[Jul 12, 2013] Evolution 2013 Side Tournament (Las Vegas, NV)

Anybody planning on bringing a setup? We should try to get some matches in before Sat.

Let me know! Thanks.
I'll be bringing me 360 and copy of scv. Hopefully i can hook it up somewhere...lol
I'll also probably bringing my crappy recording device
Due to packing constraints... I don't have my ps2/games and cards so no caliber 3 or 2. But still is gonna be fun this weekend.
My Converter didn't come in :( hopefully someone will be generous to let me borrow there's :( also what room are people in I need as much casuals as possible
My Converter didn't come in :( hopefully someone will be generous to let me borrow there's :( also what room are people in I need as much casuals as possible

Didn't know you were going. No amount of practice will help you dude.
D: anyway I'm just waiting at check in till 9pm which is when I'll be able to go to the room I'm in anyone mind letting me drop my stuff in there room for the time being
Ok cool. Find an Asian dude with a grey tshirt and brown cargo pants. I'll be aiming to put birds into my room after that time so it's cool.
Yo. Sorry about that. You can stop by if you want. Drunk friend is gone. So sorry. :-(

If you found another place, can I stop by?