GMMA Presents: Mashfest 2 @ QuakeCon!!!

This is the reason i am baffled each time people consider me a jerk for stating the things I do about the SC community.

It's simple pre-register for the tournament by paying the cash u would have in person before the 12th. Instead we have a page and a half of useless shit. It's sad enough the tournament organizers/sponsors or whatever for this event are right about no showups. FR dropped SC for the same reason. It will be even more sad if 10 fuqin people cannot pre-register as it would prove their point again followed by more and more excuses that the SC community is so good at as to why blah blah blah (he's good cause of his character, I lost cause I did not practice for the tournament, when does the shit end).

Pay the damn pre-registration. Drop the damn happy ban shit rules. Have u not noticed that it still has not benefited the scene and all its done is make the pitchers feel better and the users quit. TX should have never got rapped up in the bullshit EC no legit reason bans in the first place. It did not bring in numbers and has only eliminated some.

Enough talk... Enough talk... Enough talk...
Pre-Register... Pre-Register... Pre-Register...


This is what i was talking about pretty much word for word. You guys have to realize that bans hurt your game. It tells people that they cant play the way they want to plain and simple. That is the way we see things anyway.

But when we were told about the problems Mashfest was having and it was apparent that it just wasnt going to happen we offered to help. But then we found out that we were getting NO help and that we had to do everything. So then it became we have to run Mashfest. If we run something we have to stick to our ideals or else we arent who we say we are, and we believe in no bans.

On that not its just the reality that SC4 does not have the numbers for us to put up hardly any cash for it. The other games do. When we found out we were gonna have to run this thing it was up to us to decide to either cancel it or put up money for SC4. But we cant put up cash if we dont have evidence to back it up.

So we took option number 3: If you want SC4 there support your game by setups or cash. If we have to put up everything to run this thing then we have the right to decide what resources go where. Plain and simple.
I have no problem with Monsters Arcade running this the way they want to. Trust me you want their setups, whatever little money I might still have I will put it to the pot, so SU or lolo can take it lol.

Because this is QuakeCon, and if you don't get the magnitude of that name, then you're just not educated in competitive gaming.

It's done, we will put in the $200, and get this thing on the way. Enough bitching.

Also realize that at this event anyone there can enter SC4. Monsters Arcade also has stream capability. Just yesterday they were streaming Tekken 6 Matches, and SC4 towards the end.

Their setups are awesome, playing there I realized I have always played SC4 with TV lag, thats really sad but funny.

No one's replied about the 40 bucks thing. But, like I said, if this SC4 thing is actually going down, just holla through PM or something with the info.
No one's replied about the 40 bucks thing. But, like I said, if this SC4 thing is actually going down, just holla through PM or something with the info.

I replied fool. LoL.

What the hell. There was no option 3.

Kingace: How can you say you've had lag when you don't have a flat screen. I've showed you what the lag was.

I offered my end with Set ups. The TV's we used at TYS do not lag. I have those types of TV's for the tourney.

Post the names of the people who have pre registers already. I doubt there is 12 already. I could be wrong.

N e who. I'm out. Peace.
Ya ll bitch way to much. Thank you Monsters Arcade on trying to support.a community full of cry babies. On another note you guys should run a cod tourny that is 360 and not whack ps3. You will have people go for that
GMMA and Monsters Arcade are going to be doing this!!!!! Awesome- I want to put my input on some of the matter you guys are discussion but NAH!!! Come Out to play at the event and have some fun. I have to admit though this old school site makes my head hurt a bit. Too many sales ads- Better run back to my site now-
Ya ll bitch way to much. Thank you Monsters Arcade on trying to support.a community full of cry babies. On another note you guys should run a cod tourny that is 360 and not whack ps3. You will have people go for that

Shut the fuk up. You don't even play. Go back and hide in your hole. Get that weak ass 360 out of here. QuakCon is already going to have computers there. Why do they need that for?
I have zero problem running the SC4 tourney cause I'm already helping run the other tourneys. And to be blunt, if this isn't done by august 12th, you all show exactly what I've tried to deny to Brian (wolfwood), that this community is a bunch of crybabies. Granted only a couple of you are negative but it doesn't surprise me.

To the people with common sense, preregister and this WILL happen. It's pretty simple.
And to be blunt, if this isn't done by august 12th, you all show exactly what I've tried to deny to Brian (wolfwood), that this community is a bunch of crybabies.

Not trying to be a crybaby or anything but quite trying to use that reverse psychology on us. Please. I'll preregister, but I ain't paying to play if all the other tournies are free. Donations are a different story. This is what I'm confused on.

If I donate (20 bucks)which i was already comfortable with in the beggining., (pre-register), I can play but If I pre -reg and I don't pay the 20, that means I don't play? Am I the only one lost on this?
I have received a couple of PMs asking instructions on how to preregister.

1) Go to
2) Click on "send money"
3) Create an account
4) When sending money, check the bottom and in the subject, put "SC4 Pot Money"
Angel: Yes, you ARE the only one confused on this. You and CW, as always, are making this way more difficult than it needs to be. Preregistering is the exact same thing as donating to the pot. If you choose not to enter SC4, then none of this is necessary. If you do choose to, you need to add $20 to the pot, which is a VERY low amount for a tournament. This is what needs to happen to support a dying game that you claim you still enjoy, monsters nor anybody else, has ANY reason to support a tournament that their own players can't support, so we need to do it ourselves.
Not trying to be a crybaby or anything but quite trying to use that reverse psychology on us. Please. I'll preregister, but I ain't paying to play if all the other tournies are free. Donations are a different story. This is what I'm confused on.

If I donate (20 bucks)which i was already comfortable with in the beggining., (pre-register), I can play but If I pre -reg and I don't pay the 20, that means I don't play? Am I the only one lost on this?

Ugh so irritating. It's either u pay or u dont.

You have just stated u will not pay. Please no one else respond to this. The list will make clear who will support and who will not.
What's up with the new Sig? Dropped GMMA for Alamo?
No. GMMA is based out of Houston and any time they need help with anything, I will always drop what I'm doing to help Nathan. However, GMMA is a lot more established than the small company I'm helping in San Antonio, which is going to be sponsoring all video game tourneys in san antonio from now on. That way when we announce the next tourney in SA, it's actually in SA
If you do choose to, you need to add $20 to the pot, which is a VERY low amount for a tournament. This is what needs to happen to support a dying game that you claim you still enjoy, monsters nor anybody else, has ANY reason to support a tournament that their own players can't support, so we need to do it ourselves.

Oh we support the game that we dearly love. And 20 bucks is High compared to FREE! How hard is THAT to understand. On top of that, no one is Banned! Come on. If this was a community thing. SC community would put this up under Tournies to avoid cause they ain't following Circuit rules. How hard is that to follow. We all got hated on for "This is Texas, we don't ban shit" and look how much fire we got for it. Can you understand that? I'm done with this subject for reals. Yall can pay for a tourney that FREE for all BUT SC.

but then again. This isn't Mashfest anymore. This is Monsters Tourney. We should all stop posting in this thread and start posting in the Monsters Tourney thread since they are throwing the tourney. Soooo..... .I'm finished. See yall at the tourney.
I replied fool. LoL.

Why would I give money to some random person? Think you said something about being able to read a minute ago, so you should've been able to read the part where I ignored your last post.

Either way, I mean something more along the lines of what Wolf posted. Gotta get back to work, but I'll donate 40 once I get back to the computer.

EDIT: I also want to note that I understand completely where you're coming from B-Boy *As do I understand Wolf's*. I actually agree with the notion of having SC players run a SC tournament, but I understand Wolf's post about banned characters (wanting even random joes to be able to enter and enjoy themselves). I think it'd be better if you all just allowed Hilde players to play only on walled stages. Still, this isn't my tournament - I'm supporting SC and it's players; I'm not playing politics.
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