Fight Sticks! Which type should I get?


[09] Warrior
Hello everyone! I thought it would be useful to post this thread because I was thinking of buying my first Fight Stick for SCV. I was offered to get one as a Birthday Present on the 31st to go with my SCV, but the only problem is I know nothing about the different types of Fight Sticks.

So I was wondering if some people who might have used them in the past could give me some tips on what types are the best (by different types I mean brands such as MadCatz or HORI, the only two I really have heard about). I really know NOTHING at all about them and figured this might be the best place to ask ^ ^;

So does anyone have any tips or suggestions on what type I should buy based on previous purchases/experiences? or if there are any real differences between them?
I wanted to try stick once. I still use it for 2D, but still play SC on pad. To my knowledge, anyone who uses stick for SC didn't learn stick for SC, but learned it from other games. Why do you want a stick exactly? $150 is a lot to spend out of complete curiosity.
@Joltz: Those were actually the types I was looking into. I looked at the SC ones on the Canadian site and noticed they have a pre-order all set up so I was actually leaning in on buying one of those.

@Lasercakes: I want to get one because I just like playing with the stick and all the buttons. I used to play the arcade SCII all the time when I went to this glow in the dark mini-golf place that had one set up with my friends. I really enjoyed playing on the stick compared to the pad, I just found it easier to move the stick around and react with in the 8-way-run. Other games were easier to play in arcades too, especially when I played Marvel vs. Capcom 2 at Laser Quest. I also absolutely hate doing 236 inputs with the pad. Plus I prefer the buttons on a stick cause they are placed out like a keyboard and easier to do slide inputs on for me :3 I enjoy playing 2D style fighters with them so it would benefit me in those games too. I would love to have the arcade style of playing at home too ^ ^;

EDIT: Also thanks for replying. I was afraid no-one was going to say anything in here XD
I got HRAP3 for ps3 and changed the buttons to seimitsu (love those) and it works wonder. Just waiting for my PCB to arrive to dual mod it :)
Where do you buy these mods? The more I hear about Fightsticks the more interested I become ^ ^ That HRAP3 looks cool ~googled it~ What do these mods do : o
Mods are just modifications you make to your stick once you get it.

Honestly, the best stick for a first time modder is the SF4 SE - reliable, easy to mod, easy to repair, feels good overall.
As for parts to mod with - ebay. =)

Examples of mods you can do include:
The stick,
The gate,
The buttons,
Dual modding so it works on Xbox and PS3,
New artwork on the top,
New paintjob,
New ball on top of the stick.
Those sound cool, i'll look into them after getting a stick and testing it out a little :3
Actually... I already ended up ordering the one on Wednesday ^ ^; but people seem to be saying a lot of positive things about MadCatz fightsticks so I guess ill assume it is pretty good :3 if not there are always mods as you suggest~ Ooh I am tingling with excitement X3