GMMA Presents: Mashfest 2 @ QuakeCon!!!

Oh we support the game that we dearly love. And 20 bucks is High compared to FREE! How hard is THAT to understand. On top of that, no one is Banned! Come on. If this was a community thing. SC community would put this up under Tournies to avoid cause they ain't following Circuit rules. How hard is that to follow. We all got hated on for "This is Texas, we don't ban shit" and look how much fire we got for it. Can you understand that? I'm done with this subject for reals. Yall can pay for a tourney that FREE for all BUT SC.

but then again. This isn't Mashfest anymore. This is Monsters Tourney. We should all stop posting in this thread and start posting in the Monsters Tourney thread since they are throwing the tourney. Soooo..... .I'm finished. See yall at the tourney.

I actually think you have a very valid question Bboy. I still think your being very rude towards us for no reason, but thats neither here nor there.

You guys dont HAVE to preregister or donate. You can just showup to play guys. Its just that we cant put any money into the pot right off the bat.

I was hoping that 20 people pitched in $5 a piece and we would match it. theres the $200 pot right there. Thats all we wanted. Hell 5 people coulda put in $20, or 10 people coulda put $10 and we will match it up to $150.

And i cant ban characters if we are running a free tournament at such a big event like quakecon. I explained to Nori that if you guys want to run it your way pitch in 5 bucks a piece and you guys can run it however you want.

Im not sure how this makes us the bad guy.
Either way, I mean something more along the lines of what Wolf posted. Gotta get back to work, but I'll donate 40 once I get back to the computer. This is going towards the whole SC tournament thing, right?

Yes lost. Every bit you donate for SC4 goes into SC4.
LostProvidence: That is very generous of you donating towards the pot for SC4. You come to TX, i'll make sure you don't pay for anything
Guys realistically, at this point, I don't see why we can't play Hilde on Wall stages, if that would make everybody happy. To those that are coming 100%, do you have a real problem if I allow everybody? I want to be as welcome to new players coming in as possible
Angel: Yes, you ARE the only one confused on this. You and CW, as always, are making this way more difficult than it needs to be.

Let's try to explain it this way since you seem to keep blasting my name out like that.

My concerns were a little more educated than just the $20 preregistering issue. Hence even why i corrected Angel and i acknowledged Wolf's post and corrected myself. It even shows proof because tetsuo quoted my correction.

BBOY, you bitch way too much. other unimportant nonsense

corrected that for you, no one else here is bitching about anything. Because if you were smart enough to notice, almost everyone has repsonded to all of his posts.
I actually think you have a very valid question Bboy. I still think your being very rude towards us for no reason, but thats neither here nor there.

You guys dont HAVE to preregister or donate. You can just showup to play guys. Its just that we cant put any money into the pot right off the bat.

I was hoping that 20 people pitched in $5 a piece and we would match it. theres the $200 pot right there. Thats all we wanted. Hell 5 people coulda put in $20, or 10 people coulda put $10 and we will match it up to $150.

And i cant ban characters if we are running a free tournament at such a big event like quakecon. I explained to Nori that if you guys want to run it your way pitch in 5 bucks a piece and you guys can run it however you want.

Im not sure how this makes us the bad guy..

I wasn't really trying to be rude. In all honesty. I'm happy there is another Arcade other than PZ. Seriously. But the comment of nobody shows up to Monsters for SC, thats why we aren't investing money, cause we don't support is what pissed me off. Yeah, it's sort of directed to me, cause yeah. I haven't gone to Monsters. I don't drive. I would have to bumm off to get a ride. I've asked people to go and all I get is, it's FAR from Pasadena. Just like PZ. So for you to say, the SC Houston community (which is 8 in total, and 4 of them are in Pasadena)doesn't support Monsters is a blow to me. That's why it bothered me. I was looking so Forward to this tourney because of the SAntonio players/Dallas/Austin people would gather again for a game I Support. Axe anybody. Axe your Bro.

I'm not trying to make you all look like the bad guy's. I'm happy yall are helping out Nori in his time of need. I'm happy that Great, High level players from out of town are coming. I'm really looking forward to it. And if I have to pay for a tourney, I'm paying to play in CW's side tourney. 151 and coke. CAn't wait!
What side tourney does CW think he's having? We are having enough issues with the main tourney. If we are truly having a side tourney (which again, we haven't even agreed on rules for the first one), then this has to start early, like START at 12pm
What side tourney does CW think he's having? We are having enough issues with the main tourney. If we are truly having a side tourney (which again, we haven't even agreed on rules for the first one), then this has to start early, like START at 12pm

The drinking one! Man, All yall read but don't remember shit. lol
The drinking one! Man, none of yall read but don't remember shit. lol

I'll put it this way...If CW posts and it doesn't involve him, he ignores it

however, if CW posts and his name is mentioned ONCE....All the Greek Gods become angry and strike down on him

:D This is why nori seems clueless.

It's all over pages 9 & 10 if you're wondering.

I just realized that we don't have a prize set-up. And also we have the 4-man team tournament also. *phew* it's going to be a long day indeed.
Just FYI, I will be supporting this tournament and I will be coming. Glad to finally hear people not caving to the ban rules. I know SU has been saying we never should have done this for a LONG time and clearly he was right.

Yes Wolfwood is my brother. No Bboy I didn't get him to change the rules so I can play Hilde. There's no way he would do something like that for me at an event like Quakecon.

Anyways, its time to put my money where my mouth is.
Just FYI, I will be supporting this tournament and I will be coming. Glad to finally hear people not caving to the ban rules. I know SU has been saying we never should have done this for a LONG time and clearly he was right.

Yes Wolfwood is my brother. No Bboy I didn't get him to change the rules so I can play Hilde. There's no way he would do something like that for me at an event like Quakecon.

Anyways, its time to put my money where my mouth is.

I'll MM you! And you can pick your Hilde. How about it?
Brandon: Call me sometime...supposedly angel is comin to SA this weekend and Blaze is playing again...

Brandon: Call me sometime...supposedly angel is comin to SA this weekend and Blaze is playing again...


DAMN! Who told you. lol. Yeah. I'll be in town.

Bats: FT5 for 20$. You can donate my winnings to the SC pot so I can play. lol
CW: In order to keep my sanity, I have to ignore most of your posts. There is a reason you have been banned 3 times already. You are the most negative person I know and find every single thing to complain about. You talk about things about a tournament that you are not involved in as if they are fact. Do you see me ever going into a Final Round thread saying "Oh yeah, WHEN we do this this and that". Now you got everybody thinking there is going to be some imaginary drinking tourney. Do you bother talking to me before you post? Of course not. And yes, when you mention me, it's never positive so what's the point. No matter what I do, you complain and bitch. After several years, it gets really old. I get top players to come, and you look at the times I don't. There is zero chance of making you happy and thats your problem, not mine.

And I never, ever "seem clueless". I just think before I post, unlike you. You constantly talk down to people, for no reason whatsoever and are very rude. You never, ever show me any kind of respect online so I decided I will not show you any either. One of us has earned a lot of respect in this community, and it is not you.

If you have something positive to contribute to the thread, knock yourself out and post away. Don't blame me for the reputation you built for yourself.

Brandon: Really glad you are coming, always great to see you
you can play even if you dont donate....

you donate just to get the pot up.

O_o. I'm not gonna say anything anymore. I'm just as baffled as Nori. LOL. I did talk to KingAce and he cleared things up with me. lol. You won't hear any more bickering from me.

How much is the pot with out the donations?
I'm not baffled. I'm only confused at CW's constant attempts to argue w/me. Plus, I've explained all this to you on Facebook already. It's going to be a great venue, great tourney and all we are trying to do is raise the pot. If nobody besides me/kingace/brandon/brian/nathan contribute, pot won't be too great, so everybody should treat this like a REGULAR tournament and donate the $20, cause it's strictly going to the pot. We have done this over 10 years now, it's very easy
O_o. I'm not gonna say anything anymore. I'm just as baffled as Nori. LOL. I did talk to KingAce and he cleared things up with me. lol. You won't hear any more bickering from me.

How much is the pot with out the donations?

Nori is not baffled trust me.

There is nothing in the pot without donations. We were provided with nothing and have to provide everything so we just dont have the resources to put into SC4. Nori assured me yall would come through so i said ok. ill put it on the schedule and ill match it up to $150 if yall do.

Sc4 is the only game with this option at Quakecon. Sf3, Tvc, etc all have to vote their game in the week to even have the option to run it.
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