Favorite Female in SCIV?

Who is your favorite female in SCIV

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I prefer Talim over all the other girls. She's just more attractive to me because of her outfits and personality.

Plus, she's fun to throw around in SC4 practice mode. ;)
Sophitia all the way, mainly because she's got the best cleavage going on, and because she always has this look like she's been a very bad girl and daddy needs to give her a spanky.
Why I don't understand is why the results of this poll don't correlate with the character choices I see online. Setsuka is tied for first place, and in the past 9 months I've been playing SCIV, I think I've seen..... five? Good ones.
I just find it funny that the the Amy/Talim combined option still hasn't got all that many votes, all things considered. LOL. Sophie has more votes than her, Setsuka has the same number, and Cass has only one less. I must say though... so few votes for Mina was a bit of a surprise.
Namu namu namu namu! Its time for a NamuSkull review! Since I have no absolute favorite.

Ivy: Dominatrix chick. People like being tamed, right?

Setsuka: Umbrella sword chick. With her attitude, she attracts people.

Amy: Loli chick. You know the deal.

Talim: See above chick.

Tira: Moody Hula-Hoop chick. She's jolly! She's gloomy! And people are attracted to that.

Sophitia: MILF chick. People like being mothered, right?

Taki: Kunoichi(female ninja)chick. Only chick in tights. And people stare at her body...

Hilde: Knight chick. Only chick in armor. And people dig that.

Xianghua: Just kidding chick. Just kidding! Just kidding! Just kidding! Except people aren't kidding for the obvious reasons, right?

Seong-Mina: Pole chick. She works it, and the people watch it.

Cassandra: Sword and shield chick. Wait! She uses her ass?! O.O

End of review.

Every chick is appealing. My least favorites is easily Ivy and Amy.

Everyone else is cool. Who should I vote for to help win?
I want to vote but here's the thing.

Talim's my favourite, I hate Amy.

... Oh well. Apart from Talim; Cassandra and Setsuka are fucking fierce.