League of Legends

No abyssal? It's her strongest item. Ready for the new AP. She sound strong.

edit.. also you're giving silver too much credit they would cry about feeding a surrender
oh. i don't give silver that much credit. i play with silvers a lot and they are about a step or two higher than bronze. but you will see more of one thing in silver league or higher than you would bronze. (LIKE WARDS)
I got put into Bronze 1 for inactivity, -__- Stopped playing ranked cause my teams are always awful, having much for fun in draft.
that's why i can't stand it when higher level players say, "it's not your team mates fault that you lost. YOU are part of the problem." i think, "whut? i didn't turret dive at level two and constantly wander in unwarded jungle."
that's why i can't stand it when higher level players say, "it's not your team mates fault that you lost. YOU are part of the problem." i think, "whut? i didn't turret dive at level two and constantly wander in unwarded jungle."
I just got a team where the Lux only spoke Spanish, teemo was support and didnt ward and he stole cs/kills, adc wasnt there in teamfights half the time, and yorick was ehh. not great but not that bad. Some how we won...
that's why i can't stand it when higher level players say, "it's not your team mates fault that you lost. YOU are part of the problem." i think, "whut? i didn't turret dive at level two and constantly wander in unwarded jungle."
i would say it's true though.. i tanked my elo last season to about 800 something to prove a friend wrong got it back around 1400 rather easily .didn't really care about soloque had gold in 3s at the time. there will be games you will lose but, if you're better than everyone else you will climb.
true. i try not getting on anyone unless they die 3 times in a row in their lane in about a span of 10 minutes or less. then it seems like they need direction. but i normally don't rage at people.
played as Alistar for the first time yesterday. that dude is fun to play as. and that Q to W combo is godlike. have won every game with him so far. trying not to fail by accidentally saving the enemy by knocking them away.
i went up against a blitz as alistar. i know blitz is free this week but it was just too easy for those fights to go in our favor down bot.
Can anyone help me get out of elo hell lol? I know "there is no such thing" but i pretty much jungle exclusively and no matter how well i do I tend to lose over 50% of my games because I cant compensate for lanes losing.