Hilde Ban Discussion

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The fact that this is even being discussed is a joke. >_>

I have played very good Hilde players both online and offline, mainly using Talim and Lizardman, and not once have I felt that it was impossibly hard to win or extremely unfair, yes even on seesaw (which I always purposely choose when I fight a Hilde in casuals). She just requires a specific approach, and patience.

Hilde on seesaw or whatever other RO stage, Algol, Yoda, Bonus characters, asura dance, all these are not even close to being worthy of a ban.

It sad to see that the people that can't handle these things go screaming "BAN!" rather than learning how to fight them, because they ALL can be dealt with, and won't be affecting the end results of high level tournament play by much.

And them slightly unbalancing the game isn't a good reason to ban them or even put a soft ban, sure they might not be perfectly balanced, but they don't severely imbalance the game either to the point of there being a need to ban. They can all be dealt with.

I agree with everything you've said 110%. In fact I am happy that I am not the only one on that side of the fence.
Invisible QFTs for everyone using logic.

*sighs* for Fuzion all around. Good work.

Double grats to Sora for, you know, stating facts. Thumbs up from me for the thread.

All of a sudden, I understand what the positives of elitism are; less crying. I never ever thought about it that way, and maybe the average person is just way whinier than I thought.

So objective stuff we can all agree on:
--Hilde is very safe, has very low risk/very high reward moves.
--Namco should probably nerf her somehow. (I keep posting having C2 BB not launch on combo hits, and I can't get any goddamned response from anybody else.)

So subjective stuff nobody can agree on:
--Hilde should be banned.
--Random/counterpick stage selection should be allowed vs Hilde.
--Shoulder button bindings should be banned as Hilde.
Can someone explain to me why we banned Ivy's infinite before it was patched? Couldn't we have just played safe and "not let it hit us"?
I'm actually going to agree with Tiamat on this one...

as far as stage select is concerned...shit should be random 100% of the time to begin with. That's always been the std for SC, and idk why it's changed now....ESPECIALLY this late in the series.

And no, Hilde shouldn't be banned, she isn't unbeatable, and her shit isn't gamebreaking. Stop bitching

you may not have realized, but an infinite is slightly different than a ring out.

What's the difference between Ivy's 100% combo from center stage and Hilde's 100% combo from center stage? Do you really think the ring edge should be in the middle of the stage?
Should Hilde Full Ring RO Combos = Banned?

OK, now that this discussion has moved into general complaints/anti-Hilde tactics, can we at least do something about the thread title? Seriously, seeing this in the forum irks me, as IMO this crap isn't even worth discussing. Talking about how good Hilde is as an overall character and whether she should be completely banned or not is something we could ACTUALLY discuss.

But it wasnt anti-Hilde. So whoever changed my topic should have left it be.

The calibur community is a bunch of crybabies you guy really make me sick sometimes. The combo is much too overpowered. ITS NOT THAT HARD, if you do the relaunch YOU GET DISQUALIFIED. ITS REALLY NOT THAT FRIGGIN HARD. Do the combo and you lose the match. We arent talking about other games we are talking about Soul Calibur, and for this community to flourish we need to have good players, not half decent players who know how to squeeze out a ring out by the skin of their teeth.

That lizardman was BEASTING Hilde and like clockwork he put emphasis on just getting that ONE HIT that would lead to a ringout from anywhere on the stage. I just dont agree with that.

Hilde has more than enough to work with, but some of you rather sit here and insist.. really.. INSIST that theres nothing wrong with a combo that ring outs from the center of the ring.

This is the dumbest discussion on this board to date.
But it wasnt anti-Hilde. So whoever changed my topic should have left it be.

The calibur community is a bunch of crybabies you guy really make me sick sometimes.

how are the people who are defending the move crybabies? we've accepted it, and we use it when we play hilde and we deal with it playing against her; how is that crying?

The combo is much too overpowered. ITS NOT THAT HARD, if you do the relaunch YOU GET DISQUALIFIED. ITS REALLY NOT THAT FRIGGIN HARD. Do the combo and you lose the match.

lol, yea, no kidding, it's really easy to ban something you don't like. i'm saying that kind of sentiment is what is making the community weaker. people don't like something that can kill them, so they want a ban. sorry, but i'd prefer not to give in to the lowest common denominator. i can learn to deal with it myself and i don't have to complain.

on a side note: i don't play algol, and i think he's hard to play against, but i'm still against banning him. having a character that has good options forces people to get better at the game... or they lose, complain, and call for banning.

We arent talking about other games we are talking about Soul Calibur, and for this community to flourish we need to have good players, not half decent players who know how to squeeze out a ring out by the skin of their teeth.

exactly: we need good players. good players who will learn how to deal with crap rather than just say ban it.

That lizardman was BEASTING Hilde and like clockwork he put emphasis on just getting that ONE HIT that would lead to a ringout from anywhere on the stage. I just dont agree with that.

you don't have to agree with it. just deal with it.

Hilde has more than enough to work with, but some of you rather sit here and insist.. really.. INSIST that theres nothing wrong with a combo that ring outs from the center of the ring.

i'm not insisting anything; you are insisting that it needs a ban and i'm responding with "i don't think so."

you know that yoshi, kilik, and ivy can ro from long distances as well?

This is the dumbest discussion on this board to date.

...uhm... didn't you start the topic?
Should Hilde Full Ring RO Combos = Banned?

The calibur community is a bunch of crybabies you guy really make me sick sometimes. The combo is much too overpowered. ITS NOT THAT HARD, if you do the relaunch YOU GET DISQUALIFIED. ITS REALLY NOT THAT FRIGGIN HARD. Do the combo and you lose the match.

lol @ calling the people who don't want to ban it crybabies. the only reason this is up for discussion is because of crybabies like you who brought it up. if you bitch enough you'll get your way, this is the SC community after all
Should Hilde Full Ring RO Combos = Banned?

lol @ calling the people who don't want to ban it crybabies. the only reason this is up for discussion is because of crybabies like you who brought it up. if you bitch enough you'll get your way, this is the SC community after all

exactly what i said; agree 100%
Is this Artilust person serious?
I can't even believe he made the comment about this community needing good players when he can't apparently deal with one combo. Did you ever even play This game on something other than online? Damn, I wish I could ban the pathetic mentality of if I can beat it ban it. If you think its so damn easy to win with Hilde pick her up and find some local skilled players and you will see how its not just a Charge attack spam fest away to victory.
Love the tag "pay_yo_bills"

lol...too good. But in all honesty,

Artilust: you started this thread, then you talk shit about the community...yea....um that wasn't your brightest moment.

Anywho...if we wanted everything that SC3 would've changed the following because of stupid (but not gamebreaking) shit.

Asta: all command throws....too much damg
asta: All VC throws (which i was against anyway)
x: 66A+B~G
Sophie: 236B
Sophie: A+B
Cass: everything she does
Setsuka: B+G~VC
Amy: shouldn't been allowed
Strife: ALL of his tech traps
Lynette: A banned character to begin with, all of her moves evade and has retarded 35-50% combos...

Need i go on...?(some of those really dnt exist....i'm just being sarcastic in case you don't realize it....)

This is game has it's flukes, but not shit that people like you bitch about. It has flukes where i would whiff a mid against someone that's ducking.....DUCKING....BLOCKING LOW...THAT SHOULD GET HIT MY THE FUCKING MID. yea...those flukes *looks at the evers* But hilde is hilde....we only have 1 solid hilde player in TX (that i know of...mind you) and she can be beaten. So in all honestly...stop bitching.

And please...close this thread.....hell i might go make a Ban Amy Thread...since EVERYONE wants to ban something nowadays

Tiamat: i resent that comment you made about the SC community....besides you bitch about alot of shit too bro. But don't take it too hard, i'm not here to talk shit to you....per say. Besides you're friends with Whodat...so i nvr take what you say seriously anyway. :) i <3 you tiamat
Not doing one combo in tournament play wont kill you. People keep dancing around the issue bringing up SC3 like thats a valid response. Soul Calibur 3 didnt survive 6 months and for good reason.

If the move wasnt so controversial this thread wouldnt have over 200 replies.

A lot of you dont have a problem because youre already shitty at calibur ANYHOW because ive played a lot of you on PSN! Thats the real clincher. Of course YOU wouldnt have a problem with it.
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