How would you direct a SC game?

I wasn't going to respond to this but then I wrote out two paragraphs of butthurt. . _.b
I personally don't know how I would direct a SC game to be honest. All I can do is be a consumer as I wonder where to go start such a daunting task. As I read most of the posts though, I wanted to be the one to say this thread has a niche.....but it comes off as a "re-skinned wishlist dreams of what would my ideal SC be" plus some jerk-off. I guess we're out of casual topics for discussions.
Wow, a lot of people want to just completely ditch the old cast and move on :o

I kind of like the idea, but at the same time, Raphael XD

It might be a breath of fresh air in a lot of ways, but I think that's too drastic a step. I'd just go with SCVI. Give the team more time to flesh out all their ideas for the characters and story and implement more offline and online modes. I'd also like to see a few more new characters and maybe a couple cut ones returning. Also, I'd like them to remove JG and just go back unmetered GI. But at the same time, I'd like them to keep thinking of new ideas for system mechanics. Don't be Tekken.
You know, a better idea might be, go to tournaments and events, gain knowledge of programming, systems, aesthetics, modes of thought, become excellent at extrapilatory thinking so that, in the odd event you ever meet the game developers, they actually listen to you and then share the thoughts and concerns of the dev team, and then you realize months later after the game comes out, you really had a hand in it and actually influenced their thought process with your well thought out criticisms of the flaws of the series, and made helpful and funny suggestions while developing a rapport with the company.

Or you know, keep fantasy-booking like it means something.

Topic Relevant:

Especially this part:

Richard Garriott said:
"It's really hard to go to school to be a good designer," explained Garriott. He thinks that the majority of game designers only fall into the job because they are passionate enough about video games to want to develop them, but don't have any real skills as an artist or programmer. "We're leaning on a lot of designers who get that job because they're not qualified for the other jobs, rather than that they are really strongly qualified as a designer." He thinks that training options for would-be game designers are much rarer than those options available for artists and programmers.

"And every designer that I work with...I think, frankly, is lazy." Garriott says that for someone to be a "good" game designer, they have to really put in the hard yards like he did when he first started out, something that a lot of modern game designers just aren't willing to do. "They generally say, 'You know, I really like Medal of Honor, but I would have bigger weapons, or I would have more healing packs, or,' you know. They go to make one or two changes to a game they otherwise love versus really sit down and rethink, 'How can I really move the needle here?''

Bold emphasis mine.
I always wondered if the gaming industry has been lazy or when did it start to have that trend? That article happens to justify my opinion. I wonder if game developers show up to every tournament like CEO or do they show up at only area specific ones?
I don't have idea, if professionals can't please the fans, I wouldn't have any chance really.
OK this is how the cycle goes:

1) a few posts occur in the good old spirit of the thread (this even happened in THIS THREAD!)
2) "I would make it like (ANOTHER GAME/SC TITLE)"
3) Nostalgia pixel-bitching.

Enough already. You can shove your right to your opinion firmly up your ass. :)
Isn't the title of this thread "How would you direct a SC game?" as opposed to "What's the best way to direct a SC game for the community?"

Like, this is a little place for people to spiel about their own little perfect Soulcalibur, not taking into account what other people give a shit about
My bad them.
Do you have ANY idea how long 30 seconds is in a fighting game?
Maybe I should change it to 2 minutes or where the players have the option to save it until they feel the need to use it. That or just bring the original mechanic to Soul Charge back.
Maybe I should change it to 2 minutes or where the players have the option to save it until they feel the need to use it. That or just bring the original mechanic to Soul Charge back.
I'm going to have to ask you to elaborate further on this mechanic. 2 seconds is a pretty huge window in fast-paced games like fighters and shooters, let alone 2 minutes. Please explain in detail this game mechanic you are proposing so I can understand more clearly.
Also, I expected more out of you than anyone else. You know what it takes to accomplish things and actually affect change.
I was referring to the article you quoted. We all know those morons who think they can become game developers because they like games a lot. I agree with you 100% in this thread.
I'm going to have to ask you to elaborate further on this mechanic. 2 seconds is a pretty huge window in fast-paced games like fighters and shooters, let alone 2 minutes. Please explain in detail this game mechanic you are proposing so I can understand more clearly.
Look, how about we just bring back Soul Charge, and leave it as is. What I was going for was to have the player use Soul Charge, and giving them the option to save it and later use it as powerful attack. That's what I was going for.