In defense of Reversal Edge

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Recently Crow Spaceboy, a writer for SRK, has released an article discussing his impressions of Soul Calibur 6 based on the demo build that was available at Texas Showdown from May 4-6. As someone who was present at both Final Round and Texas Showdown to play the demo, I have some grievances with his article, specifically his discussion of the mechanic Reversal Edge. While everyone is entitled to his or her opinion, I think it is dishonest and a disservice to readers to dismiss a mechanic as a "dismal failure" while clearly not understanding how the mechanic functions and how it affects the game and while stating "I did not once use this mechanic intentionally." In the interest of providing factual information about Soul Calibur VI I will discuss Reveral Edge vs Guard Impact.

The main point used for why RE is bad was that it serves the same function as Guard Impact while carrying more risk. For those of you that do not know Guard Impact serves as a tool to break up attacks, working against Highs, Lows, Mids, Grabs, and Critical Edge in SC6, Reversal Edge absorbs hits from your opponent and then launches into an RPS like mini-game if it hits. The options available in Reversal Edge are A, B, K, G, Gi, sidestep, backstep, and forward step. It may seem at a glance that RE is much riskier than GI because it requires two reads to get a payout out of significant damage while you can lose for starting RE, but it is important to note that Reversal Edge is clearly in favor of the player who initiates the exchange. On the first round of Reversal Edge if both players attack you have a 1 in 3 chance of losing, 1 in 3 chance of winning, and a 2 in 3 chance of winning vs evasive options. In the second round of Reversal edge, it carries the same odds except you have a 2 in 3 chance of winning on both for attacking with lethal hit damage. Also worth mentioning you can kill with the hit of Reversal edge before the rock paper scissors exchange, and you gain roughly a third of a bar of meter for initiating.

Now with Guard Impact, you are making a 50/50 decision after the impact on whether your opponent will reGI or block, so you could also argue that you could lose for starting a Guard Impact exchange which is statistically less in your favor. You also take Guard Guage damage for whiffing a Guard Impact and Break Attacks specifically give a Lethal Hit against Guard Impacts to discourage players from using Guard Impact. Reversal Edge does have a long whiff animation that can be sidestepped, but you are not going to sidestep Reversal Edge when someone uses it in the middle of a string you could also say that Guard Impact also carries the risk of being punishable if whiffed. Reversal Edge serves as an excellent utility in string defense and stopping from your opponent. Looking at the exhibition from Texas Showdown you can see BxA Party Wolf the best Xiba in America during Soul Calibur 5 (probably the world too) and Link RkC the Soul Calibur 3 legend using Reversal Edge to great effect. I do not want this to be taken as an attack on Crow; I want to address what I believe to inaccuracies in his article regarding Reversal Edge.

edit: this is all based on how reversal edge functions on the demo that was available at Texas Showdown which is subject to change
Original Article Here:
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watch mitsu get GI'd then panic gi's back, whiffs it, and STILL has time to step that shit. Not to mention the next RE bib throws causes him to lose 20%
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I just don't see its purpose. why risk getting punished with a full combo by throwing out a RE when you could do other much safer things? It seems too risky because of how slow it is, I'm sure playing the demo people were throwing them out all over and people haven't yet learned to recognize that slow ass startup. The way I see the meta evolving would be to not throw out pokes like you did with NM because RE would just beat it. If you threw out faster safer pokes and stepped more I think RE would be very easy to avoid. RE just looks like a shittier focus attack. How many hits or damage can a RE absorb?
This is pretty much why this post and the article isn't good. Assertive opinions combined with a lack of full understanding of the mechanic is pretty foolish and misleading.

watch mitsu get GI'd then panic gi's back, whiffs it, and STILL has time to step that shit. Not to mention the next GI bib throws causes him to lose 20%
He stepped it because bib charged it
watch mitsu get GI'd then panic gi's back, whiffs it, and STILL has time to step that shit. Not to mention the next GI bib throws causes him to lose 20%
Yeah ok but how does that take away from its effectiveness once it's activated? Either waaayyy you can whiff punish GIs too. I dont see your point honestly.
I'm not trying to mislead anyone, just stating my opinion from the footage ive seen. That was literally the first round of the first video I clicked on to try and find something like what I was talking about. Remember guys, just because I think its a momentum killing panic button, that's just my opinion. It's my opinion because of all the experiences I've had playing soul calibur games for the last 13 years. All I'm saying is that I have yet to see any footage from anyone that showed its usefulness outweighing its huge risk factor. The mood from what i've seen has been that people are getting tired of mid round cutscenes that slow the pace of the game in 3d fighters. Wouldnt be shocked if they streamlined the whole system by launch. I'm excited to play sc6 as the rest of the game looks like the best entry to the series in years. The speed and movement is on point, I'm even down with the new style of GI. Not sure how I feel about SC being kind of like a get off me burst, but whatever. The game looks solid as fuck and they're making changes to things that hearken back to when SC was big. RE isnt going to stop me from trying out sc6 and when it comes out I'll be there in practice mode trying to find more glitches and bugs like I always do. The only thing I need now is my main man Lizzie to get the fuck in the game so I can break that shit. GGs to everyone at TSD and hopefully sc6 will be a game that is worth traveling for. Even as lots of us argue about RE or whatever the fuck just remember we're ALL excited for this game. This hopefully is the game that brings everyone back and so far it looks like it has the potential to.
@echeesekid Just because you or whoever else doesn't see a place to use a mechanic, it doesn't mean no one else will. Also doesn't mean the game itself is worse for having it. Some players felt they didn't need to use Just Guard in SC5 to do well.

If you think RE is unnecessary, just don't use it.
@echeesekid Just because you or whoever else doesn't see a place to use a mechanic, it doesn't mean no one else will. Also doesn't mean the game itself is worse for having it. Some players felt they didn't need to use Just Guard in SC5 to do well.

If you think RE is unnecessary, just don't use it.
Exactly this - he will feel the difference, when he fight someone who can use RE to its full potential.
It will be a similar to JG in SC5.
Those who can use it in the right moments, those will be a step ahead.
What nobody's going to talk shit about that article? Thought you guys would want to tear into it like you did with crow's.
What nobody's going to talk shit about that article? Thought you guys would want to tear into it like you did with crow's.

Sophitia: Project Soul putting a lot of love and care to the little details in the character's appearance and their clothes falling off I see. Those pervert YouTube channels that pose fighting game characters to grapple each other in certain camera angles are going to love this game. Mods on PC are probably going to be wild too. (Sorry if you expected expert character analysis here lol.)
By this you know how seriously you got to take that article.
What nobody's going to talk shit about that article? Thought you guys would want to tear into it like you did with crow's.
I can’t really say yet if the mechanic itself is worth using or not when you consider the risks and everything but personally speaking, I find the entire mechanic itself really cumbersome. I’d prefer to just keep the basic Reversal Edge attacks with the armour but remove the RPS mini game that’s attached to it. I hope the guy who has to program the game’s tutorial mode has fun working on the Reversal Edge section cause that probably is going to be a mile long or take forever. This section is probably already the longest on this page.
And it is, in its current state, a dismal failure of a mechanic.

It solves a problem that didn’t exist (“how do I actively break up my opponent’s offense?”) with a tool that isn’t useful in high or mid-level play. It is completely redundant in a game with Guard Impact, particularly now that GI has been buffed to the heavens.

Whatever they choose to do, I can say — with 100% certainty despite the fact I did not once use this mechanic intentionally in a sea of players that did — I never felt far enough behind in meter to warrant its risk.

If you don't see the difference, then nobody can help you.
Take of this shield of bias, before discussing.
Did anyone here read the The Wonkey Article that was posted by echeesekid? All I can say is not looking good players.....

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