Help remembering a website


[08] Mercenary
I used to go to a website all the time for looking up my House and Futurama episodes, however today I've completely blanked on it. The most I can remember is that the front page always had a featured episode or movie, there were "most popular videos" on the front and there were two skins available, light and dark.

Does anyone think this sounds familiar?
ok, lemme get this straight. you visited a site on a regular basis and can't remember the name? lol
Yeah, it's the weirdest thing ever haha, I went to go to it today and just blanked. Still am, it's really very frustrating.
It might come back to you when you hear, read, or see something that reminds you of it.
Yeah this happens to me at least once a month but I don't get upset over it anymore because it always comes back.
yeah the ones you remember come back...what about the rest though?

and i don't know but i used to go to it used to be real good but i pretty much got too frustrated with shit not working. plus it has gone out for months at a time a couple times at least. for now, though, i guess its ok.
sites like tv-links all got shut down. There are a few sites you can find for episodes still but mostly un-reliable, bittorrent is the way to go.
I didn't have a clue what site he was on about. I just thought linking him to a reliable source would ease the pain of his loss.

Win win by the look of it.