GMMA Presents: Mashfest 2 @ QuakeCon!!!


Ok, after a lot of talk w/Monsters Arcade, our main sponsor, we have an issue. Quakecon, the venue, is not comfortable w/us having cash prize tourneys. What does this mean to you? That nearly every game there is FREE to enter. SSF4, Tekken 6, BlazeBlue, all free. However, there is a catch: Soul Calibur doesn't have a guaranteed prize. From a business point of view, as we all know, the game is nearly dead. Nobody travels like they used to anymore. SSF4/Tekken6/BB have guaranteed pots (all laid out by Monsters BTW) and that's because they know people will come. With Soul Calibur, you never know. From what I know, 17 are confirmed to come, which isn't a lot.

My suggestion is that everybody treat this like normal and pre-register. Pay the $20 you were going to pay and we have our own guaranteed pot. The way around the red tape is that we are having Monsters hold on to the money for us and when we announce our winners, it's now one of the "prizes" for everybody. Pre-Registration will close August 12th, 2010. If the pot doesn't add up to $200, it is not happening at the venue. That means 10 people were either too lazy or didn't care enough about the game like I think they do.

We also talked about the ruleset of banning and Monsters is very uncomfortable banning anybody. In most other games, chars just aren't banned. This is arguably the last big TX tourney for Soul Calibur. I'm trying to open it up to people who only play Hilde (which I think is Batousai) and maybe others, and Algol (which is only KingAce, but he sucks at this game anyway so who cares). All joking aside, before you huff and puff over the keyboard and rage out on me, I'll explain further below.

So let me present the 2 options (If any of you realize how much talking I had to do to make this happen, you'd all give me oral pleasure).

Option 1) We stick w/the national ruleset (plus hilde banned) and ban hilde/algol/bonus/custom chars. However, we need 3 setups guaranteed. This means TV/Console/game. If nobody wants to bring theirs, we immediately go to option 2.

Option 2) We unban everybody. Custom chars included. The benefit of this is that everybody gets to play w/whoever they want (bonus, algol, custom chars, etc), monsters will add $150 to the pot of their own money, which is really cool of them and THEY will provide the setups.

Note that w/either option we all decide on, you must preregister for this to happen. I'll provide the link today. If you have my number, you can call me. Send pre-registration payments to and put "Soul Calibur 4 Pot Money" in the subject

If you have any questions, please feel free to call or PM me as always. And please make your posts productive, I've fought really hard to make this all happen and don't want to read any posts of just pure bitching.
I honestly could go either way on this (whatever the majority decides), but here is my opinion:

We keep the nationals ruleset + hilde banned... All due respect to Monster's Arcade, but they do not and should not have a say in what the community decides is competitively viable... They do not play calibur, so how can they say what should and shouldn't be banned?... And we already know I think that doing things based on what "other games do" is complete bullshit.

We don't go in there telling them how to run their business, and they should not try to influence the community on how competitive players should play the game...

- I.C.E.
Please post up when you have paid so I can keep track of the pot. If we don't get at least 10 pre registered before August 12th, this tournament WILL NOT happen at the venue.
I honestly could go either way on this (whatever the majority decides), but here is my opinion:

We keep the nationals ruleset + hilde banned... All due respect to Monster's Arcade, but they do not and should not have a say in what the community decides is competitively viable... They do not play calibur, so how can they say what should and shouldn't be banned?... And we already know I think that doing things based on what "other games do" is complete bullshit.

We don't go in there telling them how to run their business, and they should not try to influence the community on how competitive players should play the game...

- I.C.E.

QFT, and also, this alone makes me not want to go to this anymore. honestly i know it's not entirely your fault. But obstacle after obstacle after obstacle kinda discourages this. so with that being said....i have a new post tourney suggestion.

(that is the manliest man movie any man could watch....)

that is all

Besides....SU is gonna be this is like my other getaway and play this...guy....from NY.

Oh and you accept that grudge match??? Let me know so i can buy the THAT is something i am REALLY looking foward to.
Mike it's pretty simple. And this is exactly what I'm talking about. You have no reason not to support this, considering it's the only game you play. Preregister the $20 and show up, it's very simple. I don't see how 10 people wouldn't preregister. And if you find anybody else trying this hard to make SC happen in TX, plus have people coming from out of town, let me know, cause it's pretty much this or nothing at this point.

You have a guy you claim to want to play so badly coming all the way from NY, and one of the best Yoshis in the world coming, but you can't drive 5 hours cause of..........?
I would bitch about this cause of the constant misinformation and imformation changing shit from this venue or sponsors (not sure which) is quite irritating. That's correct I have kept up with this tournament on srk and tz as well since i'm there for more than one game. But I feel it will be a waste of time cause its quite simple to just pre-register $20.00 and be done with it. With that said...

I choose option 2:

No one uses bonus (educated assumption). I do not care if Hilde/Algol is used or not. To those who do care the it comes down to the integrity of KingAce not running Algol and Batoussai not running Hilde. No one else uses them. In doing so u get an extra $150 added to the pot and free setups along with the extra people want to bring. More room for casuals etc.

Its quite simple and if the people who are guaranteed to go can't pre-register $20.00 and be done with this nonsense then dear god... I will pre-register
SU: The good news is, you entering SF will be free. And I agree 100% that people that are confirmed should be able to pay the $20 regardless. And yes, sponsors left and right have bailed on me and Monsters Arcade is the only one who's stuck around. Trust me, people down here that know me and when I run tourneys, this never happens.
I honestly could go either way on this (whatever the majority decides), but here is my opinion:

We keep the nationals ruleset + hilde banned... All due respect to Monster's Arcade, but they do not and should not have a say in what the community decides is competitively viable... They do not play calibur, so how can they say what should and shouldn't be banned?... And we already know I think that doing things based on what "other games do" is complete bullshit.

We don't go in there telling them how to run their business, and they should not try to influence the community on how competitive players should play the game...

- I.C.E.

I am not completely sure how to respond to this but i will try.

We are trying to do nothing, NOTHING but help you guys out. We like Soul Calibur. I have played it since wit was Soul Edge in the arcades. My brother is Batousai. He is ACTUALLY PHYSICALLY my brother, and i have done nothing but beg and plead with him, mr cox, nori, and ace to prove me wrong about the SC community. We WANT you guys to be part of this so bad but from our experience yall just havent shown up. And thats all we have wanted you to do. We have tried to have free SC tournaments and days here at the shop for months and we have maybe had 5 people show up for them total. You cannot ask us to shell out money, setups, and time for something like that.

You guys have basically backed us into a corner and told us that SC is not sustainable. So the only option we have for us to run it is to lift character restrictions and get maybe some new blood there to play. I know you guys have to realize when you ban characters you restrict how people want to play the game, and as per our philosophy with these free tournaments is we want EVERYONE to participate.

Your telling me that the community has come to these conclusions about character bans and you know thats not true. Everyone here has a different opinion. Everyone ive asked about its opinions are different and i think it would be better if we all just admitted that and went from there.

I will spell out our philosophy for you if it helps. You tell me that i have no right to influence "your" community but all your telling me is that i cant play "your" game. That is the antithesis of what we should be trying to do here. Anyone should have the right to play and have their opinion heard. thats why i take yours very seriously, because since we opened we run into the problem of the fighting game "community" not wanting to expand their audience. And i know you guys are smart and i know you guys can see what im talking about. That disrespecting people who want to play with vader, or play with a pad, or play online, or whatever is hurting your community as a whole. And i really just want your game to be bigger than what it is.

I have to level with you guys. We were stuck with the shitty job of having to figure this event out on short notice, and we have to make choices that are sometimes unpopular. I was considering not doing SC4 at all because for all the other games since this venue and tournament is completely free we are supplying the prize money, setups, and running it. All yall would have had to do is show up. But no one could tell me that that kind of investment in SC was warranted. And i dont think yall understand how much i wish that wasnt true.

I even came to the conclusion that i will match yalls pot up to $150 just to show my support. And we are providing all the setups, and the venue. I hope you guys can see where i am comming from here, and if you have any other suggestions or like nori said if you guys can get 3 setups and get that pot up before the 12th i will let you guys run it however you want. But i was asked to help and im sincere about trying, but i cant be stupid or irresponsible as there is alot riding on this for us and what we are trying to do as a whole.

Again i hope you guys understand where im coming from, and i hope we can come to an agreement. Most importantly i hope yall come support your game.
this alone makes me not want to go to this anymore. honestly i know it's not entirely your fault. But obstacle after obstacle after obstacle kinda discourages this. so with that being said....i have a new post tourney suggestion.

Besides....SU is gonna be this is like my other getaway and play this...guy....from NY.

this is what i said....none of which says i'm not going. also SU agreed with my point on the misinformation. in which i also's not entirely your fault. I do propose this....

Why doesn't Monster's Drop $150 for each tournament anyway. Just because we're the only game that has banned characters doesn't mean we shouldn't have access to the extra funds. Which is another reason why i quoted ICE

I would bitch about this cause of the constant misinformation and imformation changing shit from this venue or sponsors (not sure which) is quite irritating. That's correct I have kept up with this tournament on srk and tz as well since i'm there for more than one game. But I feel it will be a waste of time cause its quite simple to just pre-register $20.00 and be done with it. With that said...

someone else agrees with me on that also....
Ultimately if you guys want to prove Wolfwood wrong, we all need to preregister and show up. If SU and Lolo can buy plane tickets to show up, I refuse to believe we can't contribute 20 each. Wolfwood doesn't think I can get 20 people to preregister and I really don't like losing bets either
Mike: Monsters is pumping 1.5k into tourneys. 500 for BB/Tekken/SSF4, which I posted above. They don't want to invest in a game where only 11 show up and 4 want to pay. If you guys can't pay for your own game, which $20 is extremely reasonable, it further proves his point that you guys want stuff but don't want to contribute, which kind of sucks. SU and Lolo should be the only guys who shouldn't have to pay, the rest of us should very well be able to cover $200+
Mike: Monsters is pumping 1.5k into tourneys. 500 for BB/Tekken/SSF4, which I posted above. They don't want to invest in a game where only 11 show up and 4 want to pay. If you guys can't pay for your own game, which $20 is extremely reasonable, it further proves his point that you guys want stuff but don't want to contribute, which kind of sucks. SU and Lolo should be the only guys who shouldn't have to pay, the rest of us should very well be able to cover $200+

I disagree and here's why -

You're promising funds into tournaments because people will show up, well that's that's pretty hypocirital to think that the same wouldn't happen for Calibur.

Example: Devastation pumped $600 Bonus funds into SC and it generated 32 people entrants (with 31 people playing.) Had they posted this up MONTHS (like what many suggested instead of trying to fly in top players) ago along with the other tournaments, quite the opposite would've happened as far as expected turnouts.

And with that attitude of yours on talking about how dead this game doesn't help this game either. Sure players quit because of how SC4 was or the community or whatever bs reason there may be. But until we get confirmation that another Caliber comes, you gotta keep playing. Simple

No one tells Monsters Arcade on what to do when it comes to their business, but to have them segragate SC like that because of an less then vibrant community like SF is utterly sad. I don't see them catering to the FPS communities and they generate SHIT TONS more revenue then SF can in a lifetime. So if anything, don't argue the business standpoint.

EDIT.....(again): just saw wolf's post. :D ty for adding the dough

Wolf: now that i read your post i do have a one question.

1. What excalty did you mean you didn't know how much was warranted about SC?
Mike: As always, you are missing the point. SSF4/Tekken 6/BB generate business. It's a fact. And they opened up an ARCADE for gamers who like FIGHTING GAMES. Mentioning FPS is just stupid. He is adding $150 to the SC tourney and just wants to know if I can get $200 towards the pot, which is ALL going to you guys. That's $350 right there. And how do we get that money? 10 people have to preregister $20. You mean to tell me it's ok to accept prize money left and right, but you won't pay for anything? SC is singled out cause of shit like this, nobody SUPPORTING it. I'm shelling $20 out of my pocket, why are you or anybody else so special? I treat this like ANY other.

You can say whatever you want about me saying the game is dead, but all YOU are doing is proving me wrong and wolfwood right, and that you guys can't even support your own game, which THAT is sad. And I'm having a hard time, a REALLY hard time convincing monsters to sponsor us in the future simply because of posts like this

To everybody else, it's simple, cause you are making this very hard: Pay $20, show up, play in the tourney, we all go out after. That's all. We are using their venue for free. The people that support the game will show up.
*sigh* imma try this again.

I simply said it was DISCOURAGING....i never said i wasn't going. Which is another reason why i quoted myself. I only quoted SU because it does get a little irritating having to change things constantly.

Quote a post in which i said i wasn't going...i'll wait because i know that i haven't. and to quote excatly what i that this news "makes me not want to go". Not "i'm not going to the tournament"
if you find anybody else trying this hard to make SC happen in TX, plus have people coming from out of town, let me know, cause it's pretty much this or nothing at this point.

Wrong! I've had out of town people come. Doesn't matter how far, but I have had people come from out of town and I still can if I try. Sir.
Ok, but unless you have a better suggestion, I really don't need the negative conspiracy theories as always. Yes, the venue got changed a few times, yes some sponsors dropped out, however, the one I have left is trying to help us so let's not make it any worse. Plus, we have 2 top players come which I dont' know about you, but I want to play them and beat them, so for that to happen, preregister by the 12th
Wrong! I've had out of town people come. Doesn't matter how far, but I have had people come from out of town and I still can if I try. Sir.
Nobody has had more people come from out of town than me or Ice has. You are pretty new and again, next tourney you do in houston, if you run SC, then great but as you can see, it's hard to get people to show up.
Ok, I had to register to ask you guys something. I'm the other half of the Duo that runs Monster's and I actually like Soul Calibur 4 a lot. I haven't played in some time, and I want to pick it up again but we hardly have anyone show up for our free nights. Anyway, what I really want to know is who are the characters that are actually banned, because I have gotten conflicting information on this, and also WHY they are banned.

I have to stress to you guys that if we run a SC 4 tourney, we WILL have a passer by who will enter it. If someone wants to play as Hilde and we tell him that he can't enter, I just want to know why so I might be able to tell him. I've played against Bats Hilde, this weekend actually, and as soon as he showed the ring out combo to me I asked why can't you just pick her with walled in stages? It seems that, after 2 years, some form of soft ban could have been made on these characters so that everyone has a chance to play with the character that they like. At the end of the day, that is what we want. Just to be able to allow everyone to come out and compete.
Here are the reasons for bans in tourneys:

1) Algol: He has a fireball that nobody else has. You can guard impact back to him also. He can zone his bubbles around the screen where sometimes, you literally can't move. He really has no great lows nor great mixups, but people get frustrated w/the bubbles and decided it was "cheap". So, he was banned, even though there was no good reason for it.

2) Hilde: This one today is still debated. It's not just her doom combo, it's the fact it's an extremely high damaging combo and it's pretty hard to beat her (if the player knows what he's doing). Her step is the absolute best in the game, and she can get around things that others cannot. In other words, "A" moves that track normally, she can get around them. Now, your wall suggestion is great, but there are other chars that like to ring out besides Hilde. For example, if I'm near the edge, I have great mixups with my char to ring her, or anybody out but now I'm limiting myself to just a walla game, where I can easily just go for the win. So the fact we HAVE to play wall stages w/her as suggested, takes the ring out game way entirely considering I have access to it also.

3) Custom/Bonus chars: Due to their size and extra items, etc, their hitboxes are really out of whack. Moves that are mid sometimes go right through them and combos that should work on them, don't. It's not as simple as "learn the matchup", it's that the hitboxes sometimes work and sometimes don't.
No one tells Monsters Arcade on what to do when it comes to their business, but to have them segragate SC like that because of an less then vibrant community like SF is utterly sad. I don't see them catering to the FPS communities and they generate SHIT TONS more revenue then SF can in a lifetime. So if anything, don't argue the business standpoint.

EDIT.....(again): just saw wolf's post. :D ty for adding the dough

Wolf: now that i read your post i do have a one question.

1. What excalty did you mean you didn't know how much was warranted about SC?

It really makes me sad when i see our efforts not taken seriously like this. We didnt have months notice. We offered to help Nori when sponsors backed out so we had to do this pretty quickly.

I dont think you understand why i dont want the ban. I dont want it because people at Quakecon will want to play and i dont want to exclude them. Just that.

And when i say i dont think SC warrants us throwing money in the pot right out of the gate is because i HAVE to consider the player base vs all we are trying to accomplish there. We CANNOT take money at the venue so everything is paid for by us. That forces us to make decisions on what games to allocate money too. SC4 scene just hasnt shown up. So we are forced to this point where i cant say the setups and cash are warranted for SC4. THATS why im asking yall to just show up and throw the money you were going to put in anyway to support your game. We get NOTHING out of it. We just want to help. Again any other ideas tell me.
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