[Feb 11, 2012] Knockout Series #1 At Dave & Busters (Kensington , MD)


[09] Warrior
Tournament is ran by Steve H.
Tournament at a brand new venue for our local scene. This tournament will essentially be a trial run for the venue, to see what kind of turn-out we'll get from both established players as well as new players.

Dave & Busters
11301 Rockville Pike
Bethesda, MD 20895

The main perks of this of venue are
1) Location - Inside a very nice mall there will be plenty to do aside from the tournament without having to leave the building
2) Atmosphere - The D & B is a pretty nice looking place, with fairly affordable food and of course, drinks available at the venue.

Basically what we have here is a chance to establish another spot for recurring tournaments to help bring out more people. Long-term, our contact is very interested in the F.G.C. and tournaments so they will likely be able to help with something bigger down the line.

This tournament has been announced on D.C.'s WPGC 95.5F.M and it's actually generated a surprising amount of interest.

If you're new, come on out, get some games in, meet your local scene, and see what hardcore fighting game competition is all about!

If you've been to a few tournaments I urge you to come out and show the locals what competitive gaming is like, and knock some fools out!

Please let me know what you guys think, and leave a post here if you're thinking of coming in a format like this:

Where you're from
Games you wish to enter

More details to come soon!

Sign-ups will begin at 12 p.m.
Tournaments begin at 1 p.m.

$10 Venue Fee (this is subject to change, but isn't likely for this first event)
$10 Per game

-we are looking into perhaps some sort of discount on food for a higher venue fee, but no promises just yet!

Super Street Fighter 4 Arcade Edition ver.2012
Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3

Soul Calibur 5*

All games will be held on Playstation 3
All games will be double elimination format
2/3 games until 3/5 Winner's, Loser's, Grand Finals

General Evo standard rulesets will apply for all games

Our stream will be handled by the fine folks at VG Bootcamp
https://twitter.com/#!/vgbootcamp or @vgbootcamp
http://maps.google.com/maps?hl=en&q=11301 Rockville Pike Kensington , MD 20895&gs_upl=80374l80374l1l81517l1l1l0l0l0l0l110l110l0.1l1l0&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&biw=2304&bih=1220&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hq=&hnear=0x89b7cc23c8384cbd:0xfb9bfd2019a1ef33,11301 Rockville Pike, North Bethesda, MD 20895&gl=us&ei=VGcVT-aBE4L20gG4h_z0BA&sa=X&oi=geocode_result&ct=title&resnum=6&ved=0CD0Q8gEwBQ

Please drop me a PM if you have any questions or are interested in helping out to run a bracket or two <3

*Subject to entrants/equipment availability.