hehehe
It's like a cute gangster fighter, between the bloods and crips...yeah very similar.
I guess I'm going to have to check it out now... what would it be comparable to if you had to compare to another game? I know it's basically ctf... but what is the playstyle like?
I'd liken it to a Fantasy Team Fortress 2.

Comical, easy-to-recognize character classes.

Healthy sense of humor.

Capture the Flag (the FAT flag if you feed the 'flag' cake).

'Jump in an go' gameplay that's easy enough for anyone to enjoy, but decently deep enough for endless hours of play.
^ Thanks for that, I might be DLing this today.

Has anyone not touched it since they got it, now that the hype is wearing off?
There is actually a lot of little tricks in the game, and they are NOT bugs, the developers even revealed some of them themselves...

Adv Warrior can jump across lava in hot sauce level. Their halberd charge has a dash, you can dash across!

Adv Ranger can cancel recovery of a charged blast by swapping weapons. Lets them fire faster.

Adv Worker can just frame throw a second bomb after a charge; makes throw faster than two non-charged bombs!