League of Legends


I'm doing Aite Already, but I keep picking different characters when someone picks mine. Using Shirir? Ms Fortune, Gank Plank...haven't bought a character yet....

I'm doing Aite Already, but I keep picking different characters when someone picks mine. Using Shirir? Ms Fortune, Gank Plank...haven't bought a character yet....

what type of character are you enjoying most? melee, ranged?
Actually I can play Ranged and Melee....But I'm still using new characters here and there, and learning which items go together nice.

I'm down for some custom games to build up my knowledge. I have no problem winning though because others focus on kills, while I focus on Levels and Towers, the Kills come with it after.
no hes really bad unfortunately

because of the way merc treads interact with his slow because it slows for the longer they are afflicted by it merc treads cut %25 of the slow off removing the part where the slow is the most effective
alot of these issues have not been addressed

spirit fire is still useless and wither still gets owned by merc treads
Thanks for showing me that. Im still gonna play him though.

I love how i can wtf pwned people with my ult + my slow + exhaust . and hes aoe is pretty good for team fights.

out of all the characters i have played this is by far my favorite. + galactic nasus looks pretty sick.

O and sheen + a fully farmed Siphoning Strike is lol
Hmmmm. I use Ms. Fortune and Plank right now, go for +AttacK with Lifesteal (and +10/5s teamates), and try to up my attack speed.

I only lose when My TeamMate Dies and I'm left fighting 2v1. I still kill someone but then They call back up b4 my ppl get there.

I'd rather go mid and not rely on anyone, but ppl bitch and whine.

I'm like 13-11 now....Lvl 9....I gots a Ways to Go....

How do you guys Level your Masteries?
by leveling up you can put more points into masteries

also MF in the current meta is hard to play, so good luck =/ Tanky DPS needs to fuckin die in a hole
I mean which skill area to you guys level. Mines been mostly Attack stuff, the rest seems irrelevant til later
I mean which skill area to you guys level. Mines been mostly Attack stuff, the rest seems irrelevant til later
It depends on character. On AD carries I go offense, on tanks I go defense, on Casters I go utillity. Of course when you get to level 30 you have enough points to put it into multiple skill trees

as tanky DPS go mostly offense and a little defense
as burst mage assassin go utillity with 1 point in the skill that boosts AP after ignite is used
as tanky caster go utillity with a little defense magic resist in most cases
Nasus is now my favorite character.
he's viable in 3s and ya he's fun to play.
depends on what champ you take.
AP is usually 9/0/21
AD is usually 21/0/9
leaguecraft has strats and guides for most champs

irellia is broken
what blues are you using on her MR or CDR?
I don't have any special blues for her I use what I use for urgot so flat mana
I need to buy those MR

wits end is better then phantom though by miles