For those who are bored with sc5


[12] Conqueror
First of all, I haven't even logged into 8wr in quite some time. Someone said to me once "if you don't like sc5, then why are you on 8wr?". So then I decided to pull myself away for awhile, because I knew eventually I would be back on.

I recently brushed some dust off my old ps2 slim and popped in sc2 when an old friend of mine came by. We were talking about sc5, the gameplay changes and whatnot. Both of us agree that the inclusion of meter was not needed and actually detracts from the core game.

Now, I'm not gonna make an objective statement and say "this game is crap", because I can see why people like it. It appeals to the hardcore, more technical crowd, and this is exactly where sc5 doesn't appeal to my or many other peoples tastes.

I feel in love with sc2 a decade ago, and the reason it was so appealing was because the mechanics were simple, yet the move sets and strategies were deep. Simple to pick up, hard to master was SC's motto from the beginning.

I feel like sc5 shits all over casuals. You now have meter management, on top of the fact that the game is already fast as fuck and you have enough to deal with already, or then throw in JG and guard crushers and you get a game that feels incredibly tech-savvy. The game requires more knowledge than ever before just to actually enjoy it somewhat.

In a nutshell, there's just too much shit to think about now. Not only to I have to make lightning quick decisions about my meter (Do I dump it, save it, or GI?), but I have to constantly look at my opponent's meter and be aware of what they might be able to do at any moment. I'm tired of constantly being "on guard" about a YOLO CE. To be honest, all I want to have to worry about is low, mid and high, and block punishment, which is already more than enough to keep me occupied.

I was never a wizard at execution, sure I tried to learn Ivy's CS and other such hard-to-do moves, to no avail. One can only spend so much time in training mode before they get bored and give up. When it ceases to be fun, the game itself ceases to have any point in playing it. This is why always played characters like Siegfried, nightmare and some of the other simpler ones.

Well that all goes out the window now, because every character now requires 236236 motions (thank you PS for shitting on people like me). I STILL to this day cannot connect some combo's that end in CE's because you have to input it too fast for my fingers. I see many other players pull this off 100% on their worst days. But like me, there are others who struggle with this kind of stuff. Example: Been playing raphael for 3 months now, and I STILL cannot connect 22B-CE, or 33Kbe-CE, which are some of his BnB combos. I STILL cannot connect Sieg's 3B-kBE-CE. Or the fact that more than half the time I try NM's CE all I get is a double grim stride (seriously, what's with the move input overlap PS?).

It gets even worse when you start incorporating JG into your game. You now have an entirely new set of frames to memorize, as if there weren't enough "numbers" to store in your head anyways.

The other thing that bothers me, is that some of the character's move sets have been gutted to the point where they are no longer fun or interesting to play as, "but those moves were useless" as some would say. I call bullshit on that because Siegfried in particular lost quite a few "useful" moves, mostly his A+B moves from stance.

The irony is that even though the move sets have been gutted to the bare bones and made "simpler", the mechanics make the game too complex as a whole. Maybe I'm just getting old, but my brain and fingers just can't keep up with all that insanity.

Comebacks are too easy it seems. Example: someone is about to get their guard crushed, then right before, the other player lands a combo starter and uses some BE's to extend the combo to be half-life-ish. Then, the defending player is then pushed into a forced block OKI situation, which crushes their guard because they were already flashing red, which leads to ANOTHER devastation combo right around 1/3 life or so. What you have here is one player losing more than 3/4 of their life from a single bad decision, during which they were completely helpless and passively waiting for their chance TO DO ANYTHING for sometimes long, extended period of time.

I always thought ringouts was enough of a comeback mechanic for me. Instant win not enough? Now we have to have stupid, devastating combo setups that are easy to land? Plus I don't think guard crushers were implemented well anyways, I've seen matches were both players are flashing red, you mean to tell me BOTH players were defending too much? How does that even make sense?

Someone once said to me that a bad fighting game is a game where one player can't do anything for long periods of time, getting juggled, combo'ed or whatever the case may be. Well, in SC5 you have exactly that, long period of time of inaction from one player.

Don't even get my started on JG. It's painstakingly easy to land, low risk and high reward, not to mention free and not returnable like GI. Punishing characters get even better? Great...

But, like I said, I can understand why some people like it, heck I even did for about a year or so. I think for me it was more a matter of "wow that's fresh and new". And yes it is "deep" in a sense, just not in the sense that appeals to my taste. It's actually too deep for me.

I gotta run but I'll write more later.
I'm not gonna make this a long reply but I'm gonna go over a couple things.

Sc2 was faster than sc5.

You could get guard crushed at any moment in sc2

Glitches like 2g, and jfc required execution and knowledge and shut down weak players gi attempts. Not to mention step g and bt jfs also adding complexity not accessible by the casuals. Character specific glitches like mitsu kB2

Huge damage combos existed without the need to spend meter. Asta 6b, 22k, 22b, ivy 33a, 22b, 6b8, Cervantes bt a+b, 3b, 2a+b, talim bbk, 44b, 44b etc.

Too many safe characters that were a nightmare to deal with.
I tried playing previous titles and they've gotten boring as hell, like I have no idea why I liked them so much.

This is the only game I don't get tired of tbh.

Same here. I'm still surprised how much I've played this game (and SCIV before it) and haven't gotten bored yet. There's just so much to learn/discover and test.
Really? Are we really doing this again? Come on man really? How many posts/threads you gonna make son? And what has happened to every single one of them? Yes we know you dont like SC5, youve made that very clear, on numerous occasions. Just fuckin stop dude. Its old. Go play tekken, or Call of Duty or barbie's dream house or something
It's not just Soul Calibur that is boring every fighting game is like that. I've tried a couple of current gen fighting games and they feel like last last gen probably dating back to the DreamCast Era only difference is the new coat of paint. There is nothing too revolutionary for the current gen of fighting games.

The only big change that revolutionize SC was the leap from Soul Blade (PS1) to Soul Calibur (DC) mainly due to 8-way run.
You seriously complained about doing CE's in this game? The 236 motion has to be the easiest in the game, and to think people wanted different inputs for different characters CE's. Your complaint about "comebacks" sounds like you had a bad game, and your opponent used your lack of skill to his advantage, forcing you into a bad situation. Also its almost never just one mistake that puts you under; you tech when you should have rolled, or maybe you whiff an attack and get punished, or hell your opponent adapts to your strategy.
You seriously complained about doing CE's in this game? The 236 motion has to be the easiest in the game, and to think people wanted different inputs for different characters CE's. Your complaint about "comebacks" sounds like you had a bad game, and your opponent used your lack of skill to his advantage, forcing you into a bad situation. Also its almost never just one mistake that puts you under; you tech when you should have rolled, or maybe you whiff an attack and get punished, or hell your opponent adapts to your strategy.
It goes both ways. There's been many times when I landed such a setup that I described above, and it felt cheap to say the least.
I tried playing previous titles and they've gotten boring as hell, like I have no idea why I liked them so much.

This is the only game I don't get tired of tbh.
We played sc5, got bored in about 30 minutes. Then popped in sc2, played for the next several hours and still wanting more.

To each his own I guess. Like I said I completely understand why people like this game, it's just a matter of personal taste for me.
Does anyone NOT read anymore? I mean seriously, the title says "for those who are bored with sc5".

If you like this game, and are NOT bored with it, then why are you posting in this thread? is it just to troll bait or something? Get a life people. If you don't like the thread then go away.

And yes I do have a reason for being here on 8wr. Maybe I'm holding out for sc6 hoping that it will appeal to my tastes better.

And YES I have gone back and forth on this game. First I hated it, then I loved it, and now I'm just sick of it. Going back to older SC games made me realize how much more I like those titles and how much they have moved away from where they originally attracted me in the first place.

This game is great for competitive players, but I think it basically gives casuals and lesser skilled players the middle finger. This is why sc5 is digging it's own grave. It's become almost as inaccessible as other fighters now, so much that even a guy like me who's played for a decade just can't get the swing of things.

I just thought of something else that might make some of you people less pissed off at me for making this thread: just move it over to the general discussions lounge. I should have realized that's where it really belongs anyway.

The problem is that most people like me who don't care for this title probably don't visit 8wr anyway. The other problem is that none of the other SC forums are worth a damn. So I'm kind of between a rock and a hard place. I actually tried to find another SC forum to post something like this and most of the time the most recent posts for SC5 are at least 6 months old. This should actually be a compliment to Jaxel and the community because like I said, 8wr is the only forum for SC that's worth a fuck.

So yeah, I was hoping to find like minded people, but I can see that they're probably all gone by now. If you really can't stand me and think that I'm scum, go ahead and delete the thread if you REALLY feel the need. I've got the post copied on a document file on my hard drive and I can re-post on another forum if need be. So I really don't care if you delete it, I just wanted to get it off my chest after played sc2 for hours and being given a hard reminder why I hate this title.

Most casuals will critique this game on single player, roster and other non-gameplay related stuff. Not me. The only thing I care about is the core gameplay, which I hate so passionately in this game.
Then popped in sc2, played for the next several hours and still wanting more.

i've kinda experienced this because a friend invited me over to play SC2. i think i was more interested in learning a "new" game than anything else though. Having the game knowledge i do now makes me play much differently than i did when i originally played SC2 back in the day, so it was kinda fun playing around a bit.

(i'd still go back to SC5 in a heartbeat though)
This game is great for competitive players, but I think it basically gives casuals and lesser skilled players the middle finger. This is why sc5 is digging it's own grave. It's become almost as inaccessible as other fighters now, so much that even a guy like me who's played for a decade just can't get the swing of things.

is SC5 really that inaccessible? i've always thought it was easier to get into than other games, then again i'm a bit biased and run to SC5 whenever i find another fighter too difficult. (note: not trying to troll/hate, just never heard anyone said it was inaccessible and i'm curious about it)
OK OK Thats fine and dandy, the game is over your head, and you think what you think about it. Yes I get that.

But while SCV is "digging its own grave" you are not helping anything by creating thread after thread about the exact same shit. Its the hate or "dislike" you have that you are spreading like a cancer on a consistant basis. Think of the new poeple joining the forum today. And this is the first thing they see.

Your opinion is just that, your opinion, but stop trying to force your opinion on us. We've seen it over and over again.

you come out with all these statments like "thats why scv is digging its own grave" and blah blah blah..... You dont know that for a fact, so just stop assuming things like that and spitting out stupid shit. Its old yo. Get over it already.
The thing is I am bored with this game, and i though this thread was going to provide some way to keep it not boring, but there's none of that, other than popping in SC2. Its just you basically giving your review of the game. When you were writing that OP what goal did you have in mind for this thread? I can see from your post that you wanted like minded people to come in here, but then you were going to do what? Were you just going to sit here for twenty pages and talk about how bored you are with SC5, and what you do with the time you used to spend on it? "Yeah man im totally bored with SC5, but now that im not playing it anymore ive got a lot more time to masturbate!"

From the way HRD tells it, this isnt the first time you've done this so let me assure you that the tone in these next sentences is nice guy giving advice. If you're bored with it move on from SC5, anything can get boring after a year. You said you loved the game at one point, dont too much anymore and thats cool, its natural, but it just seems to me that there was no purpose here.
My problem is that so many of your statements are contradictory that you dig your own grave without realizing it.
I don't know about all your statements as I do have some fun with SC5 but I will admit, I have gotten bored with the game. At the most, I played it constantly for about 3-4 months, then kind of died down after that. I would still play it now and then but after at least one playthrough arcade or creating a character, I turn off the game and play something else.

Yes, I admit I don't have net on my PS3 so that could be a reason why SC5 doesn't have much replay value for me but nevertheless, it would be nice if the creators put a few more modes in the game to keep the non-online players interested. You know, as much as I was excited about SC5 until they started releasing the character roster (the three mimics were a joke), I would have waited longer for a more polished game. I'm already done ranting about the games faults. I got that out of my system months ago. I just go back and play the other ones if I'm itching to play SC and not feeling like playing SC5.

As far as the characters go, the only character I can't use is Alpha Patroklos. I can't master his fast input moves so I just don't play him much. Hopefully, SC6 or possibly this SC5: Army of Darkness will be more refined and polished and I am willing to buy it. I don't see myself dropping SC completely because the games are fun. Yes, I did have fun with SC5 in the beginning and I can still have fun with it now provided I'm in the mood of playing it. :)