Kilik Matchups/General Chat Topic


fails the turing test
Oi, fellow Kilik players! Why don't we have this topic yet? Are Kilik mains just that anti-social? xD

Anyways, I'm having a tough time against a friend of mine who plays Astaroth. Got any tips for dealing with Asty? He can do some damage at Kilik's ideal range and is surprisingly annoying at close range because of 6K. I end up throwing out 1K a lot to interrupt and reset but... I find myself at a loss of what to do once that happens.

Help would be appreciated.
I'll be social with you anytime of day darling :P

With regard to Asta's 6K fetish, if you can identify when and where he's going to try it. You can respond with like.. 1B and the like.
If not, you can just block it and then punish with 6AA. Not too shabby imo :P

Don't be too trigger happy with the 46Bs and 6AA CH fishing and you should be fine.
As for what to do after landing 1K. Try stepping, but be ready to break any throws that come your way. You should be able to step everything he does until he realizes he can bullrush you..
Then you can just return to doing 66B/2K mixups etc.
Keep Astaroth at mid range. Usually Kilik is happy at mid range and out of mid range, but Astaroth is a character where being too far might not be good because of A+B and a few other moves.

6K with Astaroth is -14 on block, which means that it is punishable by Kilik. Kilik doesn't really have good punishers in my opinion so I suggest you make use of -14 to do a move like 3kB or FC WSB to make some space between you and Astaroth.

I am never personally against spamming 2K like a hundred times. Like above 66B is also a very good response against Astaroth.
Thanks for the advice, Aheda and Rei. =] Hopefully by taking it to heart and working on my GI game I'll be able to deal with Astaroth from now on.
Thanks for the advice, Aheda and Rei. =] Hopefully by taking it to heart and working on my GI game I'll be able to deal with Astaroth from now on.
Thing is against Asta, you need to remember that getting GI happy will lead you to eating his command throws, if they're smart about it.

But yea for the most part what everyone else said is a good strat. Try a bit of 3A as well.
Naaaah. No way :P
Its not like a Kilik player won a major or something like that.

OSHI-.. wait...
Goddamn, congrats Wing Zero! That Asura Dance is toooo manly.

And BLDave too! Hitting top 5 with our stickboy.

It's beautiful though; Kilik's always been high mid and people always say he has great tools, but I've never seen him place this well in tourneys before. SC4 could finally be his time... :D
kilik place in tournaments? who'd be crazy to try something like that.

in any case i wanna switch gears and go into cass discussion, i have a bit of a problem with her in that she seems to make up space really quickly. i wanna try to keep her to the outside but next thing i know she's right up in my face. any thoughts
Aside from that, I really don't know how to keep her out either. I am not a fan of players that know to use characters with good long range tech jumps, and good long range tech crouch moves to get in Kilik's spacing game.

I find that Cassandra is a great character to use TJ moves against. 1K, 44K, and Asura tend to be even more my essential against her than against most characters.
a good move for distancing people IMO is the :4::B:. It techs, so if Cass is doing a high combo and you know it, it does great damage and puts her far away. Then you can go into BP without having to worry about being interrupted. If she's running at you to get closer, just :B: because she won't be sidestepping. If she is, :A:. Even if they're blocked, she won't be able to get in your face.
It's beautiful though; Kilik's always been high mid and people always say he has great tools, but I've never seen him place this well in tourneys before. SC4 could finally be his time... :D
Soooooooo me placing in NJ tournies didnt matter in SC3?

kilik place in tournaments? who'd be crazy to try something like that.
Same reply above

Aside from that, I really don't know how to keep her out either.
I'll post up the match between me and KDZ that was soon taken down after.
Hrm, from watching LAU play, I believe you need boring to beat boring when playing against the sisters. So just throw until they start ducking or using TC moves, which most of them are unsafe, then punish.
Seriously guys, kilik has a long stick, and who brings a stick to a sword fight? A broke ass character, thats who, BAN.

Anyhow, against Cass, a few great moves to make some space.

A+K - Very evasive. Tech crouches, then jumps, then crouches. Mid, Mid. safe, high damage, Ncc, and pushes out a lot on block. very nice move for those that what to apply the zero range pressure.

Ws B- yes yes, it is the answer to just about everything. Safe mid that pushes out quite a bit.

4B - this move is a bit of a gamble, but if tech ducks and if you get someone to block it it pushes out a lot.

and the entire BP stance is a WONDERFUL anti pressure tool if used correctly.
Soooooooo me placing in NJ tournies didnt matter in SC3?

i think half of you were all still in grade school when i was breaking heads back in the day. as far as the cass goes it's pretty solid stuff. need to just be very patient against her. my main problem is that she seems to shut down alot of my spacing moves which hurts my game a bit. just need to adjust a bit and really wait things out. the bitch just seems to be at advantage so much that GI and parries are key
Aside from that, I really don't know how to keep her out either. I am not a fan of players that know to use characters with good long range tech jumps, and good long range tech crouch moves to get in Kilik's spacing game.

I find that Cassandra is a great character to use TJ moves against. 1K, 44K, and Asura tend to be even more my essential against her than against most characters.

Why is Cass essential to TJ against? Aside from pokes she only has 1A which is easily blocked on reaction.

Mainly with Cass you don't want her whacking you in the face with B, B all day. WS B kills pretty much all her options minus stepping, and it's not only safe on block but puts you at a more favorable position. Trying spamming that and see where it gets you. Asura should really be used sparely though. Any time it gets blocked is a free 236B for Cass.
2A mainly. My assumption isn't really just Cassandra, but anyone that can get in that plays a good pressure game.

I just find it easier to space most of the other good pressure characters.

The advice above really help. I find that I do pretty much all of it already, but application is the most important part. It is always good to get an A+K reminder since I periodically forget how good that move is sometimes.
A+K doesn't seem as good as it used to be to me. that was always one of my stable moves back when i used to play in sc2 and in my short experience with sc3 it seemed just as good. however in 4 it seems to not be as safe. i think berry is on the right track with this one, any good ideas on how to deal with 236B, seemed to get alot of my spacing tools punished with that