Favorite guitar Players

man if you think these American guitarist are good wait until you start checking out other guitarist abroad. :) those are very different to listen to because a lot of them don't know these American guitarist to look to for inspiration and because of that they develop somethings that I haven't heard of before.

Haha. Nick McCabe is British. Kevin Shields is Irish. Jim and Willaim Reid are Scottish. So you couldn't really be far from the truth. And saying Kevin Shields looks to ANYONE else for inspiration is scary.

But as I said before, it has to do with what I look for. People who play shit that is merely a barrage of notes does not interest me at all. I look for guitar players that invent and sculpt the sound of their guitar playing.
Not my favourite guitar player - no idea wjo this is, but it made me laugh, give it a listen, sick piece at the end:
I'll just post the same thing I did last time someone made a forum like this.

Alex De Grassi. One six string guitar that is all. I've seen him play this live.

Macyn Taylor, a friend and records with my uncle. Seen her live as well. She recorded this when she was 14.
Here's a guitar player that I personally believe is the best in the world, hands down.

Forget about Joe Satriani, Santana, Steve Vai, or Van Hallen. This guy blows them all out of the water.

You said any genre? Fine. Jazz isn't for everyone, and I can understand why. Most of it is boring. This next guy was a pioneer of Jazz/rock hybrid.

His name? Al Di Meola.

This next one absolutely blows my fucking mind.
