Happy NEW year!

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[09] Warrior
Yup as the title says,
I, Kitthedrunkmod, am wishing you all a Happy and safe new year. Since I am working and will not be able to drink.. There is only one thing i want you all to do for me... DRINK ONE FOR US WHO ARE FORCED TO WORK THIS NIGHT..

Thank you...

OH and See you all next year...
Jesus, I think i set out all that i meant to do on New Years.

i got mad shit faced. I hope ya'll are too. Party like there's no tomorrow got damn.

Yes.. we have flying cars... they just dont look like cars... just giant winged machines that we call an airplane... No worries, I am sure that when you hit my time, that these machines will be all around.. I Promise..
only 2 more years till the END.

Personally, I don't trust a bunch of Aztecs who probably smoked a little too much ganja when creating their old-fashioned lunar calendar.

But then again, I might strip naked in my backyard with black paint on my chest saying "Aim at this, asteroid", along with a black arrow pointing to my junk o_O.
Happy new year to everyone!

To those of you that have to work today (like me) i have drinketh, and i was blitzeth, and i will stumble and fumble, but i will NOT (and did not) come to wrk sober....
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