Insecurities of SC2


[14] Master
Greetings and I might have a ton of questions or maybe not as much. However, I'll try to speak my mind.

I know this may sound stupid with my rambling, but do you think history will repeat itself? Like do you think this game may scare away certain people once they know the truth of what this game has to offer?

How balanced was it? Can you please into go some detail as much as you can vets? Right now, I'm happy they released this but I feel very unsure about wanting to jump into this competitively since I knew nothing about SC2 competitively. I've read a little of it's notoriety, but I just need to know more of it now that it's been given the spotlight. I know this sounds a bit demanding, but I kind of want to know what I'm getting into.

Sorry if this comes off as flamebait, but I believe it's best for people with nostalgia goggles and/or people who know nothing of what went down in the past to know. I only ask that if this thread gets out of hand, I really want the mods to close it when I request it.

P.S. *holds flame shield* >.<;
I think scaring away people is something people shouldn't worry about. I hope releasing a new version of SC2 will get people playing again. Put some money into Namco that they can use later for maybe making SC6. When Streetfighter brought back 3rd strike or made SF2 HD Remix. It never really effected the main games. I know a few people have been waiting a lot time for SC2 to resurface. Me personally, I'll buy it, play a few matches, have fun, but not take it seriously. I will remain to focus on SC5 or other competitive fighting games. I'm not too worried about it splitting the community or anything. Both games are good and both games have something to offer.
I wouldnt worry about it. Sc2 just means alot to alot of ppl. And i personally cant wait to play with friends and folks i never had the chance to play before, online.

Glitches and imperfections aside, the game was still very well balanced and is a grand time. (Youll love the yoshi shenanigans.)

Hope the new school has fun with it, right alongside us Old motherfuckers, undoubtedly bitching about old shit. Lol.
The balance was pretty tight actually. I never played it competitively but I can tell you that all the characters did well from what I saw on youtube videos.

Of course what I am psyched about is that Talim made her debut in SC2 and she was actually mid to high tier. Can't wait to play her again!
I am not a veteran, at least not enough to consider myself one for SCII since I played it during late child to early teen years, but here are my thoughts. Hopefully they make sense to.

Well, as far as insecurities for SC2 go, I hope they have stable online, which should be a given factor for Namco, and the ability to customize the coloring of the character's clothing. It might be to much effort to include a custom creation for SCII but customizing the colors seems possible and would be a small plus. I also would prefer the sales go to SC 6 from SCII HD instead of the Tekken Series.

I know this may sound stupid with my rambling, but do you think history will repeat itself? Like do you think this game may scare away certain people once they know the truth of what this game has to offer?
Yes, unfortunately SCII will scare some and that's normal. It happens with every game that has a series or begins a series; Namco is subject to win some and lose some followers or just break even. I myself was scared to buy SCV since reviewers and players bashed it a bit though now I'm happy to own to SCV with a more open mind than a ignorant one.

As far the tournament scene goes, if a tournament-(tourney)-scene for SCII HD were to grow enough to challenge SCV's tourney scene, I hope they would be both represented equally and not fall into a similar situation like Super Smash Brothers Brawl(s) and Melee(s) tournament scene.

I myself want to get into SCV's tourney scene so it would be ashamed to see it diminished though Alex J and other supporters of SCV at EVO -even before that event- have proven that the soul series is indeed strong and has room to grow. Ty Alex J and others who have supported SCV and the Soul Series.
SC2 was overall balanced for the most part. You had your obvious top tier characters, but nearly all of the case could compete with each other. Then you had your terrible, terrible characters (I STILL LOVE YOU KILIK). No one character was insanely broken or overpowered and everyone had their bullshit nonetheless.

Also, SC2 really did blow up the tournament scene for tournamnet players, you can have your arguements that it was SC1, SC3, or whichever was their favorite one of the franchise, however hands down alot of the peeps and vets can agree SC2 had the healthiest tournament scene for the soul franchise.

Would it bring a tournament scene back to the Soul Series, maybe? Would i (personally) particpate in them? Sure....why not? Would i travel for it? If the money is good, yes. Is this buying time until the "Lost Swords" get's revealed...of course. Is Alex J a walking troll of Justice....? You answer that.

I wouldn't be too worried about it honestly, it was literally simple yet complex at the same time. Just sit back, take what you know about the soul franchise, learn about the Soul Charging system (if you came after SC3) and work your FG logic into your gameplay. And trust...we should still have the Frame Data from the wiki right?

if not....go play online :)