Hey, it's those CAS again


[08] Mercenary
Creativity is not one of my strengths so I'm content in recreating stuff I find cool. But I'm still very selective so I tend to erase all my older creations if I'm not happy with them. Here are some that have avoided deletion. I like simple designs so these aren't the most elaborate CAS you've seen.

Criticism is always welcomed, but most likely ignored. :P

Leixia - Cosplaying as Cassandra with small twists. The idea was to make her a Royal Guard type of outfit that fits her fighting style.

Rin - A character from Tenchu series using Soul of Alpha Patroklos. Sadly she's not one of my mains:

Pyrrha Omega - Cosplaying with a uniform from Final Fantasy Type-0 and a Deviruchi Hat from Ragnarok Online:

Pyrrha Omega - Summer uniform with the same style:
1. Lexia - I like the royal guard look. You kept an attractively simple purple/pink/white color scheme. The slight feminine details like the coat and the leggings stops her from looking too medieval.
2. Rin - While the design's certainly functional, it doesn't hurt to be a bit more extravagant when it comes to SCV CaS.
3. Pyrrah 1 - Cool hat. How'd you make that face?
4. Pyrrah 4 - Realistic attire is a bit bland for videogames. I'd add some more color.

You're off to a good start! Strangely enough, your creations resemble mine ALOT. We both prefer relatively conservative, modern designs over fantasy archetypes (mage/knight/etc.) We're also both somewhat perfectionists that just can't seem to make more than a few creations that satisfy our own standards. Even so, since it is SCV we're playing, it's only natural to go a bit crazy with our designs. When you have the time, try experimenting with new ways to create textures (like using pocket stickers) or equipment (like using 'feathers of strength' to create helmet visors.) Check out my thread if you're interested in seeing how similar our works are, especially my depictions of George Washington and the British hunting uniform.

Deviruchi Hat was something that simply I visioned in my head when I first saw the Cat Ear Hat. The face is made of two white spheres (obviously), a Chinese character that resembles a smiley face when turned on its side, and finally a white triangle that creates the drool effect.

And thanks for the comments, I should try experimenting more with textures.